564 The Beginning of the Storm

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

The sensation of itchiness and soreness as though vines were growing spread rapidly and twisted around his limbs. It felt like there were numerous insects crawling through every inch of his flesh and bones. Han Xiao's ears seemed to be surrounded by the roaring of waves and thunder, and he could feel every cell in his body becoming active, undergoing an extraordinary change. His vision of the world was constantly shaking and blurring.

Every time he managed to obtain a strong talent, genetic mutations would occur in his body. The pain was difficult to endure, causing Han Xiao's face to change as he quickly fled into the BlackLight Stealth. Once he was out of everyone's sight, he found a practice room before sealing the door. The moment he did so, a stronger and more intense pain burst out from within his body, as though he was a wet towel that was being rung dry by a huge pair of hands.


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