
the beginning

Derrick, a young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, is enjoying his recess watching the bees and many other wildlife like he usually does since he first started school. Completely relaxed and at peace was how he felt. Most of the other kids ignored him just like his parents do. The ones that don't are the mean ones. Today was the day----- 

As he turned and  watched as butterflies landed  on his arms he didn't notice the soccer ball coming for his head. His face hit the grass as the ball rolled to a stop a few feet away.  When he tried getting up he was knocked aside by the one who kicked said ball. ''Out of my way bug boy'' came from the assailant's mouth. 

Derrick yelped and got up before running towards the bully who he recognized as Tyler before jumping on his back and pushing him face down into an ant hill holding him there until he got knocked off and hit the trunk of a tree with his head knocking him out as the last thing he heard was Tyler yelling about his eyes.

Weeks passed as he went about his days with no social interaction, except mother nature herself. After the first week, he began to study the way animals communicate and their social cues. Eventually he decided he would run away during recess  through the hole dug from the stray dogs sleeping under the slide. He had figured out the meanings of the different tones of the dogs noises and yips and had befriended the dog. They were both going to head for the forest 

He did it. 

He had been running for over an hour and he should have gone out the other side by now but it seemed to him the forest never ended. Laying on the ground next to him was the dog which was named Canis. ''You think we're lost?'' he asked Canis. The dog looked at him with a raised brow and huffed before standing up and stretching. 


Both of the now runaways jumped and looked around for the one responsible only to see a pair of green eyes in a nearby bush. The eyes of the unknown newcomer looked as if they were glowing. For a moment Derrick's breath got caught in his throat before fear gave way quickly to curiosity. He slowly approached the bush as he held his hand out in front of him when he was only a few feet from the pair of eyes a movement came from the bush. He glanced to see a paw slowly creeping out of the bush. Then a snout. And he was shocked at the animal in front of him. 

 The wolf, which appeared to be made of wood, slowly sniffed the boy's outstretched hand before slowly nuzzling it. The boy snapped out of his shock as the wolf growled at Canis who went to sniff the wolf. Derrick immediately got in between the two before the wolf raised its leafy ears and bounced off into the brush. Derrick sighed before an arrow shot from a nearby tree scraping his cheek. Almost immediately Canis was lowered in front of him ready to pounce. 

''ostende te!'' Canis yelled. 

The forest was quiet for what felt like hours but was only 15 seconds in reality

What stepped out was a beautiful woman with long red hair wearing a quiver full of arrows and bow in hand. She seemed cautious but not hostile. She ignored Derrick and crouched in front of the still growling canis. 

''Electi Dryadalis qui loquuntur lupum!''