
The Lone Reader

He woke up in a world familiar to himself in what seemed like an unknown body. A world he had read about, a world with a destructive end. He became a background character, someone that should have no significance in the plot. However, if he wishes to survive in this world he would need to change the ending. ……. The cover page is not mine. If the artist wishes for me to take it down message me and I will do it as soon as possible …. Also this novel took inspiration mainly from 4 novels which are, The Ending Maker , Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, The Novel’s Extra, and The Authors POV

Macadamiahero · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


I called out status.

This was the only way in this world to view your own stats,talents and abilities and more.

You can say it's a system but it also isn't one, all it does is show your own power.

It has no way to help increase your power or give missions or allow you to allocate points to improve strength.

It's like a basic game status screen

Name: Matt Gonzales

Rank: G+

Strength: G

Intellect G+

Agility G

Charm F-

Abilities: None

Talent: Basic sword talent.

Blessings: none

Evaluation: You have a mediocre ability in this world that no gods have truly taken an interest in you. Compared to other humans you are just barely ok; but you won't achieve much in life. Highest rank you can possible achieve is a C rank. You have the talent for sword and magic but just that won't take you far. The saddest thing is when people see you with your low charm they, will not keep you in mind. You won't be remembered.

These were my stats and talent.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"How the hell was I admitted to the institute with these shit stats"

They are below average.

At the institute the average status rank people have starting is at F+ and E-.

With these stats that best I can defeat is a G+ tier monster, without risking my life.

The most basic of what can be considered a true monster.

Looking at these stats, I couldn't help but laugh.


"How did I even get admitted?"

At least I know where to start on my journey.

I have a poor start compared to the main protagonist of this world.

He himself couldn't even win or achieve the happy ending with his cheat talents.

How will I be able to achieve anything with this basic talent and mediocre skills.

In this world ranks for humans followed from strongest to weakest SSS, SS, S, A, B ,C, D, E, F, G. Between each rank up there were minor rank increases of + or -.

I need to increase my starting point, for the next year I will have to train, get items and increase my strength.

The lowest current goal is reach the rank of an average admitted student or if I truly wish to change that ending I have to reach a higher goal something closer to the originals main character rank.

Even with my will to change the ending right now with my pitiful strength I would get myself killed. A will can't get you much in this world if you do not have the strength to back it up.

There is another problem.

How will I remember all the tiny details, the locations and training methods. The events that were key events for this world, the enemies and the weaknesses they have.

This is a problem I have to fix.

I can't possibly remember every single thing.

While I do have knowledge of this world it's vague.

" I need to write down as much as I can remember"

While Matthew was looking for a paper and pen to write what he can remember.


Another person was training in a forest.

Ezekiel Jones this is the original mc he has no parents but has a grandpa that took him in after his mother died.

He never knew his father. From what he remembers what his mother told him, he had to leave them both.

His mother had died to demons, he lived at a small town at the border between the continent of race alliance and the demon content. One night demons launched an attack towards them.

While it would make sense for entire border to be restricted, it was not.

Poor villages don't have much protection and since the border is huge the government can't cover all of it. At least that's what they say. Truth be told they do not want to spend the money needed to cover everything.

Therefore the lack of protection allowed for some gaps to be found here and there at the border.

Ezekiels village was situated around one of those gaps.His mother was killed protecting him.

He had wandered towards the city where his only remaining family member lived.

His grandpa heard the news of his daughters death, and felt pain. No parent wishes to see their kids die before them. Therefore he took upon himself to help him.

Ezekiel had trained since he was 16. Now he is at 18 towards the end of his basic training.

In the woods you could hear the sounds of birds chirping, the leafs dancing in the wind. The rustling of bushes here and there. However Ezekiel focused his hearing on only one sound the sound of a demonic beast in the background.

A roar that silenced all noise in the vicinity. The roar was fear inducing to any normal man, if they heard it they wouldn't be able to move.

His grandfather had the training mentality that the best training is to throw you to the sharks and have you fend for yourself. To learn and adapt.

This was his last test to hunt a demonic beast.

The bushes rustling and loud footsteps closed in.

Ezekiel heard this and opened his eyes to see what looked like a bear. 16 ft tall with black fur and brown eyes. It stood on it's hind legs and had sharp teeth that looked like it was ready to maul anything off and sharps claws that can tear limps apart. It was the demonic beast commonly known as Black Bear.

At this moment the beast saw Ezekiel as a prey.

It rushed towards Ezekiel on all fours to get a faster speed, it closed in on him and was ready to swipe at him with its claws.


Sound of a sword and claw clashing was only thing heard in the forest.

Ezekiel stayed calm. As soon as he saw the bear started running toward him, he had used amplification magic upon himself to strengthen his body and took his stance with his sword. His grandpa always said 'when fighting a stronger opponent use their momentum and strength against them'.

Ezekiel saw that opportunity when the bear swiped his claws at him he had use his blade to parry the sword vertically.

The demon beast was caught off guard and lost its balance and fell.

Ezekiel took this chance and applied fire magic to his blade ready to cut the bears head off.


With all his strength he swung the sword down upon the bear. The bear moved at last second but it still sustained an injury. It's right eye was damaged and this enraged the bear.

It had entered a berserk state, a red hue covered it's body and it's eyes glowed bright red.

While demonic beast can use magic, depending on its intellect it can be on command or it was more of an instinctive use of magic.

This bear seemed to used it on instinct.

Ezekiel still stayed calm, he didn't think it would be easy to kill the bear with one swing. He applied wind magic to his sword already covered in fire. The idea was to increase the temperature of his sword by applying wind magic.

It worked, it wasn't perfect since the magic in his sword was unstable. Without a proper weapon to handle the power it would break. Ezekiel had only one chance.

He charged towards the bear, he decided to attack the side where the eye was damaged.

The bear couldn't see that side but it heard Ezekiel coming.

The beast bellowed with rage. Its roar shook the trees around, ripping across the air through the valley. It silenced the forest and drove the birds away.

Ezekiel yelled as well " Come at me!"

Both ran to each other and were ready to use the best of their power to kill their opponents.

Ezekiel had slashed at the beasts upper body near its heart. As the sword slashed he amplified the magic flames on the sword. He wanted the flames to burn the beast from within.

The cut was deep enough and it charred the organs of the beast. The blade broke and Ezekiel sighed in relief.

He didn't come unscathed, the claws had cut his upper arm, and blood can be seen flowing down his elbow. It was a deep cut that made him wince in pain.

Ezekiel however wasn't worried he had a regenerative ability that can heal this wound with enough magic.

But Ezekiel was tired he ran out of stamina and magic, the magic he had left was barely usable to stop the bleeding.

Ezekiel passed out right next to the beast he had just killed.

An old man jumped down from the tree and looked at Ezekiel.


" My dear boy I am proud of you, it took you only two years to be able to beat a E- rank beast by yourself"

This old man with a slightly rough build is Rick Jones, the grandpa to Ezekiel.

With this kill, the basic training of his grandson was finished. Now he had a year to get accustomed back to society before he attended Atlas institute.

Rick couldn't be any more proud.

Rick was a retired soldier that was stationed away from his home. He wasn't there with his daughter and grandchild when the demons attacked, for those reasons , He held deep regrets that he couldn't save her.

He still remembers when his grandson came to him with hatred in his eyes, he told him to use it to train and get stronger to kill the demons.

Therefore he retired as soon as Ezekiel found him, used his money to buy a small Suburb home away from the city and trained Ezekiel.

Rick had used his connections and called for favors to have his grandson get a special scholarship and enroll him at Atlas in a year.