
The Kingdom and the devil

Enigma_5170 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Uncle's Knowledge

Why would a forest move that doesn't make sense and how are we going to get food , surely we are going to die maybe there are knowing what they are doing in this time , or they didn't know what to do , I'm so screwed:

" So how are we going to get food and wood "

Liam said calmly:

"Don't worry about food our Uncle is coming tomorrow, and we have some wood in the shack"

How their Uncle is gonna travel through the moving forest anyway, maybe he is a famous man , that will be cool .

Ethan asked :

"So how do you got the amulet anyway, it's not like it's your , right ?

Maya said:

" No, actually I just founded it today , and what's so special about it anyway?"

Ethan said with an upsetting voice:

" Did you ever heard the story of the 7 demons and the God ?"

Maya uninterested:

"No, why?"

Ethan said :

" I don't remember the story very much but it means that in that amulet lives a demon that can be controlled by the vessel or now you , but when user is close to death or is trying to work with the demon , the demon will let the vessel use some of his power, oh yeah we too have an amulet but we don't actually know how to use it "

Maya asked with a interning voice:

"So how I'm I going to use this amulet ?"

Ethan yawn and said :

"We are going to wait for Dante to arrive "

Liam heard something unusual from the outside, some gunshot was heard , very fast he close the lights off.

"Shit bounty hunters "

Ethan whispered:

"What if those are thieves "

Liam said:

"No ,they will not adventure in this region if they don't know the road, but bounty hunters do"

Ethan asked very cautious:

"Are they here for Dante ? "

"No,they wouldn't attack Dante his to powerful and Dante doesn't have a bounty, at least what I know "

Liam tried to glimpse at them and saw something :

"I believe there are 6 of them "

Liam said with calm voice


10 min later

"Shit , Bullock I told you we got lost "

Bullock said with an angry face :

" Nah , I know this place like in a palm of my hand"

Bullock saw something moving in the forest , and pointed his crossbow to see what it is , but the other leader Haky already shoot with his magnum

" Shit , why the fuck would you shot, it's very dark I can't see shit "

Bullock saw some light through the forest and slowly tried to approach it , when he heard some noise from above , it was a bloody Hawk it was a rabid animal. Logistical the bloody hawk is short but with great speed . Bullock and the others reached the cabin quickly just to kill that stupid Hawk.

"Shit the lights went down , go knock on the door Haky "

Haky knocked the door and the after some second went the door open .


'Shit someone knocked at the door , what are they going to do to us '

Ethan went to see who it was knowing damn well those are the bounty hunters.

When Haky saw the boy he said :

"Yo kid do us a favor and please turn the lights on "

Ethan said confused:

"Why would I do that , bounty hunter"

Haky said hurried said :

"We are not bounty hunters we are the Legion of the dark forest , just turn the lights and we will talk later "

Shit that makes sense , but what is this Legion of the dark forest

Ethan said :


Ethan turned on light for the Legion to see the Hawk better and suddenly the hawk bited Bullock on his right arm , thankfully he didn't have a right arm , it was just pure metal . When the hawk bited Bullock , he pointed he's gun to his mug and shot him

'Boom '

After a while Bullock said to the others 4 to stay outside until they are going to talk to with the boys . When Bullock and Haky entered the cabin Maya saw both of them perfectly. Bullock was a tall man he was close to not fit into the cabin he had buzz cut and a scar on his forehead . Both of them had similar attires with black robes and symbol on their forearm .

Haky was smaller than Bullock with gray spiky hair , he had gray eyes and had the same age as Bullock .After their entered the cabin they sat down on the table to talk with Ethan .

Bullock asked a simple question:

"Where's Dante , Ethan ? Don't tell me he left you and your brothers here "

Ethan said calmly

"No he some business to attend to in the village , he will be here by tomorrow "

Haky asked with a smile and pointed to Maya:

"Yo Ethan, who's the shorty ?"