11 Chapter 11

Clara kept thinking back to the few lessons she has had in healing. Even though she was told it would switch around it was always Eva that taught. Maybe it was because it wasn't a lot of lessons. Probably three but she would have to keep track. When she walked to healing everyone around her didn't even dare to breathe. Emmett came up and hooked his arm around her shoulder.

"People are just so joyful when someone is different here, " Emmett whispered and smiled at her. "You might need more emotional protection because the ogre isn't very good at it obviously."

"Watch it Emmett. I can make it so you can't go near Clara, " Galor grumbled from behind them.

"You wouldn't do that to me though. You know as well as I do, I can't be alone in this world without risk, " Clara smiled but it quickly went away once they reached her class. She didn't really want to deal with Eva again.

"You'll be okay. Galor is right behind you and you've overcome the ring already. You gotta show that to the councilors at some point, " Emmett opened the door but Galor pushed him out of the way. Galor was more on edge than before the meeting.

"I am going to talk to Councilman Brento first because he is in my corner. I'll see you at lunch since Avery typically walks me to language, " Clara slightly smiled when she noticed that Emmett was jealous. He had walked her to all her classes when they first met.

"Okay. I'll see you at lunch but you are sitting in between Avery and I. I don't always feel included when you sit on the other side of him," Emmett admitted and blushed more than he realized.

"I will. I didn't realize you got jealous of that though, " Clara smiled a bit more. She liked that Emmett was jealous, that he cared so much about her.

"Yeah, " he mumbled and he waved as he left. She stood at the door a second more before walking in.

It was Eva again. "Hello Clara. I didn't realize Emmett and you were so close. I wouldn't recommend getting any closer than you already are as you will become a leader," Eva smiled and stared at Galor a bit.

"That is no ones business. I can do as I please even when I am a leader. I have one goal in mind and that's it, " Clara went and sat down at the desk. She could see Eva was thinking.

"Well than I will make sure he is no longer a distraction, " Eva was threatening Emmett to Clara. She had some nerve.

"You touch Emmett and you have to deal with me Eva. I didn't show my full ability when I was enhanced because I don't want to hurt people. I am on a whole other level. You need to stand down, " Clara threatened right back but instead of tensing up like it was a huge problem. She leaned back in the chair to show that she wasn't afraid.

"Don't threaten me Clara. I am not your enemy I promise," Eva was trying to relax things. Maybe Eva wasn't the corruption that needed to be handled but just Sylvie.

"Well than I guess I need to talk to Sylvie one on one," Clara stood and looked over Eva quickly. "I will just join in on that communication link you have."

So she did. Slowly and sneakily that no one could tell when she entered. "Hello Sylvie. I am glad we get a chance to talk again, " Clara smiled at Eva as she talking.

There was a silence like no other from Sylvie's side. It made no sense to Clara. "Hi Clara. I was just going to set up a meeting but I guess this should work. I didn't even notice you enter, " Sylvie was acting calm and friendly. Eva must have blocked her off when Clara threatened her.

"Well we do have a problem. You should know to make your own threat when you do not know someone. You listen to me. You hurt anyone of my friends, even the smallest cut you will have to face me, " Clara had a sweet smile and she knew Sylvie could feel the weight of that threat.

"I would never hurt one of your friends unless they became a problem to us, Clara. Please understand I'm doing this for you," Sylvie managed to keep an emotionless voice to give nothing away. She wasn't a telepath so someone was helping.

"You are doing this for yourself. The Change isn't for everyone, it's for you. That's why you are so against me," Clara looked at Eva as Sylvie stayed quiet. Her expression of shock made Clara realize that Eva had nothing to do with whatever Sylvie planned. "I'm telling the truth aren't I? I heard about there being a few abilities banned from practices and I'm guessing that took your high nobility title and left you as working class."

"How do you know this?!" Sylvie basically screamed through the connection. Clara had her trapped now. Not only does she know the truth from guesses but Eva does now too.

"So you've been using all of us? How could you Sylvie? How has your mind not shattered from the guilt!" Eva said back. Eva was on Clara's side just as expected.

"No no I haven't been using you Eva. I am not guilty to anything. My ability was wrongfully banned and I haven't gotten what I wanted but I also want to change the system," Sylvie was trying hard to save this conversation and turn it on Clara. "She would use you guys actually. She is from the other world."

"So what if she's from the other world? Maybe she'll actually lead us to what we want and not use us," Eva took herself out of the communication link. She closed her mind off and she was shaking.

"See how easy that was? Just saying the truth and everyone turns from you. I won't tell anyone else and you will step down as the leader and never speak of the group," Clara looked over at Eva and gave a sympathetic smile to her.

"Am I still part of the group?" Sylvie asked quietly.

"Yes but only because it will be too suspicious to just kick you out. Your vote means nothing," Clara also cut the link after that and looked at Eva. "I was going to confront her alone but you guys seemed so close I didn't know if you were also betraying the people in the change."

"No I wasn't. I am glad I know who she truly is now. Thank you Clara. I will see that nothing will never happen to your friend. You guys are happy together and I trust you," Eva had cried a little. When they talked about the meeting, Eva had mentioned she joined the group almost twenty years ago and never knew what Sylvie was truly like.

"Thank you," the bell rang for the end of class and Clara headed outside and met Avery there. "That was an interesting class."

"Wanna share?" Avery was curious now but she shook her head.

"You can look at the memory if you wish but it isn't safe to talk about, " Clara smiled and walked ahead of Avery.

"How do I do that if I can't get past whatever block you have? " Avery stepped back next to her easy. He was really tall compared to her and so she was always trying to keep up with him.

"Simple. I guide you to the memories. No access to my whole mind though, " she smiled and turned. "I think I am going to talk to Councilman Brento tonight. I understand the change is good but at the same time why not talk about."

"It is too dangerous to talk about that Clara. Just get the stupid ring off and worry about the rest later, " Avery gives a concern look and for a second they focus. Clara guided him to that memory and showed him and he gasped slightly.

"I didn't think you knew about the banned abilities but I guess they could have been covered in your history class, " he was talking through a telepath link. Clara laughed quietly and stuck her tongue out at him.

"I heard about banned abilities and had no idea what they were. I just guessed she had one because she didn't seem happy with how powerful my abilities are," Clara smiled and looked at Avery. "I might have accidentally heard a few thoughts when I was enhanced too."

"Accidentally?" they were still talking through the link when Professor Largfell approached them. The link was cut immediately.

"Hey Clara I wanted to talk to you about helping with the ring, " Professor Largfell gave a small smile.

"I don't need your help Professor. Please don't approach me again or my parents will hear about it, " Clara held her head high and gave a wicked looking smile. "Plus with the ring it makes my abilities stronger the more I wear it because I have to overcome. You can tell that to your council friends. Well actually you don't have to because they are listening."

"I guess you have overcome it if you knew there was a communication link. Also that I was trying to listen in to yours," Largfell was also giving a wicked smile now too. He had his own agenda and Clara had to find out fast what that had to do with her.

"Oh but that is breaking a major telepath rule to listen. I guess I will have to report this to my family. Even working for the council you shouldn't be allowed to invade private conversations, " Clara walked passed him and Avery was right behind her. He was almost shielding her and so was Galor.

"Some rules need to be broken."

"You have nothing against me so they don't need to be broken. Don't even bother trying to read my mind by the way, " Clara walked off but before she made it too far, she joined their link slowly. "Also next time you need something or want to ask me something just ask. Don't send a lapdog," and she cut it before she got a response.

She hadn't broken any rule by doing that because she gave a small warning before she entered. She wasn't listening to their thoughts or anything like Largfell was trying to do. Clara went into lunch and ate. She finished school and went to where the council meets with Emmett.

Clara and Emmett arrived at the council meeting area and luckily there was a meeting happening or they expected her. "Hello council. It's nice to see you all again," Clara spoke as soon as she opened the door.

"Clara what are you doing here?" Brento pressed as she entered and he put himself in between the council and her. She didn't know who it was protect, probably the council because he was the strongest. "Emmett you should leave."

He didn't move. Emmett wasn't afraid of the council or if they would do something to Clara. No he was afraid of what Clara would do if she got too mad. "I want this ring off. I've already overcome it and I don't like that you had Largfell try to read my thoughts!"

"He wasn't trying to read your thoughts Clara and we are discussing what to do since you broke a telepath laws, " Andra snapped from behind Brento.

"Maybe so but only to protect my own rights. Plus I closed off everyone thoughts so I didn't hear anything but made a remark. I am not the one at fault here. You had someone purposely break laws put into place to protect someone's privacy, " Clara quickly snapped back and looked at Andra unfazed look, she was glaring at her.

"We can bend the laws if need be and with you there was. You are unpredictable," Andra explained and her glare was ticking Clara off even more.

"I am unpredictable because you guys aren't giving me the chance to control my abilities. Instead you are all afraid and being my enemy and not someone who helps, " Clara admitted a bit that it would be easier if the council wasn't so hard on her. How unfair it was becoming for her was insane.

"This isn't like your old world Clara. We expect control and self restraint from all of our people, " Shoven spoke before Andra had a chance. It was obvious she didn't like Clara and shouldn't be allowed on decisions.

"I do have control and restraint. Just like I have the ability to know someone is once again breaking telepath laws and once again it's not right. The ring has no more affect except destroying my body, " Clara made a whole bunch of shapes float in the air and slowly one by one they disappeared. "So do I have enough control now?"

"Clara it's not just that. Your skills are also dangerous because they are strong. Well at least your telepath, " Shoven kept speaking first and it was obvious which one was trying to read her mind now.

"Honestly Councilwomen Andra, I can feel you trying to slip into my mind. You guys need to stop this before I show this to all the people in this world. How their corrupt council is treating a new child to this world?" Clara was threatening and Emmett put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. He could feel the rage pouring from her but somehow she wasn't inflicting.

"Council, I am sorry that you are scared of Clara. For whatever reason I don't understand. She has made one mistake and obviously we have all made mistakes, " Emmett could sometimes control emotions and he was trying really hard with Clara but it was so strong.

"We are stopping a threat becoming reality and I think the people would understand that, " it was a different councilwomen this time. Clara didn't know who she was.

"I don't think they would as I haven't posed much of a threat have I? I know that one of you is an Empath like Emmett. You know how much rage is pouring off me and look a me now, " Clara smiled and twirled around quickly as if showing off something. "I am not inflicting because before this stupid ring, Councilman Brento taught me how to control it."

"You are doing a good job Clara, " Brento finally spoke and he gave her a nod. He would have her back.

"I am the Empath and trust me I can feel that rage. Just because you are controlling it now doesn't mean you can when the ring is off, " The women spoke again and Clara knew she had a point.

"Then take the ring off. Simple enough is it not? " Clara smiled and her rage was gone and it was just calmness. She was just calm as if nothing important was happening.

"Fine take the ring off her," the empath waves over the technopath from the first. "Let's see how long it is before you almost kill someone and shatter your mind."

"Good for me that I wasn't raised in this environment and maybe that's what destroys you guys, " Clara laughed a little before walking a little closer. "Where I grew up, people killed each other and animals because they want to. Don't think I'll shatter as easy like you think."

"Is that a threat?" the empath walks closer to Clara as well. "Don't threaten the council Clara or it'll be the biggest mistake ever."

"It wasn't a threat Councilwomen. Simply saying I'm not fragile. I'm not going to kill anyone," Clara walks away. "Thanks for taking the ring off. It wasn't that hard to overcome anyways."

Once they were outside Emmett was fuming from how Clara acted. "You are thirteen Clara. You have to careful because the council can make it seem like you never existed."

"I know how old I am Emmett. I was always around the older kids though so I'm just practicing what I saw, " Clara shrugged and Emmett light leaped them to her house.

Once there Maddox came to talk to Clara quickly. "So what happened?"

"The empath councilwoman thought I was a big threat and that I would destroy myself if they took the ring off but I still got then too," Clara held up the now bare finger and smiled at it.

"Oh that's good. Now you can fully heal your cells and take care of yourself," Maddox sighed with relief and she hadn't noticed until now but he looked like he aged from all the worrying.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. There is going to be a meeting tonight. I am being put into leadership because of some reasons I'm not allowed to talk about, " Clara didn't have a smile as Maddox's face slightly dropped in even more worry. She knew it was because she could be in so much trouble for leading this group. "Maddox, I don't plan to go against the council. It isn't the right away. I plan to reveal the group and that all these people are starting to see the flaw in a system because it's too old."

"That's really dangerous Clara. They are gonna ask so many questions, too many and what happens if you can't answer them properly?" Maddox was even more worried so it went against what she had hoped.

"They can't check if I'm lying or not even with an empath. It's easy to trick them for me because I did earlier. Even tricked Emmett, " She saw the slight pout but ignored it and focused on her dad.

"Fine but I'm standing in the room with you and I will send all of you away before I let them touch you, " Maddox walked off. He went to talk to Philip about the plan. It was a dangerous plan but someone needed to talk for the people. She was the best to lead, even if she thought otherwise.

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