

<p>The night was dark and silent, except for the occasional sound of gunshots and sirens. Benin City was a dangerous place to live, especially for those who were involved in the drug business. Emmanuel Adeyemi was one of them. He was the kingpin of the city, the boss of all bosses. He had built his empire on blood and fear, and he ruled it with an iron fist.<br/><br/>He was sitting in his luxurious mansion, surrounded by his loyal men and women. He was smoking a cigar and drinking a glass of wine, while watching the news on a large plasma screen. He smiled as he saw his face on the screen, along with a headline that read: "Drug Lord Adeyemi to Stand Trial Tomorrow".<br/><br/>He turned to his right-hand man, a muscular man with a scarred face and a gold tooth. He said, "Can you believe this, Olu? They think they can bring me down with their pathetic evidence and witnesses. They don't know who they are messing with."<br/><br/>Olu nodded and said, "Yes, boss. You are untouchable. You have the best lawyers in the country, and you have friends in high places. No one can touch you."<br/><br/>Adeyemi chuckled and said, "That's right. And even if they somehow manage to find a witness who can testify against me, I have a way to deal with them. You know what I mean, right?"<br/><br/>Olu smiled wickedly and said, "Yes, boss. I know exactly what you mean."<br/><br/>He took out his phone and dialed a number. He waited for a few seconds, then said, "Hello? Is this Mr. Okonkwo? Yes, this is Olu, Adeyemi's assistant. I have some good news for you. Your daughter Grace is alive. Yes, you heard me right. She is alive and well. And she wants to see you. She is at the Royal Hotel, room 305. Yes, you can go there right now. She is waiting for you. But hurry up, before she changes her mind."<br/><br/>He hung up the phone and looked at Adeyemi. He said, "It's done, boss. The bait is set."<br/><br/>Adeyemi nodded and said, "Good job, Olu. Now let's see if our little fish will bite."<br/><br/>He turned his attention back to the screen, where a reporter was interviewing a young journalist named David Okafor. David was holding a microphone and saying, "I have been following this case for months, and I have uncovered some shocking facts about Adeyemi's crimes and connections. I have also learned that there is a witness who can prove his guilt beyond any doubt. Her name is Grace Okonkwo, and she is the only survivor of a massacre that Adeyemi ordered six years ago. She saw him kill her brother with his own hands, and she escaped by a miracle. She has been living in hiding ever since, but she has agreed to testify against him in court tomorrow. She is brave enough to face him and tell the truth to the world."<br/><br/>Adeyemi laughed out loud and said, "What a fool! He thinks he has found the key to my downfall, but he has actually found his own death sentence. Grace Okonkwo is not a witness, she is a trap. And he has fallen right into it."<br/><br/>He turned to Olu again and said, "Call our boys at the hotel. Tell them to get ready for some action."<br/><br/>Olu nodded and said, "Yes, boss."<br/><br/>He took out his phone again and dialed another number.<br/><br/>The night was about to get darker and louder.</p>

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