
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

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Missing Ashley

Mark returned back to the men that were chained and battered and he squatted in front of them and he asked, "Was it Dave that sent you to attack the warehouse?." Mark pointed to the door where Dave just left, and the two men nodded in unison "Yes!."

"Why did he sent you there?," Mark asked them again, wondering why Dave would sent them to go and destroy the warehouse and still be the same person who had hired the top secret spy to catch these two, looking at the two men for answers to his confusion.

"Boss Norman sent us to blow up there, the warehouse, and we have only gotten to one before we were caught.." one of the men said.

"Norman?" Mark asked, in anger hearing Norman's name again. Was it possible Dave was Norman?. Mike thought.

"Yes his the one who sent us there, that's why we were apologizing to him, please help us beg him not to kill us, we will carry out the task again, if we haven't been caught and brought here" One of the battered men pleaded.

Mark was so shock to now understand what the men in front of him were trying to say, he looked at them, and confusion was written all over his face,

"Please beg boss to spare us and give us another chance, we won't fail , spare our lives please" They begged Mark, and Mark stood up, shaking his head in agreement that he will help them talk to Dave.

Mark came out from the torture room and was still in shock and so he wondered,

"Is it possible that Dave is Norman and that's why he has been hiding his identity from the public not knowing who the CEO of Silver entertainment house is?," Mark gulped, as he has searched out numerous information about Norman but none of his company had his photo attached, as the overall general manager. Only his achievement were seen in the search results.

"So Dave is disguising himself as Norman, and now pretending to be Dave while he plots to destroy his father's company but why?," Mark asked himself and didn't bother going back to ask Dave, As if he was truly Norman, since Dave didn't wanted anyone to know. Mark decided he will go and see Mr Jeff about it and also inform Mr Jeff about the two new prisoners too, that they had caught.

Dave got back to his office in annoyance and he cussed out, "Why will those two rascals call me their boss? Where have i meet such men before? And why will i hire such kind of people.."

Dave raked his head, scattering his hair in annoyance, as he couldn't focused on anything again.

"Who hired those fool, who is their boss?, Am sure is Norman that sent them there. If only I can get across to the spy on phone."  Dave murmured as he took out his phone to call the spy number again.

The spy phone number rang, but he didn't picked it up, even as Dave tried calling again, calling, but the spy still refused picking up the call.

After the spy has been tortured by Norman, he assumed he was Dave's brother and Dave must have been aware too. So after he got home, he made arrangements and relocated with his wife and new born baby the following day, not wanting to seeing Dave or Mark again, as he feared Dave or his brother might come after him again so he fled out of the country.

Dave was still trying the spy's number when Mark knocked on his office door and came in.

"What did they reveal next to you Mark?" Dave asked, still trying to dial the spy number.

Mark looked at Dave suspiciously and hesitated a little, and he said "They didn't agree to say anything much apart from the fact that you are their Boss.."

"And you believed them?!" Dave questioned as he stared at Mark angrily and said, "You can leave for today, have been trying to contact the spy and it not going thru. I will have to get someone else to do the job, make sure you contact the new security team as disclosed and make sure all the goods are transferred to the underground warehouse for now, until the coast is clear, I will have someone to investigate who Norman really is" Dave said and Mark stared at him in disbelief.

[He's Norman and still pretending and looking for who to investigate him, after been caught] Mark thought, and didn't even heard what Dave asked him until Dave smacked him again.


"What did I just ask you now Mark?, and what the heck were you thinking about?. Do you actually believe those two rascals just now?" Dave questioned as he glared at Mark.

"You should be careful and if you try to betray me, I will have you replaced" Dave threatened and Mark shook his head in disagreement, getting more confused, but Dave ordered him, "Get out!" to leave his office, and Mark stood up and left, while Dave still remained in his office, wondering who Norman truly was?.

Mark left wondering if truly Dave was Norman or Norman was Dave's twin?, or Dave was actually pretending to be Norman..

Mark left the blacks temple and drove back to the Jeff's resident..

Dave didn't returned home that evening, so he stayed back in the black temple observing what's going on and searching if he could see any information or traces about Norman's hideout.

Dave got tired and decided to call his house landline and Helen picked it up.

"Hello.. Who's speaking?" Dave asked and Helen quickly responded, "Good evening boss, Is me Helen Joshua."

"Okay Helen.. Is Ashley there with you?" Dave asked wanting to speak with Ashley, even though he knew she would refused to spoked to him on phone.

"No Boss, She's in her room" Helen replied.

"Okay, Inform her that I won't be coming back home today and for some days until further notice.." Dave said

"Okay boss," Helen replied, seeing he hasn't hang up the call yet, Helen asked him, "Is that all boss?."

"Yes, That's all for now," Dave replied and hung up, As he was contemplating to tell Helen to call Ashley and gave to her the landline, so he could speak to her, and heard her voice but he knew how stubborn Ashley, was so he decided to wave off the thought and sent his regards to her rather, thru his maid.