
The Lamp and the Mirror

Amara is a human who finds a magic mirror where fairytales like show white and beauty and the beast have already happened and the evil queen is back for revenge Amara is destined to stop them but can she or will love and family get in the way

Skysapotato394_ · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

We reached the surface and changed into our human forms. My outfit changed into a beautiful dress that reached my knees. It was a beautiful seafoam green that had short sleeves and a train on the back . Celena wore a guard uniform without the helmet with a skirt that reached her knee that would be more flexible for battling the necklace the king had given her the other day. Celena was wobbling all over the place almost like a toddler first learning to walk. I on the other hand I'm still walking just fine. I surveyed the land and checked the map to see where the nearest kingdom was. Since all the kingdoms on land were already taken over by the evil kingdom we wouldn't be able to stay long but we would need to get supplies somewhere whether we were stealing or buying. I found that the nearest kingdom to us was the kingdom of shells that was lined up near the shore. I used a quil i had brought with me that had some ink left on it to circle the sea kingdom since it wasn't on the map. I knew we went straight from there so I drew a line from the kingdom to where I believe we are at. It wasn't too far away from the next kingdom although i couldn't see anything with the fog but i sure its near. Celena was still wobbling trying to stabilize herself on her new legs "let me help you" I walked over to grab Celena's arm and balance her out. "Thanks" Celena smiled. I demonstrated and helped Celena learn how to walk and in only a few minutes she was walking perfectly without my help. "Okay so the nearest kingdom, the kingdom of shells is just a little ways away we're going to need to go there and get the supplies we need to camp out. The kingdom of shells has already been taken over so we will have to create a plan, any ideas?" I asked Celena "hmm well i think it would be best if i went and only me the evil queen must know what you look like now but not me if she is there she will only think of me as a normal citizen" "too riky what if you get lost or captured? I think if we go together we can just sneak in and if we get seen I'll hide and you can cover me, sound like a plan?" "Hmm well it's the best we've got so let's just roll with it" we started walking towards the kingdom.

Soon enough we were there at the kingdom and we were greeted with guards coincidentally there was a hood connected onto my dress (which i never remembered that being there from the start) I put the hood up in order to have a sort of disguise. "Hult! what brings you here" The guard stopped us. I was about to make up an excuse but Celena was quicker "We are travelers who travel all over the world we have com to visit this kingdom only to gather supplies for our travels" The guards looked at each other for a quick second or two then called up to another guard "open the drawbridge" The drawbridge slowly opened towards us "enjoy your stay" the guard yelled once we were on the other side of the drawbridge. Celena and I both look around kingdoms for a kingdom that was recently taken over by the evil queen. It looked great. "Ok what are we looking for exactly?" Celena asked me "Tents, blankets, food you know the usual things…..oh wait you have no clue do you?" Just by the look on Celena's face I could tell she didn't have a clue. "Alright let's get started so we can be in and out in a few hours" and we went.

A few hours later we had gathered everything we needed and we were back at the drawbridge same guards were there but on the other side "Hello we have finished gathering our supplies here may we go" The guards didn't let us through "unfortunately no we got a report that you stole all the items we have strict orders to bring you to the queen immediately" The guards grabbed our wrists i struggled to escape but it was no use they already got us. We were escorted straight to the queen which was probably the evil queen. We arrived at the castle and the guards told her what we had done "hmm thieves huh now what shall i do with two thieves…" I looked up at the queen, my eyes full of tears trying to beg for some sort of mercy. "Hmmm i know! Tell the chefs to prepare a feast. I'm throwing a feast for them!" The guards who captured us questioned her "Are you sure about that your majesty" but there was no response. So the guards let us go and left. Celena and I were both very confused. I looked up at the queen and there was nothing evil about her. She had long black hair and a beautiful pearl white dress. She had a kind smile on her face and beautiful blue eyes. "Please pardon my guards behavior, come there is a feast prepared for you" We went up off the floor and followed the queen to the dining room. The queen sat on the end of the table while Celena and I sat on the end on the other side of the long table sat a guy about my age "this is my son prince Kai" Prince Kai bowed his head as a sign of greeting "pleasure to meet you" "pardon me by asking your majesty but why are you doing this?" Celena asked The queen "well your friend here is the prophecy girl and i want to help her of course and please just call me Melody no need to address me like that" "But me and Celena thought this kingdom got well taken over" "oh it is!" Suddenly the queen's face turned to ashes to reveal the evil queen. Celena,Kai and I jumped out of our chairs clearly Kai had no clue what was going on either "You cannot escape me Amara" The evil queen smirked "you see you cannot escape this palace without a guard returning you to me" I grabbed my satchel but my map fell out. I didn't notice that it had fallen out. I was in a hurry. I grabbed Kai and Celena and used my teleportation to teleport away from the castle "that was too close" thankfully my powers worked with anything im touching so i was able to get the others out "thank you for saving me from that" Kai hugged me "I had no clue that the kingdom was taken over, you see I just got back from the university and I-'' Celena interrupted him "Look we get it you didn't know as long as you don't trn on us or anything your fine to stay with us, Amara do you have the supplies still?" I nodded "yes but we need to keep moving i could only teleport all of us outside of the kingdom we aren't far from there and they will be searching for us soon were fugitives to all the other kingdoms since they were taken over" I double checked my bag to make sure everything was there "well the university isn't on any of the kingdoms it has its own land i just got back yesterday and they have top security so if its not taken over yet we could head there" Kai said. I ruffled through my bag and my map was gone! "Guys we have a problem.." "what is it now?" Celena asked "my map is gone you know the map I marked the location of the ocean kingdom on!" I noticed there was a strange shell on the ground. It seemed familiar "We have to run! Now!" I started running, Celena and Kai stood there for a minute but then followed behind me. "But why are we running?" Kai painted behind me "The place I teleported us.. I Had that marked on the map as well as the sea kingdom if anything the evil queen would check there first so we need to get as far as we can till nightfall" We kept running until the sun was about to set we setup our camp and a fire and while the others were asleep I kept a lookout to make sure no one came our way.