
The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, the god of Insanity. He was tasked with breaking the fate of DxD or Canon because gods like his boss feed on the chaos of broken fate to grow stronger. Romonus is all for it as he gets to enjoy the perks of being in a lewd world like DxD.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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119 Chs

Kharn The Honey Badger and Romonus' Choice.

(Here is a long chapter.)

As Zander had said, when he and Latia had met up early in the morning, they had both begun to suggest different locations to go to. They had the Underworld and the Human world so locations for sightseeing were nearly infinite. 

In the end, though, they both decided to just spend some time in South Africa at Kruger National Park. They had forgone the guides as they were more than capable of taking care of themselves as mundane animals were harmless. 

Since they had arrived they had been traveling through the Park coming close to each animal. Currently, Latia was on the back of a big white rhino with Romonus walking by the animal's side. The big bull did not seem to mind them riding on his back as Romonus had bribed him with some Bael Apples. 

The Bael Apples were a highly sought-after fruit grown in the Bael Territory. Each one looked like a regular apple except that they had purple skin and grew with magic meaning each one contained mana inside. 

Latia watched as Romonus pulled another apple for the rhino which seemed to be delighted at the snacks. It opened its mouth and took the apple from his hand to begin eating. 

"Is that a good idea? Bael Apples have mana inside of them and this is a regular animal."

Romonus scratched the big creature on the back. 

"It's fine. If this big guy gets smarter or stronger, it will serve the species more in the long run. How are you enjoying the ride, my lady? I also love your outfit." 

Latia loved to dress expensive, but he had suggested she try out his Bloodborne Hunter suit. Just as he expected, she pulled it off really well. She smiled as they were dressed in a similar style. 

"We should get some professionally made. These are just made of Demonic Energy as you keep calling it rather than real leather. Might be more durable." 

He had been wanting to do something like that, but he had one issue. 

"I would like to, but I would need to keep getting it sized up. It seems I am growing 2 inches and a half every 6 months."

Latia understood the reason. 

"That is because you are a Bael. The men of House Bael are all extremely tall. I can see why everyone in the Noble circle who knows you calls you the Bael born of the Gremory. Rias and Sirzechs are both Gremory without a doubt, but people don't think so about you." 

He knew that all this time. 

"I know. Despite the Gremory crimson hair being a dominant trait, my Bael genes run strong. It is what gives me my proud temperament." 

She quite liked his temperament as he was proud, not arrogant. With how much he trained, he had the right to be proud. However, Latia did not expect what was about to cross their path. As Romonus continued to walk by Rhino, his favorite animal crossed their path. 

From the tall grass, a small black and white creature emerged. Latia squinted her eyes at the sight as it was already starting to hiss at them. The Rhino she was riding backed away a little as no creature wanted to lose their nuts and this animal went for the nuts. 

"Isn't that a-" 


Suddenly Romonus ran forward and leaped forward landing on the weasel. He gripped its nape and picked up the thrashing and hissing Honey Badger. He turned to Latia and picked up his ill-gotten prisoner. 

"LOOK! It's Honey Badger, my favorite animal." 

His face looked really happy, but just as Latia was going to check it out her nose began to pick up on a foul odor. She recoiled as thanks to being a Devil her senses were much more sensitive them a human's. 

She started to wretch and covered her mouth. Romomus coughed at the oder because, like their relative the Skunk, Honey Badgers could spray too. Romonus waved his hand to collect and incinerate the foul odor. 

He walked back to Latia and the Rhino while holding up the thrashing weasel. Latia was curious about Honey Badgers now. 

"You are holding him quite tight? Is he ok?" 

He nodded. 

"Oh, he is fine. Honey Badgers have really loose thick skin. It's thicker than buffalo skin and they can take serious wounds without a care. They can turn around and bite their foes and these claws are no joke. No animal unless desperate tries to find trouble with these crazy things."

Latia could already see the gears turning in his head. 

"You want to keep him."

He made the dumbest face he could as he looked up at her. 

"Can I? Pretty please babe?"

She rolled her eyes at him before quickly snapping a picture of him. 

"Keeping that one for the photo album and do whatever you want. No one is going to care." 

He chuckled as he looked at the Badger who looked ready to tear his face off. 

"Sweet. Now what to name you?" 

He thought about it for a few seconds before he had one. 

"Kharn. That is your name." 

Romonus was going to keep him as his pet and see if he couldn't strengthen him with magic. 

"This is a fun day." 


Just as Latia and Romonus were having a good time, Roygun arrived at the park. She just appeared at the random location which just so happened to be surrounded by a pride of lions. She looked around her and merely waved a smile. 

"Pardon the intrusion kitties. I will get out of your hair." 

She flew into the sky and since she was currently using her King Piece she was brimming with power. She closed her eyes and spread her senses throughout the park searching for a signature of Demonic Power. 

That was easy as Romonus might as well have been a sun in her senses. She whistled as Romonus was leagues stronger than her without the use of the King Piece. Without it, she was only a High-Class Devil, but with it, she could fight at the Satan Rank. 

She did wonder what would happen if someone like Romonus got a hold of a King Piece. She shuddered to imagine it because he was nearing the Satan Rank on his efforts alone. She was already excited to see what this Romonus looked like. 

When she teleported to his and Latia's location what he saw was not what she was expecting. 


Romonus with a bit of Demonic Energy had calmed down Kharn enough and even managed to form a Familiar Contract with him. After promises of food, power, and more foes to fight the Badger truly chilled out. He crawled up Romonus' shoulder, but he hissed at Latia when she tried to pet him. 

Latia pulled her hand back with a frown. 

"I don't like him." 

"He is adorable, don't you think?" 

He was talking to the Rhino who snorted at him. He pulled out another Bael Apple and fed it to him without any hesitation. Already he was seeing as mana was beginning to circulate through the rhino. 

He placed a hand on his side and placed a tracker as he wanted to see what he would become. Just as he did that he and Latia gazed in front of them at the teleport circle forming. From his studies, Romonus recognized it as the circle of House Belphagor. 

'Who could it be?' 

When the circle activated, Roygun appeared in its place. She instantly looked at Romonus with a smile that shrunk a little. She looked him up and down and the first she noticed was his size. 

He was overflowing with muscles, and he was tall. His face while youthful was very mature and quite handsome. 

'Oh my. Serafall Leviathan, why have you kept this King to yourself.' 

"Are you Romonus?

He nodded with crossed arms. 

"I am. I don't think we have met before Lady Roygun."

Latia glanced over at the horned pink-haired woman. 

"The second-placed Champion of Rating Games? Is there something we can help you with? Also, how did you know where we were?"

Roygun smiled as she looked at Latia. She looked a bit more like her age as she was a girl and did not train her body nearly as much as Romonus. Regardless, she was already starting to become a beautiful young lady. 

"I didn't mean to interrupt your date, but this is important. Are you aware that the divorce of Zeoticus and Venelana has the Noble Circle in a spat? They want Romonus and you as well to present yourselves."

Romonus glanced over at Latia and helped her dismount from the Rhino. Before he let the animal, he pulled out another Apple and handed it over. 

"Here, for the troubles?" 

Rhino licked his face before taking the apple and walking off. Roygun now turned to the big and very angry Kharn. He hissed at her and lunged to bite her. She smiled as she released a bit of her aura intending to intimidate him. 

A bad idea as Honey Badgers don't care about anything. It snarled at her even more which left her speechless. 

"Is he broken?" 

Romonus shook his head with a smirk.

"No, he is just a Honey Badger. They fear nothing. This is

Kharn. Now then, let's be off." 

Roygun nodded as she looked over at Romonus. 

"Let's. When this borring meeting is over, I will let you get back to your date." 

Roygun didn't need to, but she walked over and grabbed his arm. He glanced down at her as she was a bit shorter than he was. Though her horns did give her a bit of height. 

"You're forward Lady Roygun." 

She leaned forward a bit and hugged his arm tighter. 

"Oh, should I let go?" 

He squinted his eyes before smirking at her. 

"No. I like the attention of a gorgeous woman like you." 

"And I'd like a handsome man like you." 

"Why not me?"

Latia was not one to get jealous, but she did clear her voice. 

"Lady Roygun, that is my fiance you are flirting with. If you want to join his harem, you need to pass the criteria." 

Roygun smiled at Latia. 

"Oh, and what is it?" 

Latia was about to list them off, but she stopped. 

'Oh wait, she passes every single one. Beautiful, powerful, talented, a mature body, and she is friendly.'

"Never mind, you pass, but do remember despite his dashing good looks he is still 11." 

Roygun did not want to believe this hunk of a man was 11 years old and simply hugged his arm tighter. 

"I want to believe you, but fine. Want to exchange numbers after the meeting?" 

He of course would give her his number. She was cheating a bit because of the King Piece, but whatever. She could become strong without it as she uses her Clan Trait Crack on Typhon a member of the Top 10 World's Strongest. 

"Of course, but let's not delay." 

Roygun nodded and teleported the 4 of them Kharn included back to the meeting room. When they arrived, Serafall squinted her eyes when she saw Roygun holding her boyfriend's arm. 

Roygun looked over at her and smiled at her. 

'He likes me Serafall. Latia said I passed his criteria.' 

Serafall sighed as she knew that would have been the case. 

'Whatever, you do need a husband anyway. If Latia is fine with it, so am I. I just got to inform Miria his other girlfriend.' 

'Please do, I might as well meet you all.' 

This whole conversation happened in moments, so Roygun let go of his arm and stepped back. 

"Romonus B. Gremory and Latia Astaroth are here now." 

Instantly all attention was placed on the two of them as Romonus and Latia had been engaged at his party. The Zeoticus and Venelana had invited all of the pillars, but not all had been able to go. 

Sometimes Romonus skipped or never tried to stand out so this was the first time a few were seeing him. They had to say they knew what Zekram meant when his blood ran strong in him. 

Despite his Father being a Gremory, he did not get their Crimson hair or blue eyes. His eyes were a deep dark purple and his hair was pitch black. Not to mention with Zekram, Demaenetus, and Lord Bael he looked like he fit in among them. 

Venelana though gave him a wave which he returned with a smile. Seeing how he was here, Zekram stood up once more.

"I am glad you could make it Romonus. I am sorry we had to interrupt your time with your lovely fiance." 

Romonus dismissed it.

"It is quite alright. Though, it is an honor to meet you, Ancestor." 

Zekram smiled. 

"The feeling is mutual, I see my gift has been treating you well." 

Romonus placed a hand on the handle of Blood Drinker as through the link he shared with Vespera he felt her terror. She was deeply afraid of Zekram and he would too if he had been forced to endure what she had. 

'Relax, I am here for you.' 

Her voice barely a whisper entered his mind and it hurt him. 

'Don't let him take me again.' 

'I promise I won't.' 

While he consoled Vespera he spoke to Zekram. 

"Yes, the sword is magnificent. Cuts through flesh like butter and is immune to the Power of Destruction." 

"That was why I sent it your way. I won't delay, come and sit with us. We have much to discuss."

Ajuka sent a look down at Latia. 

'You can sit with me.' 

She nodded at her Uncle before looking in Romomus' direction. Before he started to walk Zeoticus spoke up first. 

"Zekram, with all due respect he is my heir and son. As the next Lord Gremory he should sit with me at this meeting." 

Zekram smiled in his direction. 

"Zeoticus, the boy is going to sit with his Mother. Nothing wrong with that." 

Romonus sent a look at his Father before walking to sit next to his Mother. She smiled in his direction before she reached out and held his hand. Zeoticus sighed as he knew his son was closer to his wife than him. 

She looked a Kharn who seemed itching for a fight. 

"Is that a Honey Badger?" 

Romonus nodded. 

"Yes, I decided to take him along with me."

Demaenetus looked at Kharn who hissed in his direction. 

"Mean little shits ain't they?"

Romonus held his right hand out and shook his grandfather's hand. 

"They certainly are. That is exactly why I choose one as a pet." 

Demaenetus looked forward after that. 

"Make sure you train it properly." 

The difference in how Demaenetus treated Romonus from Rias and Sirzechs was that they were always associated with House Gremory. Their crimson hair was a constant reminder they were Gremorys. As for Romonus, his appearance was perfectly Bael. 

Though he was better than his Uncle who outright hated Sirzechs. He saw Rias as nothing, but a spoiled rich girl as he had not heard of how hard she had been training for the past 5 months under Romonus. 

His Uncle was more accepting of Romonus because of how much he seemed to be one of House Bael. Black hair, purple eyes, Power of Destruction, proud temperament, and potent Demonic Power. Everything one needed to rule House Bael. Zekram cleared his voice as Roygun sat down. 

"Now that Romonus himself is here, we will continue with the delegation. Romonus, you were born from the now-broken marriage of Venelana Bael and Zeoticus Gremory. With the divorce happening you are now in a unique position. 

I, Progenitor of House Bael ask if you would become the next heir of House Bael following the end of your Uncle Azalan's end of term." 

Romonus certainly did not expect to ever be considered for the position. He knew that Sairaorg would be soon coming to challenge Magdragan for the title, but he would get in the way if that happened. Romonus glanced over at his Mother who gripped his hand a bit. 

"This is your choice." 

His grandfather Demaenetus also agreed. 

"Think about this carefully Romonus. An opportunity like this comes once. Rule House Gremory as Duke, or Rule House Bael as a Great King." 

Even his Uncle said something to him. 

"My term as Lord Bael will end with the end of this century, until then you can mentor under me. I will teach you the ropes of being a proper Lord of House Bael." 

Zekram had no fancy words and merely waited for his answer. Romonus looked at his brother Sirzechs first. 

'Brother, I think I should take this offer. With you as Lucifer, I will be able to make more progress for Devils. We both can together.' 

Sirzechs thought it out and felt that would be a good idea. 

'If you choose this, it could be what we need to get out of this stagnation. However, if you step down as heir will Rias be the next heir?'

'Most likely. I do not think Asterion will be considered because of his commoner blood. And she is getting stronger from all the training I am putting her through. Not as fast as me, but she will be Ultimate Class by the time she is 14 by my estimations.

More than enough to defeat Riser, she hasn't even talked to him since.' 

Sirzechs nodded with a chuckle. 

'If you do choose to do this, I will support you. Serafall and Ajuka will support you as well. Maybe we can end the split factions of Great King and Satan, but what about Father? Mother left him and he will feel you left him as well.' 

'Mother did what she had to do. He is still my Father so I will talk to him. On another note, thank you brother for supporting me.' 

Sirzechs smiled at him with a proud look. 

'Hey, you got Serafall to fall in love with you. You did what I told you so do what you think is right.' 

Venelana let go of his hand as Romomus stood up and boosted his voice with a bit of Demonic Energy. 

"I will accept the offer to become the next heir." 

Zeoticus felt his world come tumbling down. For the first 11 years of his twin's lives, he felt he was ruling the world, but 5 months ago everything changed. Just impregnating Marcina had caused so much chaos. 

His wife cursed him to not be able to have sex, she then divorced him and now his son had been drawn to House Bael. 

'Everything is going wrong.' 

Romonus glanced at his Father and communicated with him. 

'Dad, this is for the best. Not just for me, but for Devils as a species. I can make more changes along with Sirzechs. Make Rias the next Heir and in a few years you will see this was the right choice.' 

Zeoticus looked at his son barely holding it together. 

'I understand.' 

'No matter what you are still my Father. I won't be cutting contact and I will help Rias out once she becomes the next Lord. Just keep a head up. I can't wait to see the wedding with you and Marcina.' 

'You think I should marry her?' 

'You don't have a lot of options.' 

He cut communication as Zekram addressed all devils. 

"I, Zekram Bael Progenitor of House Bael nominate Romonus G. Bael the next heir of House Bael. In 6 months there shall be a celebration at House Bael and all clans are invited. Since Latia Astaroth is joining House Gremory and House Astaorth together you need another engagement for your new position." 

Romonus had some things to say. 

"My standards are quite high and no regular Noble Lady will suffice. If she meets my criteria, then fine." 

Zekram through spies knew about his relationships except with Venelana. His relationship with Rias was still budding as well and he just met Roygun as well. 

"Lady Leviathan, an Ultimate Class Devil of an Extict House, and the niece of a Satan. Very high standards, but I am sure we can match them. Is there anything else anyone wants to bring up?" 

No one said a word so the meeting was dismissed. Zekram turned to Romonus personally. 

"When do you think will you be moving to the main Bael Castle?" 

"By the end of the month. And I have to say that I might not be available on my 12th birthday. I have plans that day, but we can talk about them later." 

Zekram nodded. 

"We will talk more once you move."

One by one the many Lords began to teleport in mass. Demaenetus patted his back firmly before he also left. His Uncle didn't say anything and left as well leaving him and Venelana. 

"I respect your choice son." 

'I told my mom about us?'

He did not know how to take that. 

'And how did she take it?' 

'She didn't mind and said I was a naughty girl. As for my Father, he just said he didn't want to know what we do. I had to remind him of the fact his parents are half-siblings which shut him up.' 

'You have to tell me that story.' 

Zeoticus seeing how Venelana and Romonus got along was thinking something very different from the truth. 

'I should have spent more time with them.' 

He teleported home to see Marcina who might be the last person who could comfort him now. Venelana now looked at her oldest son Sirzechs who was looking a bit confused. 

"You go on, I need to talk to him." 

Romonus nodded as Roygun and Serafall walked over to him. Latia also came over as they wanted to talk about a few more things. Roygun was a new addition, but he was just going to get her number so nothing was set in stone. 

Though, he did have to say he liked the pink hair.