
Genesis war

Thousands of years ago there was a war outbreak between the heavenly and demonic realm name the Genesis war. There war crises, million divine - demon soldiers died trying to defend their own, but came only three brave soldiers who fought nonstop until they won the battle but we're never seen neither war their magical weapons ever found.

Now back to my time in a city called flame land. Flame land may sound a little bit crazy but legend has it that they once lived a nameless injured black water dragon who had flame powers and even with it injury it still protect the people for a long time before it later vanished without a trace. And due to the love they had for the flambel water dragon the choose to name the city flame land after the disappearance of the dragon.

I'm name Zhao lusi the third child of Mr and Mrs Zhao in flame land, while since childhood I've heard many legend and tails about magic, gods, immortality and so on which turn me to a believer who believe in world's aside of the mortal world if there's any, by the way I'm a girl. My mom is the breadwinner of my family while on the other side my dad is just there doing nothing,my family owns a small restaurant at the front of our house where we sale foods, drinks and some snacks. I remember I talked about being the third child, so I have a elder sister and brother but they are not currently staying with us at the moment,the first child Xiao bin is working at the palace and yan you gege went to meet his master in haixing.

I mostly enjoy my life in peace and harmony until one faithful day that change my life into a leaving hell.

please if you think the book is interesting please give me more advice to add up to it and if you are a editor please I need you finally if you are a Chinese director or producer or you know any one please inform me, leave any comments below in order to get the other chapters. I'm CB

Elyon_Bakutcreators' thoughts