
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
82 Chs

Chapter 30: Chatting

As the sun rose the next morning, Ethan and Saberi each held a cup of coffee and walked across the packed cargo-laden deck to a small, vacant spot at the bow of the ship.

As the sun climbed higher, the color of the sea changed, transitioning from deep blue to light blue, and then to a golden hue, creating a stunning picture.

While the scenery was beautiful, Saberi, with dark circles under his eyes, was not in the mood to appreciate it, having seen it many times before. He had invited Ethan to watch the sunrise not for the view but to chat and get to know Ethan better for business purposes.

Saberi believed that a trustworthy business partner was more important than the project or profit. This principle had led him to buy a shipload of coffee beans on credit from a dwarf friend from the Black Iron Dwarves nation. The friend shared Saberi's business values, which sealed the deal.

Unfortunately, while his friend had no issues with the credit, Saberi found himself in a difficult situation. Despite this, he stood firm on his principles—business partners must align with his values.

"Ethan, I heard you're sixteen this year," Saberi remarked, hinting at something.

"Yes, that's right."

"Ah, youth is wonderful! But," Saberi pointed to his own dark circles, "could you and your wife perhaps be a bit more considerate of an old man like me? You two were at it all night from dusk till dawn. I couldn't get a wink of sleep."

Ethan chuckled wryly, touching his own dark circles. "Thank you for saving me this morning by inviting me to watch the sunrise. Otherwise, for the sake of my manly pride and honor as a knight, I might not have survived."

"Haha..." Saberi laughed, patting Ethan on the shoulder. "I understand your pain. I went through the same thing back in my day. Honestly, I'm quite envious of you. Last night, I counted..."

Saberi paused, laughing awkwardly. "Please forgive my rudeness. I'm not a pervert, but your noise was just too loud and relentless. I couldn't sleep, so I leaned against the wall and listened for a bit. Seventeen times—seventeen! Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Ethan's panda-like eyes widened. "If that's not perverted, what is? And 'a bit' of listening?"

"Alright," Saberi admitted with another awkward laugh. "I leaned against the wall from the beginning. Happy now? But is it all my fault? Shouldn't you reflect on your actions? I warned you to be mindful of others from the start. And seventeen times—seriously? My dear Ethan, if you want to die, do it in your territory, not on my ship."

Ethan's temper flared at this affront to his manly pride. Despite his pale lips and trembling legs, he stubbornly retorted, "Yesterday was just an off day. Under thirty times is no problem for me."

"Ha!" Saberi laughed heartily. "Save that talk for your wife. Boasting to me is pointless because I'm a man too! Haha... But I do admire your unyielding spirit. Just don't push yourself too hard. You're still young; there's plenty of time ahead. Also, speaking of your wife—my niece—I have something to say."

"Go ahead."

Saberi's laughter subsided, and he spoke seriously. "You might have heard bad rumors about my niece, but I assure you, she's a good girl among the nobility."

He pointed to a man leaning against the ship's rail, drunk and disheveled. The man had messy long hair, scruffy stubble, and vomit-stained clothes. If not for the knight's sword at his waist, one might mistake him for a destitute vagrant.

"That's my guardian knight, Storrios. He may look a mess now, but he's a Silver Level 7 warrior and married a woman of impeccable reputation. His wife, Grace, won Maro City's 'Most Elegant Lady' award two years ago. Her elegance and kindness are well-known. Yet, two months ago, she gave birth to a black child. You heard right—a black child. For us white folks, that's quite the shocker."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Wow, that's a tragedy."

"No," Saberi continued, pursing his lips. "That's not even the worst part. According to imperial law, once married, a man must raise any children his wife bears, regardless of the father. Storrios has six black children to raise, each from a different father. This latest one was discovered because he wanted to surprise his wife and caught her in the act. He's never seen the other five fathers. And who knows if there are more? He can't even be sure his own children are his because they resemble the neighbors more and more."

Ethan was speechless, finally managing to say, "A double tragedy!"

"No," Saberi widened his eyes. "It's even worse. There are six black children, and each has a different father. This latest incident was discovered because Storrios wanted to surprise his wife. Who knows if there are more? He can't even be sure his own children are his because they resemble the neighbors more and more."

Ethan's tongue clicked in disbelief. He grabbed Saberi's collar. "What are you trying to say with all this? Are you mocking me?"

"Relax," Saberi patted Ethan's hand. "I'm trying to tell you that a woman's true worth isn't in her appearance but in her heart. And my niece is a woman with a beautiful heart."

Ethan released Saberi's collar. "I don't need you to tell me that. And that Grace woman should be executed as an example to others."

"I'm afraid that's impossible. Due to the prolonged wars, the population isn't growing. Grace has made significant contributions to the empire," Saberi explained, shrugging. "Not only will she avoid punishment, but the duke also plans to award her the Best Childbearing Award for her efforts."

Ethan laughed. "The duke must be insane. Is the population that desperate?"

"Politics is something neither you nor I understand," Saberi laughed. "The duke probably thinks this will encourage higher birth rates."