
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantaisie
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82 Chs

Chapter 46: Aphrael

Hearing that the girl just wanted to trade, Ethan breathed a sigh of relief. He also noticed the longbow on her back, assuming she was an elven archer. It made sense that she would be interested in his eagle companion, as birds of prey are favored by archers.

"Sorry, I can't trade with you. Moreover, if this panther is your companion, please take it away from my territory. It poses a serious threat to my people's safety."

Ethan firmly rejected her proposal and demanded her departure. If she refused, he was ready for a confrontation. Initially startled by her hiding technique, he now felt confident, knowing she was just an archer. At this close range, he believed he could handle her.

The girl shook her head repeatedly. "Please don't misunderstand. By 'trade,' I mean I want to make a deal with you. I wish to learn how you trained your extraordinary eagle. In return, I'm willing to offer you something valuable. Anything I can provide is open for trade."

"Sorry, but I have no training method to share," Ethan reiterated. "Please, take your pet and leave my territory immediately!"

"No, you do have a method," the girl insisted. "Your companion has already told me that you granted it extraordinary power. It's incredible! Even our elven magic can't bestow such power on a companion. But you, a human without magic, can do it. Please, tell me how you did it. I beg you!"

Ethan turned to Little Yellow on his shoulder. The bird looked away, avoiding his eyes, clearly guilty. Realizing his eagle had "betrayed" him, Ethan fumed, "Little Yellow, you traitor! Do you want me to cook you?"

Little Yellow spread its wings, glaring at Ethan and chirping indignantly, explaining that it had endured much scolding from its mate for Ethan's sake, and now Ethan dared to blame it.

Recognizing his mistake, Ethan backed down. The girl, meanwhile, laughed. "You two are quite a pair! Don't blame Little Yellow. We elves are naturally close to nature. Though it's your companion, it doesn't dislike us. When I asked, it willingly answered. By the way, calling it Little Yellow is quite unusual!"

Ethan indeed blamed Little Yellow, not for revealing information to the elf but for not warning him about her presence, almost causing an ambush. However, he couldn't say this aloud. The more pressing issue was how to handle the Swiftblade Panther.

After some thought, Ethan said, "That's my business, not yours. For the last time, please take your pet and leave my territory."

Technically, this wasn't his territory, but he doubted the elf knew that. Surprisingly, she smiled and said, "Please don't deceive me. Although I'm an elf, I understand human rules. This area is beyond your territory's boundary markers. Moreover, even within your territory, by the peace agreement between elves and humans, I'm allowed to stay for over a year without being evicted. But I don't want to enforce that clause. I sincerely request you not to trouble us. Parker is advancing to extraordinary, and I must stay here to assist him."

Realizing his bluff was called, Ethan felt a bit awkward but quickly composed himself. "Can you assure me your pet won't enter my territory?"

"Absolutely," the girl nodded. "The night you arrived, I only sent him to check things out. I promise Parker won't enter your territory again."

Elves were known for their honesty, and Ethan believed she wouldn't lie. If that was the case, his task here was done. He didn't wish to linger, though deep down, he wanted to befriend the elf. However, he knew elves typically distrusted humans, and now wasn't the time.

"Alright, I trust your word. My name is Ethan."


Knowing her name, Ethan smiled. "Well, Aphrael, since we've reached an agreement, I'll take my leave. I hope we meet again someday."

He turned and walked away without looking back, although internally, he was anxious. Having an elf nearby offered many potential benefits, like enchanting his Champion Blade or acquiring an elven longbow. His Champion Blade, damaged from numerous battles, needed repairs and enchantments, especially the [Indestructible] blessing.

But, he knew patience was necessary, and building trust would take time. For now, he left, hoping for future opportunities to seek the elf's help.