
The Most OP Protagonist In History

In modern society, the believers of the supernatural are not many and our protagonist was one of them until one day. That day, he realized that he had somehow gained some superpowers which the science cannot explain. He realized that he can control things, people, objects, destiny, life-and-death, and even the world with just his mere words. And this was not the limit of his powers. Time, gravity, celestial bodies....and maybe the heavens itself. Who knows? But, soon he realized that he was not the only one with superpowers in this world. There were others too but, Saksham realized that for some reason, their powers were not as overpowered as his, or to say, their powers were too sh*t compared to his. Follow Saksham in his journey as he finds out the mystery behind his powers and eventually becomes a God-like existence and who would also come to be known as "The Most OP Protagonist In History".

Immortal_God420 · Urbain
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133 Chs

A Test For Young And Old!

Examination Hall

Saksham looked at his surroundings and found that Anitha was sitting not far from him. The exam had not started yet. The teacher was in the classroom, waiting for someone to deliver the question papers. At this time, students were murmuring in a very low voice, asking each other questions and cramming things in the last minute. He could see the despair in some people's face while others were laughing and talking without any care. If someone who didn't know these students would think that the ones in despair would fail miserably and the ones laughing without any care would get excellent grades. But, the truth was the opposite.

The students who have not studied for the whole year and have barely passed the earlier exams by cheating and other methods are still trying to use those methods. Although they know that they won't be able to do anything like that in the Boards Examination, they still don't care. Their mentality was 'I will somehow pass this exam. As for the Boards, I will definitely study for it when these exams are over'. They pass the whole year with the same mentality.

The ones in despair were afraid of not getting good grades in this exam. The pressure from their cram school teachers, school teachers, and especially the parents is too much for them some times. That is also one of the reasons for news about high school students committing suicides. Sometimes, Saksham wonders if this education system is good for India or not.

While Saksham was busy thinking about all this, a clerk entered the classroom and finally delivered the mathematics question paper. The teacher assigned to watch over was a Mathematics teacher who taught Saksham in grade 11th. So, when Saksham entered the classroom, he talked with Saksham for a while about his health and studies before Saksham went to sit on his seat.

Saksham used to admire this mathematics teacher. His name was Satya Kumar and like his name, he was also a truth-loving and strict person who hated cheating of any sort. His way of teaching was also excellent. Students had a love-hate relationship with him because he didn't use to tolerate any sort of talks or jokes. His sharp words would always hit the weak spot of students, making the students not able to say anything during the class. On the other hand, the way he used to teach the students was something everyone like.

Now, as for why I would say that he didn't like any sort of cheating, then the following incident will make it clear. There was once an Economics teacher in the school who also used to teach students in his home like a small cram school. Some students who used to live near him would go to study from him in his home. Although according to the law, this was illegal, many teachers do this to earn some extra buck. But this was not the main problem. The problem was that the teacher would secretly hand out the question papers for the coming economics exam to the students who used to come to study from him. This way, the students would get almost full marks in the exams. And given that we are talking about some maverick students, of course, they blurted this out to other students with pride.

This thing reached Satya Kumar's ears and after some time, that economics teacher was expelled from the school. Soon, those maverick students were also suspended for some time and when they came back to school, their grades fell down sharply.

Saksham shook his head and then started to look at the question paper that was just handed to him. After quickly going through the question paper, Saksham realized that he could solve all the questions on the question paper. This surprised him a lot. This exam was a simulation of the Boards exams, so the questions given out should be quite hard for the students. But for Saksham, this was not the case. Saksham smiled excitedly and started writing the answers when the bell rang.

After about 2 hours, Saksham sighed with relief and sat back on his seat. He cracked his fingers and neck and closed his eyes for a bit. He finished the exam 1 hour earlier. This thing made Saksham so excited that he almost jumped out and shouted happily 'I AM DONE!'. But he controlled his desires and took a moment to give rest to his sore fingers. At this time, Satya Kumar was roaming around the class, handing out threads to the students to tie up the extra supplementary sheets they took to the main sheet. When he reached Saksham's seat, he looked at the already closed sheet on the table and asked quietly, "Are you done?"

"Ahh? Oh yes, sir. I also looked through it again."

"That's good. Here, take the thread and tie up the sheets and graph together."

He took out a thread from a bunch and as he was about to hand Saksham the thread, he accidentally dropped it. Saksham saw the falling thread from the corner of his eyes and thought about catching the falling thread. Seeing the trajectory, and the speed with which it was falling, Saksham calculated the estimated time of response from his arms and the calories he would burn to catch that thread mid-air.

Cough, just kidding.

With his fast reflexes, Saksham suddenly reached out with lightning speed, but in a split second, he realized that if he continued on with the same speed, he didn't know about the thread, but he would definitely catch his teacher's d*ck. Saksham hesitated and let the thread fall down to the floor. But as if the god was not satisfied with this normal development, the thread didn't fall to the ground.

Instead, the thread fell directly on the place which was protruding outwards from the teacher's jeans. That place was exactly the place Saksham was trying to avoid touching just now.

'That place is protruding out just because of the stiffness of the jeans….right?'

Saksham shouted in his heart. It could have fallen anywhere, but it fell there. Saksham cursed the thread in his head. Now, he was in a dilemma. How should he get the thread back? Just after a millisecond of contemplation, Saksham thought of a solution. He brought all the fingers together and made a handshape of a snake. You know, the shape when you stick all your fingers together and curve them a little and you get a shape like a cobra. He did the same, but with his thumb down. He was going in from the special attack: Cobra Pull. His attack method was simple. Be swift, be quick. He would swiftly go in and pinch the thread in between his 4 fingers and thumb and then take his hand back quickly.

But before he could go in for a pinch, Saksham realized something. What if….along with thread, he pinched something he shouldn't pinch…Now, that would be horrifying. Saksham shuddered when he thought about this possibility. He immediately changed his hand shape. He closed his fist but left only index finger and middle finger out, making a scissor shape. His plan this time was to rush in with his scissor, as soon as the thread comes in between the two fingers, he would clamp down on it and get it back swiftly. And of course, he won't touch anything else.

Saksham did what he simulated hundreds of times in his head. He rushed in with his 'scissors' and tried to clamp down on the thread as soon as it came between his fingers and instantly pulled back his arm. But regretfully, the attempt was a failure. Fearing of touching something else, Saksham pulled his hand earlier, resulting in the mission to end in failure for him.

He once again readied his 'scissors', rushed in, clamped down on the end of the thread, and pulled his hand back. But he pulled it back early once again. The thread was still standing on the 'peak' of the mountain. After the second attempt failed, Saksham heard a burst of muffled laughter coming from the junior sitting beside him. As soon as he glared at her, the girl pretended not to know anything and started to write down answers once again. Saksham looked back at the thread begrudgingly and gritted his teeth.

'Try, try but don't cry.'

Saksham chanted in his heart. He made a great determination and once again went in for the clamp and as he took back his hand, he realized that there was something in between his fingers. He looked at the thread clamped in between his fingers, he almost cried. Although all of this took some time to describe, this happened in just a span of a few seconds.

As he got his thread, Saksham didn't even dare to look at Satya Kumar, and without saying anything, Satya Kumar also left his seat to distribute the threads to other students. After tying up the sheets, the scene of him trying to pull a thread off his teacher's d*ck once again came in his head. He put his head on the table and screamed internally.



Satya Kumar's POV

As he was about to give Saksham his thread, he accidentally dropped it. He saw Saksham reaching out for it, but suddenly cold sweat flowed down his head. He saw Saksham's out-stretched arm almost grabbing his d*ck. Seeing that he stopped at the right moment, Satya sighed with relief. But the thread still didn't fall on the ground as he thought.

'Now, this is awkward.'

Satya thought in his head silently. The thread landed on top of the protruding part of his jeans. Just as he was about to take it off himself, he saw Saksham making a weird hand shape. Looking at the cobra which was 'staring' at his d*ck, Satya realized something. He looked Saksham with a horrified gaze.

'Don't do it! Don't do it! What if you pull my balls instead?! Don't!!!'

Satya screamed internally. As if God heard his prayer, the cobra went down. But at the same time, a scissor took its place. He almost screamed when he saw a scissor rush towards his d*ck. His balls shrunk back in fright and unconsciously, he almost pulled back his beer-belly in fright. After Saksham pulled back his hand, Satya saw there was nothing in between his finger. He sighed with relief. As he was about to pick the thread himself, the scissor rushed in again. His balls shrunk back in as cold sweat filled his entire back.

The second rush also failed by Saksham. Satya was really on the verge of crying.

'Just let me do it, goddammit!'

At the same time, he heard a girl laughing. He and Saksham glared at her and she pretended not to see anything. Satya sighed and thought that maybe Saksham gave up now. He could give it to him himself now. But he underestimated Saksham's determination. He saw the scissor once again rushing in towards his d*ck faster and more powerful than ever. Satya almost jumped up and ran after seeing that. His heart almost jumped out of his mouth as his ball almost disappeared after shrinking. Right now, his beer-bellied was pulled in by him to such an amount that he looked like a slim-fit person.

Satya closed his eyes and left the rest on the god. After not feeling anything weird for a few seconds, he opened his eyes and saw Saksham had finally clamped the thread between his fingers. His eyes became wet with joy. He wanted to shout with great joy, "You did it! You did it!"

But now was not that time and place to do anything like that. And he would never do anything like that. He also has his dignity as a teacher. He couldn't let this thing faze him. Thinking this, Satya hurriedly left Saksham's seat and went somewhere else. He really didn't want to stay at that place another second.

Saksham didn't know that he was not the only one who went through the test of courage and determination just now.

Here you go, my dear readers. This chapter is wayyyyyy longer than usual. I didn't expect it to stretch this long myself. I guess describing all that too a lot more words. Anyways, this is it for today and I will see you guys in the next chapter.


Immortal_God420creators' thoughts