
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 17: Past and Present

The scene was fraught with tension as Marcella's hand hovered over Eternia's scarred skin, her touch gentle yet charged with a mixture of sorrow and determination. Eternia, though initially taken aback, remained still, allowing her mother to inspect her scars with a mixture of hope and apprehension.

With tenderness, Marcella knelt beside her daughter, her fingers tracing the jagged lines of the scars. Each touch seemed to carry the weight of a mother's love and regret, a silent acknowledgment of the pain her daughter had endured.

As Marcella's gaze shifted to Alexander, her tone softened, a hint of maternal concern seeping into her words. "Your father is looking for you. Please go inside," she instructed, her command gentle yet firm.

With a respectful bow, Alexander complied, though unease lingered in his demeanor, a silent testament to the gravity of the moment.

Turning to focus back on Eternia, Marcella's hand began to glow with a soft blue light, a manifestation of her powerful magic. With each gentle touch, she attempted to heal the scars of her daughter's marred skin, a daunting task that carried with it the weight of both physical and emotional pain. With each scar she sought to erase, Marcella felt the sting of the lash as if it were her own, a visceral connection to the pain her daughter had endured.

Eternia gazed at her mother, the pain evident on her face. She reached out, gently grasping her mother's hand. "Please stop," she implored, her voice filled with both firmness and concern. "Healing me is hurting you, Your Majesty. I don't wish to see you in pain."

Marcella's heart clenched at her daughter's words, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she pulled her into a tight embrace. Despite the pain, she couldn't bring herself to pull away from the embrace, holding Eternia tightly as if to shield her from the world's cruelty. She wanted to hold her and take all the pain away. Most of all, she wanted to make Alexa pay for what she did. I promise you that everything will be okay, my miracle child.

Eternia stood still. This was an unfamiliar feeling. This wasn't like her mother at all. This warmth, this tenderness—it was unlike anything she had ever experienced from her mother before. Gone was the neglect and the coldness that had defined their relationship for so long. Instead, Marcella's warm smile and love-filled eyes, her gentle touch, and the kindness she now showed painted a picture that clashed sharply with Eternia's memories. This feels like a dream. 

Aurelius watched from a distance, his heart clenching at the sight of them. Unconsciously drawn closer, he approached, his hand extending to gently rest on Marcella's shoulder. A reassuring smile graced his lips as he witnessed the tender moment between mother and daughter. It was a sight he had longed to see—a flicker of warmth in the otherwise icy landscape of their shared history. Aurelius knelt down beside them, joining their embrace. Finally, they were reunited as a family, if only for a fleeting moment. 

"This feels like a dream," Eternia broke the silence, her face buried in her mother's chest. 

Aurelius bit his lip, his embrace tightening as though to reassure her that this was real. At least for now, they would be a complete family. 

"It's not a dream," Marcella assured, planting a soft kiss on her daughter's head. As they pulled away from their embrace, she vowed, "Alexa won't ever lay a finger on you again, my miracle child. Your father and I will ensure that no one could ever hurt you again." 

Aurelius nodded in agreement, gently holding Eternia's hand. "Everything will be alright," he promised, his voice filled with hope and determination. 

I wish we could stay like this forever, but that's not possible. My mother is married to another and has three other children. At least for once, I got to have my family… Eternia smiled happily as she hugged her parents yet again. 

Meanwhile, in the Queen's Palace, chaos reigned as the rumors spread like wildfire. Alexa, consumed by her rage, vented her fury by breaking several pieces of furniture. She couldn't believe what she heard. 

"Marcella is in the palace?" her voice echoed off the walls as she addressed her reflection in the mirror. She shrieked, hurling a glass at the mirror, shattering it into pieces. "This can't be! Why is she here? Why did she come unannounced?" 

Her maids entered her chambers, tasked with cleaning up the mess of shattered glass on the floor. 

Alexa redirected her fury towards them, striking out at one of the maids. "Tell me!" she demanded angrily. "Who is responsible for all these lies?"

The maid trembled in fear as she responded, "I don't know, Your Grace. But the rumors are true. Queen Marcella is in the palace."

Alexa's fury intensified upon hearing the confirmation of Marcella's presence. In a fit of madness, she lashed out at the maid who delivered the news, her hands tightening around the girl's throat until her body went limp. As the life drained from the maid's eyes, Alexa's own eyes darkened with a chilling calmness. "Clean this mess," she ordered, her voice dripping with venom. "Summon the other maids to assist me in preparing. I am to welcome the King's former wife." With a flick of her hand, she dismissed the trembling servants, leaving behind a scene of chaos and terror in her wake. I shall welcome you warmly, Marcella. 

Alexa adorned herself in extravagant jewels and silks, determined to show Marcella that she was the queen and that she held the power; not her. She wore an emerald-green dress and her blonde hair was tied neatly into an updo. Her hands were covered by silk gloves as though she was concealing her bloodied hands. Satisfied with herself, she marched on to face the beast she wished to slay. 

Alexa's eyes were cold as ice, but her face possessed a sinister smile. Her gaze stumbled upon Magnus as she entered the King's Palace. "Sir Magnus," Alexa greeted with a curtsy, her tone ever so sweet. "Might I ask where His Majesty is?"

Magnus fought the urge to kill her then and there for the crimes she committed against the princess. With a convincing smile, he replied, "My Queen, His Majesty is currently occupied at the moment."

"Oh?" Alexa inquired, her curiosity piqued. "Where might he be?"

Magnus gestured toward the gardens, his voice strained with forced politeness. "He's entertaining a guest, Your Grace. We're in a precarious situation, you see? Something urgent needs to be discussed."

"But of course," Alexa agreed, her sweet facade unwavering. "Whoever might the important guest be?"

"That would be me," a commanding voice announced, drawing Alexa's attention. As she turned, she was met with a figure radiating power and authority. Her beauty was striking, her demeanor regal, and her crystal eyes held a hint of both hatred and intelligence. She made her approach, and a powerful aura surrounded her. 

"Marcella Crystalia," Alexa muttered under her breath. 

Magnus nodded at Marcella, acknowledging her presence. Destroy her, Marcella! I can't do anything, but you can. I'd be delighted to watch you end her.

"You must be Alexa of House Evergreen," Marcella greeted with a radiant smile across her face, effortlessly concealing the wrath she bore for her. Her very presence exuded power and dominance—something Alexa could only envy. "I'm Queen Marcella Cyrene Crystalia, the Ruler of the Crystalian Empire," she introduced herself, gesturing toward the portrait on Alexa's left. It depicted Marcella on her sixteenth birthday, and beside it, another portrait showed Marcella and Aurelius's engagement. 

"The former queen of Sapphire," Alexa concluded, masking the bitterness beneath her smile. "I humbly welcome you into our kingdom, Queen Marcella." 

"Thank you, Lady Alexa," Marcella replied, purposely flaunting her power and influence. 

Alexa maintained her composure, correcting, "It's Queen Alexa, actually. I'm the King's current wife."

Marcella innocently covered her mouth with her palm. "Oh!" she gasped in mock concern. "You're not Aurelius's mistress then?" Marcella stepped closer, mischief dancing in her eyes and her tone laced with hidden poison. "My mistake! I assumed that the position hadn't been filled given that my portraits were still hanging on these walls."

A chuckle escaped Magnus' lips, earning a glare from Alexa. You've always been a mean girl…

"A harmless mistake," Alexa insisted, reaching for Marcella's hand. She shook it firmly as if to assert her authority. "Might I ask what urgent matters you're discussing with my husband?"

"Of course," Marcella replied, withdrawing her hand. "I came to retrieve my daughter, Princess Eternia."

What? Alexa flinched. She can't take her from me! She abandoned her a long time ago! Why does she want her now? No! I won't allow her to take Eternia!

Marcella's smile grew wider, pressing her hands together. "That wouldn't be a problem, would it?" Marcella asked, folding her arms over her chest. "Besides, this will give you some time to perform your marital duties. You're still childless. You must do something about that or Aurelius will grow tired of you." Marcella ran her fingers through the cascading locks that were framing Alexa's face. How she wanted to pull her hair right then and there. "I say that with no ill will, of course. From one Queen to another."

"I appreciate your advice, Queen Marcella," Alexa expressed, "But the King and I are quite content with what we have. I don't think he will get tired of me like he did with you."

You dumb whore! I will make your remaining days on this earth a living nightmare! Marcella maintained her composure, a beautiful smile gracing her lips. "You're mistaken, Alexa," she stated firmly. "Aurelius didn't grow tired of me. If he had, my portraits would've long been burned or thrown away." Marcella gestured toward the portraits, emphasizing her point. "If he felt something for you, he would've replaced them with your portraits, wouldn't he?" Marcella gently grasped Alexa by her chin before delivering her final blow. "It appears that to this day, I, Marcella, his first and only love, his former queen, and mother of his child, still hold his heart." That said, she withdrew her hand, satisfied with Alexa's reaction. She didn't know that. To her, it was just a lie she crafted in order to drive her enemy over the edge of insanity. 

Magnus' mouth gaped open, rendered speechless by Marcella's bold declaration. His eyes widened, reflecting a mix of surprise and awe at her confidence and poise. He came between them, preventing Alexa's hand from hitting Marcella's face. 

"Did I offend you?" Marcella taunted, her eyes filled with innocent mockery. Of course, that affected you. I suppose jealousy is an ugly thing and a great weapon. 

"Unhand me, Sir Magnus," Alexa demanded furiously. "You forget that I am the queen, not her."

"She is an important guest of His Majesty, the King," Magnus stated, his tone full of hatred and disdain, firmly keeping her in his grasp. "You cannot strike her."

Theodore made his entrance, his presence disrupting their argument. "Marcella," Theodore greeted, planting a kiss on her hand. His eyes shifted to Alexa who was trapped in Magnus' grasp. "Was I interrupting something?" he asked, holding back the urge to put shackles on the woman's wrists. 

"It seems I've offended the queen," Marcella clarified, "Sir Magnus came to my defense, keeping her from striking me." She shifted to Magnus, saying, "You may release her, Magnus. It was my fault for stating the obvious."

"Which is?" Theodore asked in curiosity. 

Marcella smirked, her eyes cold and dangerous. "That Aurelius's heart remains within my keeping," she stated, her tone laced with disdain. 

I will kill you, Marcella! You delusional bitch! Alexa regained her composure, adjusting the fabric of her dress. "I apologize for my sudden attack," she said, her tone softening. "It was uncalled for."

Marcella waved her hand dismissively. "No need for apologies," she replied, her tone still icy. "You're simply defending your position, as any queen should."

Theodore let out an exasperated sigh. He was never fond of drama, but Marcella was. She had a flare for the dramatics. She also had the worst ways of getting revenge. To make an enemy of her is to simply wish for death. Theodore placed his hand over Marcella's shoulder, saying, "I apologize on the King's behalf. It appears his wife is feeling unwell."

"She is?" Marcella's smile grew wider. 

Alexa tried to object only to be turned down by both men. 

"A body was pulled from the queen's chambers," Theodore stated, his glare sending shivers down Alexa's spine. "She must have witnessed this and is in distress."

Alexa's face went pale as if all the blood had drained from her body, leaving her visibly shaken. Did they figure it out? No! They can't.

Aurelius's silhouette emerged from the shadows, his hand holding his daughter's. Maximilian and Alexander followed after them as they made their way towards Marcella's side. Aurelius' hand found Marcella's shoulder as if to offer her strength. 

Alexa's heart broke into a million fragments. The affection he bore her was evident in his eyes. Not once had he shown her the same affection or warm gaze. She wanted to destroy her. Her hands gripped her dress as she fought the urge to cry. 

"Alexa," The King addressed, his hand reaching for hers. He planted a soft kiss on it as he stood beside her. Shifting his gaze to Marcella, he introduced his current wife. "This is my wife, Alexa Evergreen."

"The current queen," Marcella declared, her eyes tainted with a mix of scorn and triumph.