
the last love letter to Barat

'Is the happiness moment when I'm with you part of reality or just my imagination? ' said Bilya to Barat who was standing in front of her. Bilya didn't expect that her past trauma would make her suffer from schizophrenia. where she cant make difference between her imagination and her reality. because of her condition, she had difficulty for surviving. but one day she fell in love at first sight with a man named Barat, and she decide wrote her first love letter to Barat but she felt confused, because inside her head there were two scenes going on. one scene that shows Barat accepting her love but at another scenes shows Barat rejecting his love and in her mind she see that barat hate her. So what do you think? which one actually happens the reality?

Syafatasya · Sports, voyage et activités
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12 Chs

"Are you my sister's boyfriend?"

"Every child needs love from a mother"

"Even though you're so stubborn,

no matter how cold your heart is

, no matter how much you hate me "

"I believe one day you will return to my arms my son" said a beautiful woman who looked like she was 40 years old, fair skinned, has hazel brown eyes, chin-length short brunette hair

wearing a white blazer with a white blouse and then a knee-length black skirt, wearing white high heels with the d*or brand

The woman was in a private office room in a large company that manages the transportation business,

namely the taxi business in the city of London, England.

the woman is looking at a photo of herself holding a boy who is about 5 years old.

"Excuse me," said a man with a thin mustache with an oval-shaped face,tan skinned, black hair with a buzzer cut style, tall and well built with broad chest,has slanted eyes with brown eye color,wearing a black suit and black pants and wearing black loafers

The man walked into the room,

He walked over to the sitting woman.

"how? is he still refusing phone calls from you?"asked the man while sitting with his legs raised while sitting on the chair in front of the woman

"Yeah, it seems he still hates me" said the woman

"Then it's better to go back home to meet him, let me handle the work here, I'll arrange it"

"Family is more important than anything, right? "said the man

"Okay, I'll be home soon to meet him" the woman answered immediately following the man's request.


Barat is at the cashier at a coffee shop st*rb*cks which is right by the entrance to his apartment

"Excuse me, what do you want to order?

"And in whose name? "ask the barista to Barat

"in the name of omedom"

"okay on behalf of omedom" said the barista holding back laughter because of the unique name Barat

"I ordered a Unicorn Frappuccino with a Venti glass, plus two double chocolate brownies"barak answered

"Want to eat here or take away? "

"Here, please"

"OK, the total is 150 thousand," said the barista

"Want to pay via E-wallet, debit or cash? "

"Just use cash, here's the money," said Barat while taking out two hundred thousand notes

"Here is the change, thank you"

"Please wait" said the barista again

Barat walked towards the corner of the cafe and sat there,

he took out his cellphone and suddenly he smiled looking at the wallpaper on his cellphone.

"In the name of Omedom? ' shouted the barista.

"Yeah, wait a minute, I'll take it," said barat

he immediately walked to take his order

After that he walked out of the coffee shop and sat on the outside chair.


He sipped his drink while smiling looking at his phone screen

He took a piece of chocolate brownie cake on his plate and ate it with one mouthful in his mouth

When barat turned,

he saw Bilya and Zidan coming out of the apartment,

his eyes couldn't take his eyes off of Bilya and Zidan

Unknowingly his mouth shouted, "Shy princess! "

Bilya and Zidan were suddenly shocked and turned towards Barat

"Omedom! sh*t! "I said at my heart,

I turned my face away so I couldn't see him.

"Why bilya? Did that guy call you? "ask my brother to me

"No, it looks like he's in the wrong. "

"We better hurry away! " I said while gently pushing my brother to leave immediately

"I don't want my brother to meet that annoying boy" I said to myself

"But wait bilya, that guy has the exact same clothes as you"

"Is that your boyfriend?"

"NO! "I said in a high pitched voicemy bro zidan was immediately surprised,

All eyes are on me

"Ah I'm sorry" I said to those who were looking at me.

"Why do you have to speak so loudly? "

"So that's your boyfriend, right? "Ask my brother again

"Hey boy over there! "shouted my brother

calling barat

"Yo Bro! No need to call him! "

"Let's go home" I said panic while pulling his arm

Barat immediately stood up from his seat and walked towards me

"Sh*t! sh*t sh*t" I said panicked until sweat was pouring down my forehead

"What are you calling me for? ' asked Barat to my brother,

Barat looked down at me,

I immediately looked away.

"I'd like to ask"

"Are you my sister's boyfriend?"

my older brother asked with a serious face to Barat

Barat immediately seemed to smile brightly,

he immediately answered

"If you think like that, maybe I'm his boyfriend"

Barat looked straight at me,

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even look at Barat

"Oh God help me, I want to go home" I said in my heart

"Oh my god..You sweat profusely on your forehead" said Barat while wiping my sweat with his hoodie sleeve

I immediately became nervous while looking at him who was wiping my sweat

I look at his face

"deg.. deg.. deg"

My heart is pounding,

He found me looking at his face,

he looked at me too while smiling

Time seemed to stop for a moment,

I was amazed to see a smile that looks so sincere

Unintentionally my body moves by itself walking closer to his body

Until I'm so close to his body,

I stood on tiptoe to his face,

as if I wanted to kiss his lips,

Even though I want to smell the chocolate brownie cake that comes out of his breath

Suddenly my lips said

"Did you eat chocolate brownie?"

"Oh my God! My sister! I thought you wanted to kiss him! "Zidan said surprised while holding his heart.


"Yes, I eat it," answered barat stammering,

for a moment he looks nervous in front of me

"Oh, it smells so good, I'll excuse myself first," I said to him

I immediately pulled my brother's left arm to leave

It's because I was so felt so embarrassed!

"Deg.. Deg.. Deg" my heart beat fast too :p

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