1 Introduction about Me!

Hey, People of the world this is RoseMay160. Reporting from my friendly neighborhood laptop. I come to report some very good news of today!

I'm starting!





Ever!! (: 😃

I know It's crazy, right? This book has driving me bonkers for years. I first started to write this book while I was still in middle school. I know, it was a long time ago. I graduated from high school, going on to college now. I'm very excited to start that chapter of my life. See what I did there?, "Chapter of my life." Hahaha lol! I crack myself up sometimes.

So anyways; this book is called The Lost One of my very own creation. Of my own blood, sweat, and tears. JK (Just Kidding). I won't go that far. But you get the gist of it. Anyways, this book has been on paper sitting collecting dust for years hiding somewhere. I couldn't find it. I had lost it for a good while. (YEARS I SAY, YEARS!). I had to tear my whole room apart because I was so desperate. (TO FIND MY MASTERPIECE, I SAY!) You won't believe The stress that I had, trying to find that thing. the writer block to recreate my book was awful and very stressful. To my ultimate surprise, I found it on my bottom shelf stacked against other books that I had read. It

was stuck in between the crevices of my journal from my middle school days. So this is what happened when I had the brainstorm of a lifetime. (Flashback) It was the last year of middle school. I was in my English class writing a book report on a book called Something like Fate by Susane Colasanti that I had just read for a self-read.

When I had just finished my assignment for the period. The teacher called out " Students you have fifteen minutes of class leftover. You may do whatever you like, but do it quietly and mind your neighbors that are still working." While she telling the whole class this. Everybody started doing their own thing. While I was about to hit the hay. Yes, I can sleep in class. Deal with it. So anyway, I was about to go close my eyes. When suddenly, I had this thought going through my mind " I need to watch Law & Order tonight. Or maybe, NCIS." I thought to myself halfway sleep. Then it was like I was hit by lightning with a brilliant idea that shocked me to the core. " I can write my own story, and make it more interesting than what we're reading in class." I think to myself. What brilliance. I pat myself on the back for having a good idea. So with that idea in mind. Took my notebook and started writing my rough draft. (End Flashback). Well, that's the story of how I got my brainstorm of life time. What a ride back into the past. Those were some good times. I sound old â™żïž (JK). So instead of me rambling on about myself. I'll let you guys go so you can read my book. Warning ⚠ : If you guys don't have anything good to say. Then don't type any negative comments on here or anywhere on my homepage. Thank you, and have a blessed day. Also happy reading! 😜 PS:Oh, I almost forgot. Read and comment below and tell me what you think about my book. Maybe I can get some more ideas to make this a better story.

Thank you and have a blessed day!

RoseMay160 Out, bye!
