
The Multiversal Empire

The Greatest of the Ghoul, The Lord of Blood, The Tamer of Slaanesh, The Friend of Tzeentch, The Rival of Khorne, The Desired One of Nurgle, The Slaver of Malice, The Shinigami, The Grand Vasto Lord, The Deadliest Killer, The Chaos God of Betrayal and Loyalty, The Law and The Great Emperor of Earth. These were all names to describe one man. Now John has awakened, but not in the world he knew. Watch as he walks the fine line between the light and dark. Witness him protect life and bring death. His path is not certain but he is. The path he chooses will lead him through the depths of hell to the reaches of heaven. He is a man, he is a warrior, he is a leader, HE IS AN EMPEROR, and he shall have his empire or he will die trying. DISCLAIMER This novel is a brain child of mine I've been working on for a while. I plan to take typical isekai fanfiction a new direction, this if you haven't guess is based on the novel The Lord's Empire.

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Chapter 10: The Preparations for the End

(1 Week Later)

The man has been preparing his revenge and he will get it. First he united the ghouls in the 20th Ward under Yoshimura, he has also started their training.

The gives all ghouls basic combat training, allowing them to better defend themselves against the Investigators. Investigators are the humans who are part of the CCG.

The man has also been training both the Apes and Dobers as the new enforcers of the Ward and as the main strike force for them. They have already launch a few successful attacks against the CCG in wards 7 and 12.

The man also increased his number of students to eleven. First of course Kaneki, he has continued to grow and can even start to challenge Nishiki in some aspects now.

Next as mentioned is Nishiki. He has grown even more powerful since learning under the man, he is even gain on Kaya and Enji in terms of combat strength.

The first of his new students is Hinami. After her father's funeral she felt down, she felt powerless as the child she is. She came to the man, who she sees as a big brother and asks for help. She wanted to defeat the man who killed her father but is too week and shy. The man started to train her, learning her kagune the man got even more excited. She is a Chimera Kagune like himself, he truly believes in her ability to become one of the most powerful ghouls in existence.

Next is a man called Ryuuchi Kagami. This man was known to the man in his last life, he was Kaya's second in command. It was the same in this life aswell, the man took him in seeing his potential. However he was cruel and ambitious, the man has started to fix this the only way ghouls will follow, violence.

After Ryuuchi is another man called Karao Saeki. This man is sick, not so much in the physical sence but mentally. The man found him after a hunt, Karao was cradling the dead body of his 'lover'. This being Karao's victim who projects his long dead love onto. The man feels sad for the boy and he took him in.

Karao is quite and timid, not communicating much with other students. The man being the only one he truly talks with. This is an issue however as like the victims become his 'lover', the man is seen as his father.

Next is the woman Rou. She was encountered by the man in the Ghoul Restaurant and gained the man's interest. She is beautiful but this is not the reason however as a few minutes after they met she tried to eat him.

She is a powerful Ghoul that could stand up to the likes of Kaya and Enji. She however still tries to eat the man, any chance she gets.

Next is a young ghoul who goes only by the name Nutcracker. She was raised in poverty and because of this she has a fetish for beauty and riches. She came into the mans service after the man had destroyed the Ghoul Restaurant.

She tried to fight him, to gain revenge for losing her revenue source. The man offered her new business opportunities by bringing in ghouls to join the mans organisations.

Although materialistic she is a powerful ghoul, she's strong enough to take out the likes of Nishiki with pure strength and she can also use her Chimera Kagune to make traps. She has a special ability that allows her to disconnect her kagune from her body to act independently.

After Nutcracker is another ex-member of the Ghoul Restuarant and a man that the man knew well as he was also a division commander. He is a rich nobleman that has incredible power, being able to defeat Renji in a fight under the right circumstances.

Shuu Tsukiyama was a sponsor of the Ghoul Restaurant but had come to have a sort of obsession with Kaneki after their meeting. This has even progressed to the point that the man had to beat Shuu down to stop any plots he was planning. He chose to join soon after this.

Shuu's cousin Karren von Rosewald joined with him. Her family was a branch of the Tsukiyama family from Germany, a branch that was destroyed by CCG. She was raised along with Shuu and the two are close.

She however is not a strong as her cousin, being unable to defeat the likes of Nishiki and Nutcracker which is strange due to her also being one of the mans division commanders as well.

The second to last student of the man is a giant man named Kinko. This behemoth is another of the division commanders and is one of the most loyal to the man in both lives.

In this life he was captured by the CCG, he was going to be publicly executed to allow the CCG to drum up support from the populus. The man whilst on his hunt spotted the prison convoy and attacked.

The man quickly overwhelmed the CCG guards and slaughtered them all. He released all of the prisoners on the convoy, most of who had chosen to join him and eventually found Kinko.

Kinko's first reaction was to fight the man and after a quick bout the man came out victorious. The man handedly won causing great respect in Kinko and after this week of training Kinko would follow the man into battle on a whim.

The last student of the man is one unknown to all others, Touka Kirishima. She asked the man for training after she overheard his conversation with Yoshimura.

Fueled by revenge she is slowly becoming one of the most powerful ghouls that the man is acquainted with. She is already powerful enough to defeat Enji, Kaya and even Shuu in combat.

Currently she is the mans top enforcer, helping his different groups with problems in his boarders.

The man is currently in control of four wards, the 20th, 4th, 6th and 7th. These are individually led by Yoshimura, Uta, Gil and Maiko Abe.

Uta decided to join the man soon after the deaths of Nico and Ganbo. He either seemed to realise the mans strength or has been tasked to by the Clowns. But either way he is loyal to the man for now.

The 6th used to be led by a man named Matasaka Kamishiro who was caught by the CCG and whos current situation is unknown. Matasaka was another of the mans more powerful division commanders and the adoptive father of Rize Kamishiro who's kagune was transported into this worlds Kaneki making him a ghoul.

Gil was Matasaka's second on command and a division commander in his own right. He had taken over the gang since Matasaka was captured.

He is still extremely loyal to Matasaka and only serves the man to rescue him from the prison.

Finally there is Maiko Abe. She was one of the major sponsors of the Ghoul Restaurant and was the first to surrender to the man once he invaded and destroyed it. Although not as strong as the rest of his subordinates she is wealthy and uses this wealth to keep control of the 7th Ward.

The man is currently sitting across from Itori, he is smiling looking at the former Clown. They had become friends, talking often and had grown close. So close that she had told him about her status as an ex-Clown.

The man is currently trying to get a list, a list of members of this organisation. He needs this list to either recruit them or destroy them.

The man has noticed Itori acting on a way he had known her to before, flirty and forward. She is attracted to him, the man has known her long enough to see this. That is the most likely way to get what he wants and he will have to bite the bullet to get it.