
The Life of Kenshiro Senju

I am not the writer! The author goes by the online name Kestix. I just thought that it would be a shame for this gem to rot out there forever. Author: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro Senju, son of Iria Senju and Daikuma Senju Kenshiro Senju, that is now my name. It has not always been... Once I have been named differently, by another mother, in a different world. I had grown up in a different world, have lived a different life, and have done things way differently. My story started like so many other isekai self-insert stories. Well, at least I think my death has been a little bit more on the strange side. Author of the cover; https://www.pinterest.de/mliannaphilisa/

RandomSwordsThief · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 22

They were almost finished when it knocked at our door. We had yet to say 'open' when Jiraiya did just that. He got punched in the face for his rudeness and flew backwards out of the room.

The punch came from Sakumo, while I had stepped in front of Ariha, she was not finished and had her arms stuck over her head. Her chest was in full view and we would not allow Jiraiya to see her half naked, even when a bra was covering her breasts.

"Thanks, guys," thanked Ariha us with a grateful smile. She then pulled her top down and walked out of the room. She also might have stepped on a delicate part of Jiraiya's male anatomy on her way out.

I stepped over Jiraiya as well and saw that his team was standing in front of the door. Tsu-chan was facepalming and then glaring at Ariha. Orochimaru was looking annoyed, already too used this. "What's up, guys?" I asked with a wave of my hand in greeting.

Orochimaru explained why they stood in front of our door, "We wanted to ask if you three want to go to the hot springs. There must be some in Kiri, the other team is joining as well." He pointed behind himself and the three Genin that had graduated with us waved at us. The other Genin team was not in sight.

"I wouldn't say no to a hot bath," agreed Sakumo, he looked at me and Ariha. I gave him a shrug and Ariha nodded in agreement. "We'd come along," he then said to Orochimaru.

"Great, get your things and meet us down in the lobby," said Jiraiya suddenly totally eager. He has jumped up and was back into being hyper. I think Tsu-chan might have awakened a passive regeneration with her constant beat downs. There is no way that he can heal this fast this quickly, not without having a Gamer's Body. Maybe his own Chakra has mutated to mitigate the daily damage he receives on the hands of Tsunade? That would be freaky, but also possible.

I gave him a suspicious glare while walking past him to the stairs. My bathing stuff was also sealed and on my body. Have I said that I love seals?

Down in the lobby, we could see a few other Genin teams. They all stood clear of us and stayed among their fellow villagers. Most were also older than us, ranging from 14 to 18.

Ariha was glaring at everyone that looked at us and Sakumo was standing leaning on a wall with his arms crossed. We made a good imposing image, for twelve-year-old children, that is.

Soon enough the other six came down as well, the three Genin, whose name I still haven't bothered to learn, were following Tsu-chan. The girl was chattering with her, while the two boys were trying to stay in the back.

"Does anyone know where we can find the hot springs? It's not as if they gave us a map," asked Ariha once everyone was close. None of us answered, so she sighed and walked over to the Jonin that hid as a receptionist.

"Excuse me, Miss? We'd like to know if there are any good hot springs or onsen in Kirigakure," started Ariha politely.

The receptionist looked up from her table and gave each of us a look, before answering Ariha. "Of course, there are a couple. Some are pretty good and can hold up with the hot springs of the Land of Hot Water." She then proceeded by giving us detailed instructions on how to get there.

Ariha thanked her with a quick bow and we went on our way. Some suggested using roof hopping, while Jiraiya was of the opinion that a Shunshin would be the fastest. I countered with the fact that both are Ninja skills and can be seen as suspicious by any Kiri Ninja.

We then agreed to walk normally. Yet, we have decided to take the highest walkway. It was almost empty from other people, but everyone who was on it wore high-quality clothes and was either a high ranked Ninja or a wealthy civilian.

They gave us strange looks but did not tell us to leave their walkway. Maybe we are allowed to walk there, or it would look bad on Kiri if we were not allowed to see the civilian parts of their village.

Whatever it was, thanks to it we managed to quickly cross half of the town. The Jonin, hidden as a receptionist, told us about a great spa that was on the third level. A bit expensive, but the high quality would make up for the costs.

From the outside, I could agree. The building was large, looked nice and had a high fence around something that released steam into the air, most likely the onsen. There even were seals on its walls, maybe against mosquitoes? Some parts of them do look similar to mine.

We walked inside and were quickly greeted by a receptionist, she was smiling a business smile at us. Her Chakra was also on the level of a civilian, so we weren't sent into a spa full of Ninja. Nice to know.

"Welcome, how may I help you? I can recommend our massages, w have a great herb massage," greeted the young woman us.

"We'd like to take a soak in your onsen," requested Tsu-chan for all of us.

"Do you want to use the mixed bath or the gender-separated one?" She asked. Mixed baths are pretty normal in this world. Jiraiya opened his mouth, surely to agree to the mixed bath, but he was stopped from speaking by a quick punch from Tsu-chan.

"The separated please, how much will that be?" She then said as if she hasn't had punched a boy in the face.

The receptionist was looking a bit uneasy but answered nonetheless. "Nine people, that would be 18.000 Ryo." All but Tsu-chan, Ariha and me were looking at her a little wide-eyed. That much money would allow a normal family of four to live off for half a month. It also equals two C-Rank missions. Pocket change for us Uchiha and Senju, we own most of the Village. Being one of the two founding clans gave you certain perks.

Tsu-chan wordlessly gave her the money, before we were led into the changing rooms. I said I had to go to the toilet, but in truth, I quickly put a Genjutsu over my body. It will hide my seals.

The others were already done changing and had gone into the bathing area without me, so I quickly changed and put my clothes into a seal I had on a wristband. Now, only wearing a towel, I followed my fellow Genin into the bath.

They were in the middle of washing themselves, I did so as well and we all stepped into the hot water of the onsen. There were no other people, which gave us a big pool for our own use. The high quality of the onsen was possible to see on a single glance. The tiles were of high quality, the water crystal clear and after closer inspection, there were indeed seals against mosquitoes.

"Hey, what do you guys think about Kirigakure?" I looked at the speaker and did a quick observe to learn his name. He was a civilian with the name of Parl, he was the trap maker. Nara Faro, his other male teammate, was the medic of their group. Him being a Nara also makes him their tactician, most of the time.

"It's nice," I replied and gave him a look that told him to shut up. He wisely got the message and did not ask more about an enemy village, while being in said village. Just because they don't see them does not mean that there isn't a spy watching us from the house on the other side of the fence. It would be in our best interest to not mention him to the others, especially the girls.

"Hey, I know what we can speak about," said Jiraiya after a long pause of awkward silence.

"Please let it not be about boobs," muttered Sakumo silently.

"What kind of tits to you like the most?" Continued Jiraiya with a wide lecherous grin. Sakumo groaned and sunk deeper into the water, so deep that it was covering his ears.

I was just about to follow his example when Parl asked Jiraiya why he always speaks about stuff like this. He included me in his wondering and I too was a bit interested. Maybe he would have a real reason.

Jiraiya stood up from his sitting position and made a grand dance, before pointing right between Parl's eyes. "What else is there to speak about? The female body is the most beautiful form in the world. There is nothing greater than a pair of big bouncy tits. Everyone loves a naked woman. Even the bastard Orochimaru." Okay, no real reason. Is it too late to follow Sakumo?

We looked at Orochimaru, who groaned and then forcibly answered Jiraiya's first question. "I like them moderate and matching to the body. Too large or too small are not pleasant to see."

Jiraiya nodded sagely, before gesturing at Parl, the one who got us into this mess by not ignoring Jiraiya. "Eh? Me? Well, I like them round and firm. Haven't seen real ones yet, but that is what I think is best."

His Nara teammate was pretending to sleep, which allowed him to skip his answer. I was tempted to splash him with water but decided against it. He was just quicker than me in coming up with some way to get out of this, lucky guy.

"And our mighty Senju-sama? You must have seen a lot, I bet the women are throwing themselves at you," questioned Jiraiya with a good deal of jealousy. True, I could have fucked with some of the fangirls, if I wanted to. But that would be bad for the clan reputation and I am not into mindless fangirls.

I still knew my preferences and while this whole thing was not how my conversations usually go, it still was a conversation and there's nothing better to speak about. "Well, boobs are boobs, but if I am able to choose, then as pale as possible with pink small nipples. B to C-cup in size and firm to the touch. They have to be soft, yet not too squishy. Also not saggy, they need to stand up on their own. I don't like breasts that are too large. They make the body look weird." Maybe that much detail will give our four 'unknown' listeners pause.

Jiraiya looked at me open mouthed and then he was crying a single, silent tear. "My man, I knew that you aren't a prude. You may act like one, but deep inside you are a pervert like me, you my man, are knowing what you want." He looked as if he wanted to hug me. I took a few steps back in precaution and gathered Chakra to hit him if he tries.