
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantaisie
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82 Chs

Chapter 3: The Job Interview

When Ethan arrived at the recruitment site at 77 Rue de Champs, it was well past lunchtime. His stomach growled from hunger, but the urgency of his situation left him no time for a meal. Determined to secure a foothold first, he strode toward the large mansion in front of him.

The mansion covered several dozen acres, with whitewashed walls nearly four meters high topped with iron spikes, resembling a fortress. Ethan knocked on the door, and soon, a burly man over two meters tall with bulging muscles opened it. The man frowned at the sight of the young Ethan and asked, "Kid, who are you looking for?"

"My name is Ethan. I'm here to apply for the swordsmanship mentor position," Ethan replied seriously.

The man burst into laughter. "Kid, don't joke around. Being a gladiator mentor isn't child's play. Go home." He started to close the door, but Ethan needed this job desperately. He quickly blocked the door with his sword hilt and insisted, "I'm not joking. Let me see the person in charge. They'll decide if I'm suitable."

The man's expression turned angry as he opened the door fully, ready to teach Ethan a lesson with his bare fists. "Take your sword away, or don't blame me for being rough!"

Before the man could make a move, Ethan drew his sword with lightning speed, pressing the tip against the man's throat. "I told you, I'm here to apply for the swordsmanship mentor position. I don't want trouble, but don't push me."

A cold sweat broke out on the man's forehead. "This kid is fast! I didn't even see him move, and he's already got me at sword point. Maybe he's got some skill."

With a slight smile, the man gently gripped the sword blade and slowly moved it aside. "I'm Locke, a guard here. I've seen your sword skills. Not bad. Follow me if you're serious about applying."

Ethan nodded, sheathed his sword, and followed Locke inside. As they walked, Locke asked, "What's your name again?"


"Alright, Ethan. I'm impressed by your speed, but given your age, it's hard to believe you can handle the mentor role. Gladiators fight to the death, and without real combat experience, it's hard to earn their respect."

Locke, seeing Ethan's young age and likely lack of battle experience, offered a friendly warning.

"Thanks for the advice, but don't worry. I have my methods," Ethan replied confidently.

As they walked, they eventually reached the gladiator training area. Inside, about a dozen burly, muscular gladiators, dressed only in tight briefs, were sparring in pairs. Noticing Locke with a young man, one of the gladiators called out, "Locke, who's the kid? The new cook?"

"Wow, a new cook. That's great! Old John's food is worse than pig slop. Hopefully, this kid can do better."

Locke shook his head. "You'll be disappointed. He's here to apply as a swordsmanship mentor. Where's Lord Sarno? I need to take him to see him."

The gladiators' expressions changed. "Is this a joke? A kid teaching swordsmanship? He's trying to get us killed!"

"Kid, wherever you came from, just go back. This is no playground."

"Get out now!"

The gladiators surrounded Ethan, glaring at him. Ethan remained calm, understanding their concern. Every match was a life-and-death battle for them. They needed lethal skills, not to be toyed with by a child. Though he understood, Ethan wasn't about to give up. Unsure of what to say to convince them, Locke stepped forward to hold them back.

"He's just here to apply. Whether he gets the job isn't decided yet. Relax, and tell me where Lord Sarno is. He'll decide everything."

"Lord Sarno left early and hasn't returned," a towering man, nearly 2.3 meters tall, replied. He turned to Ethan, "Kid, you're really here to apply as a swordsmanship mentor?"

A massive shadow blocked Ethan's view of the sun. He looked up to see a hulking, scarred man with a full beard. His mere presence was intimidating, but Ethan was used to such figures; his academy mentors were even more terrifying. Unfazed, Ethan smiled and said, "Yes, I am."

The man chuckled darkly. "Do you know why we need a new mentor? The last one's sword skills were so bad, I accidentally killed him. I've killed two mentors already. Are you sure you want to apply?"

Ethan smiled. Others might fear this man, but he did not. Gladiators, despite their killing techniques, were still ordinary men. Without having trained in the Force, they were merely strong. In this world, anyone not extraordinary was merely an ant.

"Absolutely sure," Ethan replied calmly.

The man laughed again. "You've got guts. If you can beat me, you don't need Lord Sarno's approval. You'll be our mentor. Do you dare try? The loser dies."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat at the mention of a death match, but his face remained stoic. After a brief hesitation, he agreed. If winning would secure the position, the risk was worth it.

"I'd be happy to," he said.

Locke, alarmed, tried to dissuade him. "Ethan, do you know who your opponent is? This is Solis, our ace, known as The Butcher. He's decapitated his last ten opponents. You stand no chance. Give up now while you can. If you do, I'll escort you out safely."

Ethan shook his head. "Thank you, but I need this job, and I can do it."

Locke wanted to argue further, but Solis cut him off. "Shut up, Locke. He's accepted the challenge. Don't interfere in a man's fight."

Solis picked up a broad-bladed short sword and moved to the center of the arena, waiting for Ethan. All eyes were on Ethan, awaiting his decision.

"Kid, you should quit now. No matter how good your swordsmanship is, you're too skinny to fight Solis."

"Against overwhelming strength, even the best swordsmanship is useless."

"Quit now, and we'll ask Solis to let it go."

Despite their doubts, Ethan ignored them and stepped into the arena, activating his Short Selling skill.