

A instant single edged blade swung rapidly

And slashed the monsters head off

A mysterious person saved Jakes life

And stood before him.

The man before him wiped off the blood on his blade

"Nasty and disgusting creature ,blah"

The man turned his head around and

Looked at Jake leaning against the wall.Seeing him like that the man walked up

To Jake, squatted down and looked at Jakes face.

Jake was feeling uneasy at his gaze

His eyes rapidly changed his attention to Jakes left arm.The man lifted up Jake and tied a rag around his left arm,after that

The man picked his pocket,pulling out

A small pill and gave it to Jake.

"What is this"

Answering in confusion

"Its a recovery aid to stabilize your energy and heal you but won't replace your left arm."

The special pill given to Jake was a type of pill made small amount of healing energy to replace a persons power and heal wounds

Looking at it ,Jake couldn't argue with the man to what he gave him and just ate it.After eating it started coursing through his blood and stooping his blood in his

Left arm.

The man suddenly stood up and introduced himself

"Kenny Ishigami is my name but just call me Ken"

"Now that's off my back , we need to move quickly, there's a safe place to rest."

The man called Ken helped Jake up to his feet but Jake still felt a little dizzy because off blood loss from his left arm.

Although almost dying in vein,Jake was saved and moments lin death was saved.

Ken whistled loudly and a black horse

Came running. Before getting on Ken lifted up Jake on the horse

"Get on quickly"

His voice sounded lazy and he looked like he wanted to be lazy also.

"Wait before I get on, my family's trapped under rubble and I need help to save them"

Shouting out to Ken in a nervous voice

"Damn this Brat ,what a pain "

"Please help me save them"

As Jake tried to get Ken to help him save his family ,he started annoying Ken.

"Please,please help me save them."

"Ken sensei"

Soon after Ken got tired of his nuisance and agreed to help him

"Make it quick, we dont have time "

Muttering to himself as he and Jake got on the horse, riding through the burnt village and looking around at the disaster.