

Heavy. His body felt extremely heavy, and it was difficult to move or breathe. There was also a strong scent of blood in the air.

'Where am I', he thought 'why does my body seem to hurt all over. Like seriously hurt. It's as if I was slashed all over with a whip then left in the dark to die. I can't even see anything its as if I'm in a dungeon, but that's impossible!'

The last thing Tang Ming could remember was that he was at a funeral for his neighbor he went to out of pity for the decease. Ms. Dou did not have any children or relatives. He had always thought that this neighbor was really strange. She seemed to be some kind of witchcraft fanatic, who would always come looking for him. Then she would rant on and on about the great things that witchcraft could do. A true witch with curly grey hair, terribly spotty skin and a crooked nose. She would mention multiple times in conversations that unfortunately he couldn't see himself escaping, that she wanted to enter another world and use magic like a true witch.

Her favorite book was a book called The Vicious King of Kerelia's Woman. It was a book that she had told the community manager to give Tang Ming before she died, as if she was predicting her sudden death. Not long after she had told the community manager this and left the book in her hands, that eight hours later she was found dead. The authorities said she had died in her sleep. Everyone thought it was about time that she died, since she was over a hundred years old, except for Tang Ming and the community manager. Although she was very advanced in age, she didn't have any known diseases or even blindness, and was even healthier than most sixty something year olds.

Although Tang Ming thought his neighbor was really crazy. He never shunned her like the others, because he was raised by his late grandmother. Due to the affection he had for his deceased grandmother he would force himself to listen to her crazy rants.

The book that she had left to him unexpectedly could not be found on the internet. He could not even find the name of an author or anything for that matter. On the day of her funeral he decided to take a look at the book. It seemed to be a normal fantasy novel about a king in some European like nation that fell in love with a kind and gentle noble woman. She was exceptionally kind to all those around her and was a pillar of virtue and integrity. On the other hand, the king was vicious and merciless. There were of course tons of noble women throwing themselves on the king, some 'drunk' and others naked, but they all tried to no avail as the only woman he loved was the countess Avangelia Karen Schavezik.

He was in the middle of reading the story when he fell asleep with it on his chest. If he remembered clearly there was this weird symbol on the page of the book when he fell asleep, but that didn't matter now. His entire body felt cold and stiff, as if he had been dead and come back to life again.

"FILTHY SLAVE! ARE YOU READY TO CONFESS YOUR SINS!!", shouted a beautiful woman with straight long blonde hair down to her waist as she threw the door of a very small dungeon open. Tang Ming still unaware of what was happening barely managed to lift his head up a bit to see her. Standing at her side was a humble looking brunette with brown eyes, and freckles scattered on her nose and cheeks. Her head seemed to have a permanent bow to it and her face full of depression. Behind them stood two seven foot burly men one blond and the other had brown hair, wearing terrifying expressions.

"DO YOU NOT HEAR ME SPEAKING TO YOU?!", hissed the beautiful blonde. She came right to where Tang Ming was and stomped on him. It was only then that he realized she was actually talking to him. He was filled with confusion. He had no idea who he had offended to have been kidnapped from his home and beaten to the extent where he could barely move.

Maybe they had the wrong person. No they had to be mistaken! He also didn't know any foreigners so how could he be kidnapped by them.

There is not a single person he could remember not treating kindly and respectfully. His grandmother had taught him well. Though there seemed to be something wrong with these kidnappers. They were dressed in medieval clothing. The men in full metal as knights and the two women in long flowing dresses to the knee. The blonde wearing a dark grey dress made of terrible fabric and the brunette a cobweb colored one. To Tang Ming it seemed like those criminals might have been some psychos who escaped a mental institution and went wild, or they could be friends with Ms. Dou and had captured him because of her. Either way he was in a precarious situation. How would he be able to escape them?