
Meet the Jewel Club.

Sunlight streaks into the open window and onto a figure covered in a worn-out blanket as a small spider crawls over top of the covered figure. A sudden banging on the door alongside the stirring of the figure cause the spider to panic and run away. A head of golden blond hair sat up as a gruff female voice called out in between bangs, "Dale, get your naked ass out of bed. How long are you going to keep the others waiting?"

The man named Dale ruffled his hair before he yawns with his other hand as he walks over to the open window, which was just high enough that nothing below the navel was flashed to the two nobles standing in front of the residency. He gives them a slight wave before heading further in to get presentable. The male noble in a bid to "save" the lady from seeing something "inappropriate" tries to cover the lady's eyes only to have the attempt swatted away and dismissed with a simple, " you think I have not seen a bare man's chest before?" The lady then turns and gets back into the waiting carriage followed closely by the Man. Several minutes would pass before Dale barges through the front door, brown robe fluttering, and wizard hat in hand as he boards the carriage. The door auto closes, and the carriages bolts down the road towards school.

The female pulls out a fancy gold comb and began to work on Dale's messed up mane. This gets the other male in the carriage to scoff, " Lady Phoenix, you have to waste your good comb fixing this dog's hair." Dale could only roll his eyes at that statement, " And Good Morning to you too, Walter." Walter's face turns a shade of red as he snaps back, " That's Sir Descartes, mongrel. Just because I allow you to use my first name occasionally does not give you liberty to use it whenever you feel like it."

Dale could only smile at the mini rant as he enjoyed the feeling of the comb going through his hair. This only set Walter off on another tirade, " You are enjoying getting your hair combed way too much commoner." Dale would have quipped back. If not, the comfort of his current situation lulled him back asleep. The two nobles nod at each other before Walter violently grabs Dale's arm and yanks him over to his side of the carriage with a, " no time for naps bookworm we have a pressing concern to address before we get to school."

Dale's eyes shot open as he sat next to Walter with confusion written all over his face as the young nobles' attention locked onto Lady Phoenix, who took a defensive posture. Walter licked his lips as he leaned forward and spoke, " What did you mean when you said that you have seen a bare male chest before?" Dale had even more questions than before as he looked over to Lady Phoenix. As she maintained a cool head look as she put the comb back from whence it came. " My Father, I have seen him come out of the bath area of our mansion with only a towel to cover himself. What is so strange about that?" While Walter leaned back with relief plastered on his face. Dale was still horrible confused.

The carriage soon came to a stop in front of a shiny silver gate easily twice their height. The first to get out was Walter in his bright green robes, a slight breeze brushed past his chestnut colored hair. Turning around, Walter extended his hand for Lady Phoenix to disembark next. She took his hand as the red in both her robe and hair were so vibrant that they looked like flames. While the two nobles walked inside, hand in hand, out stepped Dale. He finally placed his floppy wizard hat on his head and followed after the nobles.

It was still early in the morning and plenty of other students were still arriving. However, the flamboyance of Walter and Lady Phoenix with Dale in tow caused some to stop and gawk. While most of the murmur were neutral. Some harsher comments were heard, " What a bunch of weirdos." Those types made Walter want to confront them. But Lady Phoenix held on to his hand to keep him calm. One comment shook them, " I feel sorry for Dale, best theoretical score the school has ever seen. Yet he has to play butler to the rich and the crazy."

Before ether of the nobles could react, a hand appeared on their shoulders, it was Dale. He whispered, " I will see you two after school in the lab." Dale then ran from the group towards one of the Lab spires. The tone in Dale's voice caused Walter and Lady Phoenix to frown. Lady Phoenix spoke first, " Should we ditch our classes and go to the lab to see if Dale is alright?" Walter clinched his free hand so hard his fingernails dug into his palm before he shook his head. " Let's not give the professor more to worry about. All eyes are on us, my dear fiancee. Let's keep it that way and off those two." He immediately turned towards a small hillside courtyard where people with similarly green robes were gathering. He kissed the back of Lady Phoenix's hand before finally letting go and jogging over to the group. With a huff, Lady Phoenix heads towards a red brick spire, which increased the ambient temperature just being in its presence.

Dale got the top floor of the spire and was about to knock when the door opened inwardly despite the door hinges facing outwardly. This trick only proved to Dale that he was in the right place. As the door closed, a voice echoed through the room, " I guess it was too much to ask that you attend your regular classes today, Young man."

Slowly appearing from under a cherry maple desk stacked high with books and random papers was a head of black hair, unkempt and free. Next came the beard, seemingly chiseled out of onyx but with a few strands of grey to break the illusion near his left cheek. Crumpled grey robe that had the look and smell that he had worn it multiple days. Dark bags under quivering green eyes completed the mad man known as Jewels Xavier. Dale's research partner and professor at the York School of Magic.

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