
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime et bandes dessinées
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After you hear this signal

/SCP-053 POV/

My name is *&$^$@@$&, I'm three years old and I'm from ^&^*&$#%^ and I am three years old. My mommy and daddy are gone, daddy hurt mommy and then he hurt me. Daddy grabbed his chest and fell asleep. I don't really have any friends, except for Mister Scaly, he's the nicest friend I've ever had, he's the only one that didn't try to hurt me when they saw me. I first met Mister Scaly in that place, the place that those men told me that I was safe in. Mister Scaly tried to hurt the nice men so I told him to stop, he listened to me and let me ride on his back. I felt sleepy and rubbed my eyes and then I fell asleep. Mister Scaly wasn't there with me so I was really scared, that was until I met my new friend. He called himself Frank, I never knew anybody named Frank before! So he's my new friend who has that kind of name. He said that he brought me to a magic world with pretty princesses and heroes! I was really happy when he told me about it.



He asked me if I had other friends aside from him, so I talked about Mister Scaly and how he's a very friendly lizard. I talked about him letting me ride him, but I didn't tell him about how Mister Scaly doesn't like other people aside from me, because that would make him scared of Mister Scaly, and I don't want my new friend to be scared of Mister Scaly. He talked to me a little bit before I saw a pretty princess sleeping in a bed, I was so excited seeing one that Mister Frank had to cover my mouth so that I wouldn't wake her up. He told me that she wasn't a princess but a goddess. I asked him what a goddess is and he told me about the new place I was in. That there were monsters and bad guys, and there were heroes and other people! I was so excited to meet new people that I wanted to go outside, Mister Frank lives in a sewer with his goddess because his goddess likes to stay in places underground, maybe she's a goddess of moles? But she's so pretty. Mister Frank said that she was a goddess of the Underwear, why would she be a goddess of underwear? That's really silly. I asked Mister Frank as to why she was the goddess of the underwear and he laughed at what I said, I'm very confused.



Then Mister Frank asked me to do something for him, I had to go outside and go to this place, I asked if I could go with him but he said that it would be fine if I went alone. I trust Mister Frank, I'm sure he's not going to do anything to me.



/Frank POV/



Well then, seems like she'll follow my command easily, I wonder how expensive 682 is? (System, could you check the price for 682? I just wanna get an idea as to how much an XK-Class capable being costs.) he asked the system as he was shown the specific price of the anomaly.



Cost: 20,000,000,000,000,000 Luck



Seeing the number appear right in front of him, Frank felt as if he hit the jackpot when he rolled SCP-053, since on the label for SCP-682 it said untamed, it meant that he could probably get killed from the absolute strength of that lizard, now with 053 by his side, it meant that there was at least some level of control over 682. He fist-pumped by himself as he thought of the chances for rolling the beast. (Hey System, how much Luck do I still have with me?) he asked, making a check as to whether or not he had a good amount with him. [Opening Luck Status:






(Well then, I suppose that's a suitable amount for a villain who's probably gonna die to some cliché protagonist friendship buff, anyways! It's about time for me take a nap. Good night girl, I'll see ya tomo- I mean good night system, don't record anything I said.) Frank says as he returns to the bed and tries to get some shuteye. {Good night host, rest easy for there will true challenges to your existence, eventually.] It said as Frank was already asleep, before the prompt disappeared entirely.



/Back to the present with Dian Cecht/



{This girl, no, this monster, it had to be destroyed, its very existence is a mistake! It should not be allowed to live! I must kill it at all costs!} Dian Cecht thought to himself as he discreetly grabbed a crude scalpel like blade and caressed 053's head, before swiftly going behind her and putting the blade to her carotid, hoping to try and be able to kill her. But all of a sudden, one of his familia members, who he could not for the life of him remember their name since he never really paid attention when it came to their names, came into the room and saw their god holding a blade to the neck of a child. (Dian Cecht-sama! What are you doing to that child? Please put the knife down! Don't hurt her please!) they said as Dian Cecht shouted at them in a language that they didn't really understand all that well until they understood what language that their god was speaking in. (Dian Cecht-sama! You're speaking in the language of the gods! We can't understand anything you're talking about!) Dian Cecht on the other hand had quickly released 053 and ran towards the familia member, holding the crude scalpel on a reverse grip and raising straight in the air, screaming at the familia member while trying to stab them. The familia member ran away, looking for the familia Captain, Airmid Teasanare, in order to report what was happening to their god and hopefully, fix what was happening to him..



/Airmid POV/



It was a good day today, we were able to treat around fifty people with life threatening wounds, eighty with non-lethal wounds, ands about two hundred people who needed diagnoses for trivial diseases, truly, this day was going fine, that was until one of our new familia members came running to me, panting but still telling me about what was happening to Dian Cecht-sama. I ran along with the familia member before seeing Dian Cecht-sama's body lying on the floor, the little girl who he had placed a blade on in the corner, most likely too scared to go near her or the familia member. (Dian Cecht-sama? Dian Cecht-sama please wake up! Oh my god.) the familia member had exclaimed as Airmid saw what was wrong, Dian Cecht's eyes were wide open, but they were lifeless, his body was starting to turn gray as well, all of these meant one thing and one thing alone, another god has died, and they hadn't returned to Heaven. (^*%*#$%#$%, please take off your shirt, I need to check something.) Airmid said to the newbie familia member as they were first shocked at the request but soon understood what their Captain wanted. They took off their shirt and turned around, Airmid gasped as she saw it, their Falna was gone, all of their hard work, gone in an instant.



(Is it true Captain? Is it gone?) they asked Airmid, as she held her hand onto her mouth, shocked at the fact that their god had just died out of nowhere. (It-It is gone, we no longer have a god, the Dian Cecht Familia is absolved.) Airmid spoke as she felt despair run over her, she then saw the little girl and thought of something. (Little one, what happened here?) she asked the child as said child was already on the verge of tears, Airmid feeling apologetic reached out to the child and touched her, and didn't feel a single thing. She then asked again, except this time, her voice was a lot more calming and even soothing to the little girl. (The Mister Doctor got hurt because of me, he touched me and got hurt because of me, just like everyone else who touch me.) the girl said as tears started to come down her face, hitting the floor quickly. Airmid seeing this felt as if she was supposed to do something for the child so she rubbed her back and calmed her down yet again. (Tell me everything you know right now little one, we'll be able to help you. I promise.) Airmid said to the child as 053 started to talk about her life, but unknowing to Airmid, SCp-053 was under the full control of Frank all along.



/Frank POV/



I was outside of the Dian Cecht Familia's home, seeing the chaos happening inside of the clinic when he sent 053 inside there. The entire script he gave to the child was memorized by her in the exact moment he told her what to do. He was shocked to see that she remembered everything to the tip of it, but the shock faded quick as he remembered that 053 was smarter than usual, and if he was correct, she's somewhat older than what her "biological" age was, since she's eternally three. This for him, was one of the biggest flexes that he had ever seen, aside from Marc Rebillet singing Girls' Club in somewhere public. And where was he you ask? He was simply sitting right in front of the clinic, on the ground, with garbs of crusty rags covering, just like the first time he transmigrated into this world. He then walked away from the site and decided to go somewhere else. More specifically, to a goddess that wears an eyepatch because some people were sore losers and didn't like that her skills were greater than her looks. Frank felt the amount of bullshit that the poor woman went through was absolute bullshit, so he was going to do what he does best, help some people and make the people who made the former's life shit into shit even worse than what the former had gone through, because reasons and a crippling need for validation. And as Frank walked towards his target, he didn't know that somewhere, a very specific goddess was watching him, thinking about him, very, very, DEARLY.

1742 words, okay so this took some time to make, but nonetheless, it's another chapter that'll be answered in due time. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts