
My Birth

I was born as the second child in our family as a girl, my parents always told me that they celebrated when I was born but I wasn't sure about it.

I don't know why mom always love the first child sooooo much especially if it BOY.

My parents loved me soo much when I was small, you know those moments when they are with you in you every step taking care of you like you worth a billion. I was super naughty I did everything and tell it was done by my brother (sorry bro)..I was very active and I just talked about lots of stuffs, soo many doctors and principles gave me books to read telling I speak lots of about lots of thing. I felt some real happiness that time everyone loved whatever I did and I didn't feel any responsibilities that time, I could have been in the same way but yaa what is interesting in life if everything is cool so life gave me a thunder in my journey...


These moments twisted my life to hell from a hero to zero...

Life is short my friend, love and care get reduced when you grow or maybe hiden so learn to be for yourself!

Anime_World_9749creators' thoughts