
The lown wolf

luis_ceja · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The Meting

Its the next day I just woke up and im feeling energized im ready to do more exploring around the town and test out this new power of mine and get the hang of it if I ever need to use it I got out of bed and got dressed I headed down to eat I made my way to the dining hall along the way I say the two people in that one room from last night coming down I said "good morning"one of them responded with "Good morning little bro" I was happy to hear that I had an older brother that was not like my other brother from my old life he was a jerk. He would do stuff to me that I didn't like and he always made my day awful and he wouldn't leave me alone so that's why I left but this one seems nice and he greeted me nicely and said good morning back so did his friend im happy I woke up in this family when we arrived we all sat down to eat. Our father walked in and we all said "good morning father" he said "good morning" back" The maids came in with the food and it looked and smelled good they placed it on the table and left we all started to eat I was the first to finish so I told my dad I was going to go explore more he said "okay just be careful and don't leave the town".I didn't hear him from the last part so I left and decided to check out the forest and I was just coming around when I heard a "GRRRRR" in the distance, I went to go check it out when I arrived I hid and saw that a pack was kicking out one of there wolves I saw them biting him and m he tried im fight back but he couldn't win so decided to leave followed him all over I would wake up every morning eat and go find him and follow him he was the best I saw him hunt alone a big animal I also saw him take it to the cave he is staying in. I got to close and saw me coming he came rushing at me I ran I was scared for my life I went was stuck there for a while till I realized that I had magic I used it to escape he followed me around tried to lose him but failed when I got down I didn't want to hurt him so I used wind magic to make a little barrier for him not to hurt me I tried to barrier him down "hi there little bud I don't want to hurt you I was just watching you all these days I know how you feel alone I felt like that in my past life". I reach into my pocket and pull out some candy that I've been saving and feed them to the wolf " good thing I had soft candy on me" I said in a low voice he went back to his cave where he was staying at from that day I was very careful I watched him day and night where he went hunting till one day I got the courage to approach him and I decided to bring food also to make his not want to hurt me I got close to him he started to growl I got closer and closer I put the food on the ground and backed off he got close to the food and started to eat it "poor thing you're all alone and you don't eat much" I got close and moved my hand towards his head and he let me pat him I was happy to see he let me I made my way back to the castle when I looked behind me there he was following me I told him "Shoo go back someone might spot you and would want to kill you go back". He didn't listen to me he followed me all the way till I decided to keep him I told my dad that I got a new pet and he asked me " what type of pet did you get?"I told him"I got a wolf he was alone out there and I wanted to help him He was shocked on how did I tame a wolf if they were hard to tame at the end he ended up letting me have it and he let is stay in my room while he had a small room built for him in that time I decided to name him max.

this is hard if anyone has ideas please tell me

luis_cejacreators' thoughts