
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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61 Chs

Chapter 3: Starter Pokemon

okay guy now the story is starting i know it might've been a liitle boring but give it a try as the fun is just beginning............. also whoever guess Sato's Pokemon correctly will get a visit from Truck kun...just kidding


To be honest, when he saw these 6 Pokémons, Sato Kaede immediately thought of choosing the strongest Ekans.

However, after calming down a bit and after a lot of deliberation, he finally turned his attention to the crate with a large number of Zubat Pokéballs.

As a fan of Pokemon, Sato Kaede is naturally familiar with these 6 kinds of Pokémon common in Kanto. Among them, Ekans and Koffing are basically the Pokémon that comes standard with Team Rocket. These two kinds of Pokémon are Poison Type Pokémon, Poison Type Pokémon is more powerful in its initial form.

Needless to say, Ekans, a big snake with purple color, and mostly with Characteristic Trait of intimidating, is very difficult opponent.

In the wild Pokémon habitat, the Poison Type Pokémon is basically a unhindered existence. It is at the upper level of the food chain. Generally, when Pokémon sees them they will immediately turn around and escape.

Not to mention Koffing which is a special escape Divine Artifact in Team Rocket, whether it is releasing Black smoke to confuse the enemy or a suicide attack at a critical moment, Koffing is a very useful Pokémon for Team Rocket, plus its good habit of not being picky eaters makes it easy to feed and is generally quite powerful.

However, these two Poison Type Pokémon, as the Starter Pokemon of a Rookie Trainer, are obviously very unqualified.

You know, when a Trainer is choosing Pokémon, the Pokémon is also choosing that Trainer. If the trainer's ability is not enough to make the Pokémon recognize him, it is likely for the rookie to be attacked by that Pokémon.

Especially this kind of Pokémon, who has no emotional foundation.They are either wild pokemons or pokemons of people that died or they were stolen.

In particular, the cold-blooded Pokémon Ekans has a fierce temperament. Even with the Pokéball's safety, Trainer still has to be careful of its aggression, otherwise accidentally, he may become Chinese food in the belly of the snake.

Koffing is also quite dangerous. As the name suggests, Koffing is a creature with a large amount of gas in the body. What is this gas?

If a large amount of this gas gathers together, a little bit of Ember will cause an explosion.

Besides, although Koffing looks stupid, its temper is not so good, almost comparable to Electrode, a little irritation and a Self Destruct performance is on the menu.

Author's Note:(Pokémon will not die by using Self Destruct Ability, but completely loses the combat capability, and is dying of life, and it can be saved by timely treatment.)

So, after thinking a little bit about his current level, Sato Kaede very wisely choose to leave Ekans and Koffing, he doesn't want to die at a young age.

Among the remaining four types of Pokémon, Rattata and Geodude are immediately excluded by Sato Kaede. The reason is simple. Although Rattata is very easy to feed, its potential is extremely low. If it is Alolan Rattata, he maybe consider it but thats not the case here.

Geodude has excellent defensive power, but has many shortcomings. its weakness against water type is too strong and will always be at a disadvantage in battle.

Subsequently, in the last two choices of Spearow and Zubat, Sato Kaede gave a more intense thinking and comparison.

Compared to Zubat, Spearow's battle strength is undoubtedly better, but Spearow have a very grumpy temper, and it will not be easy to tame it in a short time.

As for the last Zubat, Sato Kaede likes it very much in his heart. Zubat is a nocturnal creature. Although the battle strength will decrease during the day, his outstanding detection ability is far more than the other 5 Pokémon.Its food is very easy to find, the training resources needed can be said to be greatly reduced.

Zubat, which has the ability of echolocation , can provide Trainer with a good early warning, thereby reducing the probability of encountering danger in the wild.

It has to be said that Zubat would be great for the novice Trainer who has just begun, and it is enough to take the novice Trainer very well over the novice period.

At the same time, because Zubat's battle strength dropped during the day, Sato Kaede had great confidence in quickly conquering it.

According to his understanding of bats, Zubat is very afraid of strong light. As long as Zubat's weakness is grasped, the difficulty of conquering Zubat is not very difficult.

Another point is that Sato Kaede is very confident in the training of Zubat. Zubat Innate Ability involes sound waves.

Sato Kaede, as a high-achieving science student in his previous life, has a deep understanding of the physical phenomenon of sound waves. He knows how powerful the formidable power of sound waves are. If Zubat's Innate Ability can be developed, Zubat will definitely become one of his ace and a very powerfull pokemon.

After determining his goal for Starter Pokemon. Sato Kaede fully focused his attention on the crate where the Zubat Poké Ball was placed. At the same time, his eyes lit up a little blue glow.

As a transmigrator, Sato Kaede in addition to the memory advantage of his previous life also has a cheat known SYSTEM

Unfortunately, compared to other transmigrators, his system is definitely useless. it didnt gave him any pokemon,any buffs,some power like psychic,aura etc the system gave him nothing.

So far, after Sato Kaede's exploration and understanding of the system shows that the system has only one function, and that is appraisal of Pokémon.

Of course, Sato Kaede is quite satisfied with the function given by the system, because with this function, he can quickly know the Pokémon's Level and the Ability.

With the detection function of system the Zubat data in each and every Pokéball on the crate quickly appeared in Sato Kaede's eyes.

Aptitude, no matter which world you are in, is regarded as a very important thing. Unless there is a fortuitous encounter, it is difficult to change apptitude.

In the Pokemon world, Aptitude is also very important for Pokémon.

In a Pokémon, naturally there are members with high innate talent and members with low innate talent. Generally speaking, members with high innate talent tend to grow into powerhouses, while those with low innate talent can only become cannon fodders.

However, what makes Sato Kaede a little regretful is that his system doesn't come with the function of detecting Pokémon Aptitude, so he can only see Pokémon's Level and Ability. As for how to distinguish Pokémon's Aptitude, Sato Kaede only Can guess for himself.

At present, Sato Kaede has only one way to distinguish Pokémon Aptitude through the Pokémon information given by the system, and that is to see if these Pokémon have powerful Hereditary Ability or Instructed Abilities.

Generally speaking, those Pokémons with powerful Ability that can be learned from Genetic to a high level, Their Aptitude is very good. After all, to be born in this way, Pokémon must have one or 2 very good parents.

The same is true for Inustructed Abilities. If a Wild Pokémon wants to learn the abilities that cannot be learned by his own level promotion. One way iss to explore on his own and the other is to teach each other.

And the abilities learned on their own are naturally something like heirlooms for Wild Pokémon. They will never easily teach it to others, and generally will only teach it to their children and very good companions.

According to this analysis and understanding, those Pokémon who have Inustructed Abilities either have a very powerful parent or a very powerful close partner. Of course, the first probability will definitely be greater.

Under the help of the system detection function, one after another Zubat Level and the Ability they possessed appeared in Sato Kaede's eyes, but he was rather disappointed that these Zubat levels were only Level 20 at the highest with only two zubat that have any ability.

The information of these 2 Zubats is as follows:

Pokémon: Zubat (No. 1)

LV: 13

Attribute: Poison+Flying

Characteristic Trait: Mental Force

Gender: Female

Moves: Absorb, Ultrasonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Giga Drain (Genetic), Aerial Ace (instructed Ability)

Pokémon: Zubat (No. 2)

LV: 13

Attribute: Poison+Flying

Characteristic Trait: Mental Force

Gender: Male

Moves: Absorb, Ultrasonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Hypnosis (Genetic), Shadow Ball (instructed Ability)

After comparing the information of the two Zubats, it is not difficult to see that these two Zubats with Hereditary Ability and Ability should be the best Aptitude among all Zubats currently given by Team Rocket.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are Zubat better than these two Zubat Aptitudes, but because they cannot be released for viewing, Sato Kaede can only judge these Zubat Aptitudes based on these data.

In addition to a little bit of information about Pokémon's Aptitude from Hereditary Ability and Inustructed Abilities, Pokémon's Aptitude can also be seen from Pokémon's physical development.

Generally speaking, unless it has Trainer, Pokémon in the wild must rely on its own ability to get food.

Think about it the better Pokémon Aptitude is, his abilities will naturally be much stronger than similar pokemons so he will naturally be able to obtain more resources and make his development better.

nature's law of the jungle is very cruel. Pokémon that are weak are prey to the strong. Unless there is a miracle a powerhouse is always strong and weak is always weak. This is inevitable.

After some time-saving considerations, Sato Kaede chose Zubat No. 2 as his Pokémon. In his opinion, Zubat, as a physically weak Pokémon, is not suitable for charging and defending. it is a sniper, compared to Mega Absorption and Aerial Ace, Hypnotism and Shadow Ball are more suitable for Zubat.

"I hope we can become very good companions. I will definitely try my best to train you." Sato Kaede thought secretly, holding Pokémon in his hand.

Then, under the impatient eyes of others, Sato Kaede, as the last person to pick Pokémon and the longest one who picked, walked back to the Rookie queue without a hassle. There was no sorry mood at all.

To be continued.....