
Let the Mouse Go

Rose clinked her wine glass with Lucas. 

"Pretty lonely here without them, right?" Lucas joked, twirling the sparkling liquid. It was one of the last remaining rations shipped from Zeliar from the arrival of the last regiment. The Web felt like an ice cold underwater desert with just them both walking around like daytime zombies. And they thought maybe a glass of exotic wine would solve their problems. 

"How did you manage to convince them all?" Rose didn't look up from her glass. She stared at her own warbled reflection in the glossed surface of the water. Curled hair, curled eyelashes, electric blue contact lenses. All to give out the aesthetic feel 'Lik-Rok' watchers were looking for. 

Her desperate attempt at being a leader. She slowly started removing them, one by one. That wasn't who she was anyway. Not anymore. 

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