
The Locked Birdcage

Having once been the precious, princess of the Williams’ family and guarded all her life. Azure had incomparable beauty and she was musically gifted with an amazing voice. How could someone be so lucky, people would question. But all goods come to end at some point, Azure suddenly faced a downfall in her life. She lost her mother when she was a teen, causing her emotions to decline and feeling pained everyday, Azure stopped speaking. 2 years later, her father lost their main course of money. Due to all theses loses, she was sent to her aunt and started a new life there but who knows how long that “new life” would last at her aunt’s... - Ryker Yen is an outstanding CEO of the HK Cooperation. He runs multiple billion-dollar companies all over the world. He had everything he ever wanted and believed he didn’t need anything else......that was until he meet Azure Williams. A girl with abnormal, sky blue eyes and a lifeless look. The moment Ryker saw her on stage, he knew that he wanted her. She was just so captivating, every look she gave was enticing and every single gesture she made, caused Ryker to want to kiss her cherry blossom- colored lips. Now let’s all watch as a devilish CEO fixes the trapped heart of the ex-princess. ————————————————————— So the schedule for this story is that I’m gonna try my best to update at least one chapter every 2 weeks! I’m sorry if it ever gets delayed.

_midnight_rain_ · Général
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

“Pit-a-pat Pit-a-Pat”

Inside a certain car:

Edward Rose stared eagerly out the window as they got closer and closer to the nicely lit mansion.

"Oh my, hurry Ryker the gala already started without us!" A handsome blond-haired passenger urged to his best friend next to him.

"So what, Ed? The party barely started like ten minutes ago." Ryker said while driving his white Rolls-Royce Sweptail car.

"So what?! Sissy is going to be there! My dear beloved older sister! I can't wait to see her." Eden exclaimed.

"If you wanted to see your 'beloved' sister so bad, why didn't you just text her to pick you up in her car?"

"Cuz I know that you wouldn't have attended this party if I wasn't here to drag you along."

"....well...you got a point there." Ryker sighed in defeat.

As soon as the car pulled up in front of the mansion, Eden eagerly jumped out the car, while Ryker got out and handed his car keys to the valet.

He casually walked side to side with Eden down the hall and into the gala. The moment they walked in, Eden scanned the crowd and when he spotted what he was looking for, he quickly ran over to her.

"SIS!" Eden called as he made his way through the crowd, "Your favorite brother is here!"

"Eden?!" Sissy cried.

Just when she was about to turn around, her brother tackled her into a hug and cried tears of joy. Sissy was shocked by the sudden huge weight on her, yet she still embraced the figure.

Ryker leisurely walked up to the Rose siblings. Just as he was about to speak, a sudden voice of the host echoed through the room.

"Welcome, dear guests to the celebration of Miss.Sissy and her 10-year long fashion reputation! Let's all give her a warm round of applause!" As soon has Mr.Lu said that, a spotlight was shined down on Sissy as everyone around her started clapping.

"Now would our dear fashion designer like to come up for a quick speech?"

Hearing that, Sissy started walking up towards the stage. Everyone started parting and making a way for her to get through.

Sissy took ahold of the microphone and started her speech, "Haha, welcome everyone and thank you for coming tonight. You know..."

Sissy continued on with her speech for about a minute before she concluded and handed over the microphone to the host.

"Well let's all give another round of applause to Miss.Sissy. I hope everyone enjoys the party and there will be entertainment, don't worry. For our first performance of the night, we have a pianist. She's very quiet but very skilled. Her name will remain unknown for now but let's all give her a warm welcome!" Mr.Lu cheerfully said as the crowd applauded.

Everyone had there eyes glued to the stage and they were all flabbergast when they saw her come up.

The crowd was amazed to see such a pretty girl and to make things even more surprising, she had such abnormal blue eyes. This made the crowd even more speechless and excited.

Azure stepped up to the piano and sat herself down. She stared at it for a few of seconds and pondered about what short song she should play.

Earlier Mr.Lu had told her that she must play one song with the minimum of 5 minutes.

Azure placed her fingers on top of the keys and soon as she thought up what song to play, her fingers started to dance around the piano, as she pressed down on the keys, that soon formed the song La Campanella by Franz Liszt.

Although Azure hadn't touched a piano in 2 years, she was still able to remembered every single note of this song and played it so delicately. Her expression was indifferent but her eyes held a dull twinkle, making her look like something out of a painting.

Ryker stared at Azure, amazed by her looks and her skills. It absolutely captivating. His mind was blank but there was one thought that popped up, 'I want her.'

Ryker felt like he had never seen such a lovely and precious looking girl before. She seemed so innocent, trapped in her own world as her delicate fingers played the piano.

Ryker's breath was hitched, his checks flushed with a light red color and he felt his heart rate speed up.

'Pit-a-pat' 'Pit-a-pat'

He placed a hand over his loud heart and continued endlessly gazing at her.

Ryker felt as though no one else was in the room except for the mysterious girl and him.

As her performance continued on, not once did Ryker look away. He was staring so much that Eden took notice of him.

The song Azure had played was short but it displayed her skills very well, as soon as she ended, she got up. Facing the crowd, she did a graceful curtsy as the audience clapped as they whispered amongst themselves.

"Who is that girl?"

"I think I just fell in love..."

"Did you notice the fact that she didn't even have music sheets laid out for such a difficult song?"

"What family is she from?"

"Did you notice her eyes? So unique..."

"She looks a bit familiar..."

The twinkle that was in her eyes were soon replaced with emptiness as she took quiet steps down the stairs and away from the stage.