
Chapter 1

It has been 10 years since Maya passed. Today I am standing in the same garden, where we often used to meet.  Maya loved this garden very much. Far from the city, how beautiful was the garden made between rivers and mountains. Although we lived in Ghaziabad but we enjoyed coming here.  How much peace is here? no crowd, no noise. Whenever I look at these flowers, I miss Maya.  She used to tell me .....

                              "Vikram, please do not break flowers? They will have pain"

I used to laugh at the words of maya and say, "what maya anything? Is this man who will pain??? Flowers are meant for breaking, they don't get any pain? .. Look at this. I would pluck the flowers and lay down on it with a mace of flowers.

Today, I want to say to Maya that you were right. I have seen these flowers crying. After you went, the flowers were dead. There was no one to see or serve them. I've made the garden green again in 3 months. How big is the mango tree standing in the middle of the garden? This tree was planted by maya. Maya was the one who explained the importance of trees to me. she would talk to them for hours in my absence. When I was not here,  She used to say, "We can't live without all of us?  If this is not there then there will be unrest everywhere, we will die starving. That's why you protect trees and plants. "After me, she used to love someone, then they were trees and plants."

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