

In the ''STAR EAST COUNTRY,' a young man was once look down and has a sweeet name of waste, Derrry skips was humiliated and bullied before. his girlfriend cheat with his bestfriend, his family lookdown upon him, his cousin, uncle, aunty bullied him. And finally he was expelled from his clan, after such humiliated and treatment he got from his blood relative he was deep in pain and he was heart broken, And angry sound came out from his heart and even he was shock at that moment. after 6 years of hard work, and sweat Finally he came back form the mountain. He look at the country site and sneered. In the place of the SKIPS CLAN there is a banquet and many young and talented people gathering today is the day of his cousin jack SKIPS Banquet. A sweet sound came from the crowd, today she is wearing a blue slip dress with sexy and hot figure, holding an arms of a young man, if Darry SKIPS is there he will be shock. Because the young man is his friend feng Zhao his bestfriend. the women is his Girlfriend Shelly moon. She looked and the crowd and and said . Tomorrow is the day of my wedding day please don't forget to attend the party. the crowd whisper and talk about Darry SKIPS, When the morning sun rose up ,In the Feng Zhao place there is a full of decoration and many VIPS were gather.at the wedding place there is a loud sound boom boom boom and all the banquet hall was shattering and the crowd was in turmoil. and A young man was standing like an emperor in the sky a lookdown the crowd like an ants in his eyes. when they saw the face of the man many people was shock. After 2 years there is fairy like women who was standing in front of the gate of the royal palace. she make a loud sound. boom boom boom. she was holding a fairy like a sword and the sword was shining like a dazzling Star, she look like she lost the whole world and extremely heart broken. she say who is responsible for Darry SKIPS came out and Die.........she look cold just like an iceberg but she can't hide her beautiful like fairy figure. after the 3 days of war, her whole body was full of blood, she look like she will lose her life any moment. but she fill no regret. she look at the sky and smile i hope i will meet you soon. and i will not forgive you .and than she close her eyes waiting for the sword.... a laughter came from the sky haha haha ahahah

DrewsCarry · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

The young lady & Darry skips

The Zhao Guard glanced at Danyah skips and said you will regret what you are doing,

All the Zhao guard stand up again and their leader said formation, all the guard make a formation attacked and rush toward Danyah skips, all fought fiercely,

Boom booom

Danyah skips was dumfounded how can their formation be so strong, he was injured by the punched,

All the guard of the Zhao family looked proud, and Said boy you need to understand that there is sky outside the mountain,

''Danyah skips' spit out blood from his mouth and sneered

He looked at the man and said, I need you to know some times people was killed by his mouth,

All the Guard sneered we want to take both of you with little face but now I think it is unreasonable,

The leader said, don't saw mercy, break all their bond to make reason with the young lady,

All the Guard were well train by the Zhao family, so they have experienced in real battle, unlike Danyah skips, he was high in martial arts level but lack of experienced in live and death battle,

All the guard of the Zhao family rush toward Danyah skips again, they all fought fiercely, the guard of the Zhou family were in the upper hand,

Darry skips looked at the battle quietly,

After some times of the battle both, party was full of blood, Danayh skips vomited blood on the spot,

And some of the Guard of the Zhao family, were seriously injured,

The leader of the Zhou family said, give up boy and follow me,

Otherwise you will call death by yourself.

The leader didn't pay attention to Darry skips, Because Darry skips was only 6 level martial arts,

He think that if he can defeat Danyah skips, his task will be over.

But he did not know that the Devil was still watching the Show,

Darry skips feel little boring and he said to, Danyah skips can you continue to fight,

After Darry skips finished his word, all the guard looked at him like an idiot,

The man Said boy what did you said, Darry skips ignore the guard of the Zhao family,

He continues, if you can't fight I will dom if you can still fight do it fast, I feel a little boring here,

The guard of the Zhou family was angry, boy what did you said, said again,

Danyah skips, glanced at Darry skips and said, if you are in hurry came and finished the game, I don't want to fight anymore, however if you can't finish them before I feel bore, I will fight again,

When the guard heard the conversation, he was angry, those two thinks that we are, punching back, and both of the boy ignore them, like they are not present here,

Darry skips agree, to Danyah skips words, okay you watch the show,

And Darry skips walk slowly toward, the Guard, and said come all,

I don't have time to spend with you,


All the guard were shock, by hearing the word of Darry skip,

Boy looking for death, the man was very angry and release his full powerful aura

The crowd were shock the wave of aura, he wanted to kill Darry skips on the spot,

But there was very angry and disappointed voice from his back,

Stop it for me, what are you doing,

After hearing the voice, the guard were all tremble,

Darry skips and Danyah skips looked at the woman

Who is she...

From the crowd, the young and energetic beautiful woman walked out like a fairy,

She Looked at the Zhao family guard and said you all make the Zhao family shame, this is how you repay back my tasked for you, dame loser, stand up all for me,

She was very angry, she looked at the leader and said, I told you to bring back the people very fast, but you want to use the trump card to bring back the people, when did you became a waste.

All the Zhao guard were tremble when they heard the word of the, young lady,

Yes the woman was the young lady of the Zhao family,

She came here, because all the guard take too long too, bring back the people, she feels that something was wrong, therefor she came herself to check out the situation.

When the crowd saw that she was the young lady of the Zhao family,

Many people greet her, she like this kind of attitude from other,

She Yells to all the guard and She Said, all kneel for me,

Boom, boom

All the guard were kneeling on the ground without any reaction,

'JUNEE ZHAO'' said, did know that you a wrong,

The guard reply yes, young lady we ere wrong, punished me, she yells at him at said, I will deal with you later,

'JUNEE ZHAO'' turned her attention to Darry skips who was standing in front of her, she glanced at Darry skips and said, you are the person who one to demolished, my shop,

'Darry skips'' nodded his heads,

Junee Zhao said, did you know that, the shop belongs to the young lady of the Zhao family,

'Darry skips'' said I don't know that the shop belongs to you, I only know that the shop belongs to Zhao family, but they do unreasonable rule and cheated many people including my brother, So I want to demolished the shop.

'Junee Zhao'' was very angry by the words of, Darry skips, she said you are the first person who stand in front of me and said such a harsh word for the Zhao family,

'Junee Zhao'' Continues you going to pay for what you did to my Shop and shopkeeper, there is no one in the East country who dare to Demolished my shop, and also, you will give me an explanation for my guard'

'Darry skips'' laughed haha

He said, no one dare to Demolished, and have courage to complain and fought back,

But I do, remember no one dare to take away a penny from me, but your shopkeeper want to charge 10k silver gold coins, I don't kill him, that I give your Zhao family a face otherwise ki will kill him on the spot.

And your Guard I do not need to give an explanation you asked for yourself, they don't have the strength, therefor they are injured.

'Junee was very angry by Darry skips words, she never been wrong since she was a child.

Junee said than there is no need to make a reason,

'Junee Zhao" said that and she release her aura, but there was a man who cover his face on the side of Junee Zhao,

The man said; young Lady no need to Dirty your hand, let your subordinate do the dirty work,

Junee Zhao nodded her heat, she praises him and said, go and kill him for me

The man said; to Darry skips be thankful to me that you can die in my hand,

'Darry skips Sneered'' and said, do your Zhao family know only bragging,

All the Zhao Guard were angry, they all yells, you want to die faster right ,,,,