
CH 05

Su MIng was clearly unhappy as he walked out of the Red Cloud Academy's gates. The long day coupled with these major events clearly dampened his expectations.

Every other one of his classmates had bothered him with questions about his martial soul and his first ring, especially after they heard that he was a full innate soul power. Even his teacher was jumping with excitement like a little kid that awakened his spirit.

But the worst thing was after he refused to tell them, they marked him as an arrogant prick and of course, there were some kids that were jealous of him and like this Su MIng was an outcast on his first day.

It didn't bother him much; he didn't regret not telling them, after his grandfather warning yesterday he decided to keep the talking about his marital soul to the minimum, so as not to slip a word about his first ring restrictions, after all, he still a kid and a kid can blabber his family deepest secret in a moment of excitement.

Su Ming took a deep breath and adjusted his mood to his usual calm self, this was another thing that changed in him with his awakening, he can control his emotions and facial expressions to a shocking degree, like what happened in the school, even his teacher was spooked a little bit seeing 6 years old keeping a poker expression with his peers casting him out.

After reaching home and greeting his grandfather, they started their training in combat, a fight between two soul masters isn't just using their spirit skill, a fight is all about technique and strategies and timing, especially for a control soul master like Su MIng.

Su Zhang started teaching his grandson the art of combat, hand to hand brawling, General Information about soul weapons and how to use them, team tactics, war tactics, survival guide, infiltration, deception, .....etc

For the duration of three years, Su Zhang returned to his usual harsh self and trained his grandson like there is no tomorrow.

At first, he planned to just drill the basics of what he learned in his long military career, but what surprised him was Su Ming's thirst for knowledge and his eagerness for the training, supported with strong will and stubbornness through all the harsh lessons, So Su Zhang went all the way with his coaching and poured all his life experiences, And created a monster.

Looking at the figure of his nine years old grandson sitting in the living room reading a book about tactics Su Zhang muttered " I think I went a bit far with little fella "

Su MIng now can be described as a little man with handsome, refined features, long black hair, and gray attractive pupils. He is tall for his age, but with a build lean which makes him appear frail at first glance. but under his shirt, you'd find a well-balanced and hard muscle through all of his body.

Su Ming noticing his grandfather entering the room said while standing up " good morning grandpa"

The grandfather nodded and his expression softened a bit " morning little Ming. Today is the day isn't it"

Su MIng eyes watered but he didn't cry " yes, the train will depart at 10 "

This day is the day that Su Ming was dreading, unlike other children who had parents, friends, brothers, and sisters, all Su Ming had was his grandpa, he was his whole family, so parting with him was really hard, even with his calm and maturity he couldn't just let go his only loved one.

You see, after the first day in school where his classmates casted him out, things got worst even reaching to bullying, so Su Ming just lost faith in getting friends and throw all his attention on training.

yes it was the childish side of him that created this situation, he could've just apologized or explained his circumstances, that would have solved the problem but he kept being stubborn that he did nothing wrong, in his opinion, it was in his right as a person not divulge his secret.

that escalated things to bullying, well at least they tried, and that led to beating half of the class when they tried to gang up on him and all of this led to a lonely three years in the school.

It was a hellish long three years of training and more training, but Su Ming pulled through just because of a simple reason, the proud look his grandpa had wherever he finished a day of practice.

Su Ming was pulled from his reminiscing by his grandpa who was said " don't cry little Ming, its time for you to experience the world and live your life, your grandpa is old and can't go with you, but remember you always have a house to return into, now go, it already 9 "

Su Ming nodded with watered eyes and headed to his room, then he returned with a simple backpack that contained his belonging.

After bowing three times to his grandpa he left the house with unwilling steps until he heard "run along now, it just a two hours long journey by the train you can come back whenever you went"

Su Ming broke into tears and ran with all his efforts toward the soul train station.

Break line ---------------------------------------------

Eastsea City

This was the second-largest seaside city in the Sun-Moon Federation. Its main feature was its port, which served as a nexus for traveling the seas and exploiting the resources of the ocean.

The city had a population of over three million people. By exploiting the natural resources in the ocean, the city was able to prosper. Even when compared to the rest of the Sun-Moon Federation, it could still be considered a second-tier city.

Eastsea City had a long history, and its overall appearance had preserved its original state of a simple and unadorned style. In the last several hundred years, the Sun-Moon Federation had taken extra care to protect some of the more ancient buildings. Thus, many of the millennia-old buildings could be found in this ancient city.

Eastsea Academy was a large academy that was actually comprised of both an intermediate academy and an advanced academy.

Su Ming looked at the academy that will house him through his coming years. It was a tiring day for him, so after registering and of course the frowning of the teachers about him and their repeated questions.

Yes, he knows it not every day you'd find a level 25 nine years old soul master, so he was expecting this kind of treatment, but he was exhausted and emotionally agitated so he politely excused himself after they sorted him to class A, and headed to his dorm room.

Thanks to wherever decided to give him a single person room, because he wasn't in the mood to talk to other highly excited kids. After sorting his stuff in his room, he decided that it was time to sleep.

The dawn came with a musical silence, the soul hearing the melody that the ears could not. A new day had come, new possibilities, a fresh page yet to be written, and so Su Ming arose from sleep.

he woke up at 5:30 am, grabbed a piece of fruit and a glass of water, and left the dorm room to the sports field he saw yesterday, and started worming up.

He started training at 6:00 am. doing a variety of exercises, cardio events, and running, a lot of running until he was soaked in his sweat, after taking a break he returned to the dorm, took a shower, and he was ready to face the day.

the classes won't start until the next day, so he had a free day to rest and familiarise himself with the academy layout and that what he has done in the morning.

after having lunch in the cafeteria, it was not on par with his grandfather's cooking, but it was free, so it was a good lunch.

in the afternoon, Su Ming left the academy to see a friend of his grandfather, it was after a long discussion between them, that was decided for Su Ming to choose Mecha Designing as his second profession.

so his grandpa arranged for one of his old friends to teach him and Su Ming is on his way to see him.

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