
The Mana System Of The Apocalypse

Gods out looking for entertainment decide to have what they called Universal Supremacy. This is my story of how I became the new God. Like any other day or like no other everyone on the planet all heard the voice claiming to be our creator all at the same time. "Mortals your progress is too slow for me and we am running out of time. So to speed things up, I will be releasing mana to your galaxy. Grow strong and grow fast so that you may one day fight for supremacy and rule by my side." And that my dear readers is how I started my journey to becoming the new God.

Clifton_Hamilton · Romance
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36 Chs

Night At The Grocery Store (Part 1)

The story Sarah told me was tragic, as is all life on earth right now, but it puts a perspective on how fragile human life is. According to Sarah, when all hell broke loose, she and a few others were already at the grocery store. The few that managed to survive the change then had to fight for their lives to get away from zombies now present in the grocery store.

They were too afraid of what was happening, and most hid to protect themselves, but that didn't last too long because the zombies came after the slightest noise. The pandamonium they caused only riled up the zombies, and it became an eating feast for the abominations in the grocery store. The rest that survived this incident were wold up the employee break room, and that's where they hid until that guy with the wind power came.

He was lucky to manage to kill his first zombie and awaken his wind elemental power. He had come looking for food the third day after the change, and when he snuck into the grocery store, he managed to kill all the zombies there. When he found the survivors, they told him that there were probably over 20 zombies in the grocery store, but there were only five when he got there. Thankfully none of them had evolved further, or if they had, they might have left the store.

It didn't take long for his actions to draw more zombies toward the store, so he and the survivors blocked the doors, and that's how they stayed until we came along. Many of the survivors were amazed by his abilities, but he would not tell how he got them, just that he was special and would save the world one day. Sarah could tell that he was getting high from all the praises and looks of admirations from the survivors, and she kept her distance from him.

The next day, things changed as the wind user Matt started to set rules about the food and took most of it for himself, saying he needed it because of the energy that he uses. No one argued with him because we didn't know any better, but he became interested in the five women left in the grocery store. He told them that he would protect them if they became his, and two out of the five chose to be with him.

The next day he wanted the other women and wouldn't take no for an answer, and he abused one of the women there. No one could stop him, and they were afraid of his new powers, so everyone turned a blind eye to it. Sarah tried to protect the woman and got knocked unconscious. The woman was already crying in the corner when she woke up. Everyone then kept their distance from Sarah because Matt said if anyone helped her, they would receive no food and water.

That was when we showed up asking to come in, but Matt didn't want to let anyone else enter, and Sarah knew they needed help, so she wanted to let us in. But we were not pushovers and just busted in ourselves, and the situation picked up from there.

I then had Michelle distribute the food so everyone could eat, and Joe and I when to have a word with Matt.



"Hey buddy wake, up; we would like to talk."

"Hey, what are you guys doing? I can kill you with my powers if you don't let me go."


"Dude, shut up before I burn you alive."

"You have powers too; I thought I was the only one that I was special, that I could be a hero and save the world."

"Sorry to tell you that only one can get powers if they are brave enough to fight."

"Ok, Joe, let me talk to him because we can use him, but if not, he's all yours."

"No, no, no ill listen."

"I want you to follow me from now on and follow all my directions to the tee. If I say jump, you say how high do you understand?"

"Yes, of course, Boss; just please don't kill me."

"Bro, do we need this weakling?"

"Yes, we do; to build our army, we have to start from somewhere, and we cant always depend on the animals to do all the work."

I waved my hand and summoned a wind element monkey.

"Keep an eye on him and if he does anything harmful towards anyone around, kill him."

"Yes Master"

'I'm so glad that they all developed telepathy after leveling up and being around us. It makes it so much easier to give commands.'

"Wow Boss you have tamed animals too, and did he appear out of nowhere like that?"

"Don't ask too many questions just know that if you don't listen you will die and if you do there will be plenty of opportunities for you to get stronger and maybe even your own battle pet."

"Are you for real Boss? I will be your most loyal servant."

"Hahaha, Dwayne look at him now just from seeing one monkey imagine if he saw the whole team?"

"Joe, don't say too much; in time he will if we can trust him."

"I know Bro."

"Wait there are more; oh my gosh can you please tell me how to get one too?"

"Time will tell if you deserve to get one or not plus you have some apologizing to do; don't you? People that follow me will never rape women or abuse kids and the only reason why I haven't killed you yet is that you didn't go through all the way with it and just hit her because she resisted."

"I got so full of myself because of my powers and thought that it was her blessing to be with me and when she didn't want to I lost it. But as I was about to go through with it I couldn't make myself do it because I was never that type of person before."

"Like I said you will apologize to her and everyone else here and we can move on from there."

"Yes Boss"