
The Lonely demon King is waiting for his Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGoldstar · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Competition (1)

The competition is starting the next day, everyone were preparing.

Sarah didn't go home and started training in d gym room.

She kept trying some moves and she didn't get it..

She fell down harder, and didn't try to stand up anymore.

Why is her life so fucked up this way? She never had a family, No magic, no self esteem and no respect.

She cried for the fiftieth time today.

"Creator. Why did you have to make me when you gave me nothing. This life is worst. I hate it so damn bad. you shouldn't have made me when you would have created me as this useless girl anyways. I am so sick of my life. Why can't you just fucking take my life." She screamed.

She heard some sound and sat up.

"Can you reduce your voice. You shout too much." He said, yawning. He was sleeping before the arrival of Sarah. He stood and was about leaving before he stopped. "If you really want to die that much, then you jump off the cliff or poison yourself. If that is too cruel and you can't do that, then go annoy someone very powerful. You definitely going to die quickly. You can do that by annoying the dragon. Or better, the phoenix." He said and left the hall.

Sarah couldn't believe that it was Sean that she saw.

Many thoughts ran in her mind. Like, What's he doing here? And how could he speak that much to her.

She used to like him, but she saw he never any ounce of crush on anyone, she stopped. She never had a chance anyway if he is to date someone.

What he said come to her mind.

"If you really want to die that much....then you go and annoy someone very powerful. You definitely going to die quickly. You can do that by annoying the dragon. Or better, the phoenix."

That's the better idea ever. Why she never thought of it?

She stood up and smiled.

She's not going to annoy Jenna or her nephew.

'To die quickly, you have to tried the most powerful among them, and that is Rica.' She never liked her anyway.

She is going to do that tomorrow, which is the COMPETITION.

She left there happily, she is going to put an end to her miserable life.

Nat came out of his hidden, and smirked.

"Interesting." He smirked and left.

Zayn was walking in the wood, when a knife was thrown at him which he swiftly dodged.

The person came out and started attacking him, throwing blades at him, and Zayn dodged all.

"He is the person of last time." He said to himself and dodged the multiple blades. The person was in a hoodie like the last time.

"Wow! You are showing your power now? How could the most useless boy in the school be dodging multiple blades, when no one in history has done that?" His voice very thick like that time too. It sounds like the voice of a monster.

"Who are you?" Zayn asked as he dodged the blades.

"You don't have the right to know who I am. You are probably not an ordinary human, and not a normal creature. Who are you?" The hoodie guy asked and stopped throwing at him.

The hoodie guy wasn't expecting it when he was attacked swiftly by Zayn.

Zayn never used his power and gave him a blow.

"You are irritating. You dare play that cheating tricks on me. Are you sure you are a man?" The hoodie guy said and Zayn laughed as he gave him a punch.

"I'm more of a man than you. I never layed ambush like you." He said.

The guy pushed him away with all of his strength.

He closed his eyes and stretched his hand towards Zayn. All the rocks in the bush stood up and coming to his direction, trying to smash him.

Zayn smirked and swiftly dodged them by flying from one direction to another.

"You can't escape today." The guy said.

"Who is that?" A lady's voice was heard and the rocks fell down at her voice.

"A lady saving her man in distress?" He asked and laughed devilishly. "Zayn. You are a big coward."

"Sure. I'll definitely save my man from someone like you." Rica smirked and threw a fire at her.

"Really?" The guy smirked and killed the fire easily. He lifted her up and threw her down.

"Who said the Phoenix's fire cannot be killed easily? Here I am, killing it now. Or you are not powerful as the rumors says?" The guy smirked.

Rica was very angry and walked toward him.

"You dare repeat what you just said." She said as the wind blew hard.

"I said you are not powerful, do your worst." He repeated and laughed maniacally.

She looked at him and lifted him up with magi and raised her up.

She closed her eyes and said something under her breath like spells.

"Wow! I never knew a Phoenix can do spells." He said and flew away.

Zayn that has been watching with interest suddenly looked shock.

She began fuming and everywhere turned black.

He held her hand and everywhere turned to normal.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Definitely." She said with her face white.

He carried her in his arms and walked.

"I'm a Jerk. I'll definitely protect you and not let you do the same for me."

"No, you are not one." She smiled before seeping into darkness.

The next day, everyone came to school early.

Sarah scratched her body with her dirty hair in ponytail.

She bumped into someone and she was pushed.

"You don't know you smells." The girl said disgustingly.

"You don't have to say it. I know myself." She said lowly to herself. "Many do's and don'ts. It's better ending it all today." She said as walked to the competition hall.

Many students were sitting in the sitting square.

Sarah eyes met with Zayn who was hugging Rica. She froze and looked away, looking for a place to sit.

Zayn never expect to see her too.

He laughed lowly to himself when he saw the way she dressed.