
the King of Winter[A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Fanfic]

Jon Snow was betrayed and murdered, but death isn't always the end. The Old Gods needed someone to fight the Night's King, and what better than the blood of the King of Winter? The one who had defeated the Night's King in the past.

TirkanZ · TV
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 Barbrey

Barbrey Dustin

Winterfell began as she remembered. Before the war, the wall was repaired. Fortresses and towers were rebuilt. Even the buildings that fell before Robert's rebellion, the Sept no longer exist. Roose made only minor repairs when he first arrived. Using the residents of Wintertown and those who took refuge in Winterfell after the sack.

The northern nobles were the ones who brought it back to glory. Every lord present has brought supplies to rebuild Winterfell. And it almost looks complete. Except there was no Stark anymore. She had dreamed of being the lady of the castle with Brandon. She was the mother of the Stark children until Lord Stark's southern ambitions at the time were to take Trout for Lady Stark. In the end, the Fuck Seven succeeded in entering Winterfell, the heart of the north. Andal in the grave would be proud of the trout for doing what they failed to do.

Maybe the Starks' downfall was because they abandoned the Old Gods for new gods?.

The thought made her sniffle as she walked towards Winterfell's Great Hall, with the pictures of flayed men adorning the walls of Winterfell. The northern nobles knew the truth of the sack of Winterfell, even though Bolton said it was the Ironborn's doing. He also declared justice when they learned that Theon had fallen to his death from the Wall, even though he regretted not having done it himself.

Ramsay, Bolton's bastard, is in a bad mood, despite his victory over Stannis. But Reek and his bride are dead. Freed by Mance Rayder, he is said to have been tortured by the bastard in what he calls his revenge. Unfortunately, they couldn't save the fake Stark from certain death. Not that the fake Stark was important. Another thing that every Northerner knows from the wedding before Stannis arrived is that Arya Stark doesn't have her father's eyes. That's rather puzzling when it's well known how much Arya is like her own father. Of all the Stark children, only Arya Stark and Jon Snow inherited the traits of Ned—the man who left her husband's bones in the Dornish desert. It made her even more bitter to think about that.

The honorable Ned Stark brought his sister's bones, and his own bastard went home but didn't do the same with the bones of the good northern man who died for him. Even though he had almost twenty years to do that. 

Thinking of that bastard of honor—Jon Snow—this name caused a stir in the court because he is the only Stark blood left. Protected by the Night's Watch, he was who led Bolton's decline in power. By causing many northern nobles to turn to Stannis. 

As they were thinking about what to do with those who broke their oath, the flensing bastard sent him a letter taunting and threatening the Night's Watch, according to one maester—a gray rat. She wondered if Roose would agree. Knowing how foolish it was to send such a letter, threatening the Night's Watch was threatening the Wall. And the North gave importance to the wall. That is equivalent to destroying your own power base. But it didn't matter. Roose was dead. Lord Leech had been assassinated by an angry Stannis's men, and she knew it was Ramsay who had done it. Events fit too perfectly when Roose had a son by a Frey girl, and after Roose's death, the son and his wife disappeared. This gave the flensing bastard his power as Lord Bolton and Warden of the North. Even she could see that this would be the way for House Bolton to fall along with House Stark.

'If nothing goes wrong, the next Ruler of the North will be Ryswell.' Barbrey thought her father had talked to her. He was gathering nobles to remove the flensing bastard because his behavior was not suitable to lead the northern people. When Bolton disappeared, there were not many houses strong enough to control the northern region. Karstark is on the verge of collapse and is divided; Umber is a hostage under Frey; Glover is captured by the Ink; so is Tallhart; and Manderly has respect for Seven, so an intact and connected Ryswell and Dustin would make the most sense.

Entering the Great Hall of Winterfell She saw all the lords there. A Lord who joined the Boltons only to be held hostage by the Frey Family. They are in the corner of the room. Who is left in the Frey family? After half of them died fighting Stannis, Barbrey saw a small smile on Lord Manderly's face, and his eyes dwindled. The hall was tense; it always was. She sat beside her father with the rest of Ryswell and Dustin, waiting for Lord Bolton to begin. She watched as the flayed bastard rose from his seat. Wearing flensing armor. She saw lively eyes with a crazy gleam. She doubted he knew what to say.

Barbrey watched the flensing bastard wait a moment before speaking. His voice was loud and lively. "It has been many months since Stannis was defeated. Now that the North is safe from the false kings of the South, Winterfell, the heart of the North, has been rebuilt. Now it's time to protect the northern territory by driving out the squids. The Boltons have removed them from Moat Cailin, and we will do the same at Sea Dragon Point, Torrhen's Square, and Stony Shore. The men you have here will be part of that. Just like the other lords of the northern region who have not yet joined us."

It's a simple statement. The flensing bastard was proving that he was the only powerful person in the North. He is the only one who can get rid of the squids. One who might one day call himself King in the North if he remained unopposed. It might be successful if he doesn't have any other problems. Dustin thought nonchalantly.

"And that Stark-bastard, Jon Snow, who broke his oath," the flensing bastard added disdainfully.

Barbrey wanted to laugh at the disdain in his tone when he said those words. He thought that because of his righteousness and his "marriage" to the late Lady Hornwood, he was better than Ned's bastard. He was a fool to think like that. Even if she didn't think Ned's bastard was better than him.

"And him?" Lady Cerwym asked.

"I will travel to execute his sentence once the squids are eliminated. He has broken his oath by supporting the false king from the south."

"So what is the plan to get the squids out of the North?" Lord Manderly asked.

The flensing bastard his skin and looked at the plump Lord of White Harbor. "There are still a few hiding places left for them. The biggest is in the northwest."

"Who will be sent to do this job?" Lord Manderly asked again, maintaining a positive tone. It was only when the Freys started talking that he lost consciousness. Barbrey could still see a small scar. Frey had been slashed shortly before they fought Stannis.

"Lord Manderly, you and Lord Umber will be sent once you have retaken Deepwood Motte from the traitors. and repel the squids from Sea Dragon Point. You can help Lord Ryswell retake Stony Shore when you send word of your victory. My man, Ryswell Dustin Frey, will be here until then. After that, we will take Torrens Square."

The flensing bastard was a smart one. Lady Dustin knew this. After half of Frey died by Stannis, as Manderly "claimed," it was wiser to keep them apart. Shipping a large house It would also be wise to reduce forces while keeping the Bolton army intact.

No one seemed to disagree with Lord Bolton's strategy. They hate squids almost as much as the Boltons. It seemed like a finished meeting. Until a gray rat entered the room holding a piece of paper.

"Lords and ladies. We received a letter from Deepwood Motte."

The Bolton bastard smiled. "Have they sent a word of surrender?"

The gray rat shook its head and stammered. Realizing that he had caught his attention, he said, "No, my lord, the Ironborn has disappeared from Sea Dragon Point."

"By whom?" asked a northern nobleman.

"Jon Stark, my lord, he signed it."

The northern nobles were silent. If they had spoken, they would have cheered. Lady Dustin understood.

The flensing bastard looked unbelievably angry at the gray rat, asking harshly.

"What does it say?"

The gray rat looked worried, and all eyes were on him. He cleared his throat.

"To the bastard who burned Winterfell, Ramsay Snow.

My watch is over. Sea Dragon Point now has a squid's head on a pointed spear. Their entrails hang in the Godswood. I will do the same to you. I march on Winterfell to take it from you. If you have intelligence, you will fight me the old fashioned way in single combat. If not, then you condemn your army to be slaughtered. Remember that there will always be a Stark in Winterfell. The North remembers your crimes. With so many murders covered up, the sack of Winterfell, and the disguise of Arya Stark, you will pay the price with your blood. The Weirwood Tree of Winterfell will have it when I and my army are finished bathing in the blood of your men."

The northern nobles listened intently to these words. Lady Dustin also listened while watching with amusement as the flensing bastard felt angry at those words. He clearly lacks the ability to control his response to being called a bastard. As soon as the gray rat said that Jon Stark had taken the Sea Dragon Point and the Deepwood Motte, she knew that he must come to Winterfell. As she listened, she noticed something about those words. It was strange, Jon Stark. Where did it come from? Shouldn't it be Jon Snow?

Her attention returned to the gray rat as he finished speaking, "Winter is coming, Lord Snow. And the wolf came too.

Jon Stark, King in the North."

Barbrey completely turned her attention to the gray rat at that point. The bastard took the name Stark and dared to proclaim himself king. This bastard must have lost his mind. And if she didn't hear wrong or if he read it right, he said that watching was over. How could it be because only death would mark the end of the watch?

"You mean Ned Stark's bastard son?" Her father asked, clearly interested.

"It says Jon Stark, my lord," the gray rat said slowly.

"How is that possible? Because, as far as I know, he's a bastard who hasn't been certified as a Stark yet," her father asked.

"There is another letter, my lord. King Robb removed him from the Night's Watch, made him legitimate, and declared him heir to the throne. This was certified by Lady Mormont, Lord Glover, and Lord Umber," the gray rat replied, "and House Glover, House Mormont, House Umber, House Karstark, and mountain groups. It has been announced to him."

The northern nobles muttered among themselves. She feels insecure. A northerner nearby said in a whisper, "The North remembers." Bolton's hold on the north weakened with two letters.

One of the Freys was there, shouting. "What does it matter who certified that bastard? He is a traitor to the Night's Watch, an oathbreaker, and he is the bloodline of a traitor to the Iron Throne! He must be dealt with!!"

Those were the stupidest words that Frey could say. It's as stupid as destroying the guest right and daring to enter the north. The North loves Stark more than the Iron Throne. One man slammed his beer keg on the table and roared. The other lords present looked ready to kill Frey. Lord Manderly looked at the bastard.

"Stannis' team has moved on to him. What are our plans now?"

She could almost feel the generosity that Lord Manderly hid behind the fat, like a desire to make a weasel pie. 

The flensing bastard met the man with a fierce look. "The Oathbreaker is coming to Winterfell. Our army will crush him. and he will be put to death for abandoning the wall. I am sure every noble of the North knows what to do with a man who abandons the night's watch."

The northern nobleman nodded. 

The flensing bastard said it one last time. "That's all for today, my lord. We will meet again to discuss the upcoming battle."

All the lords started to leave the main hall. She walked with her father. The tension in the hall was still there. It didn't matter which hostages the Freys had; it didn't matter that Jon Snow had left the Night's Watch. The Northerners were going to fight for Jon Snow—Stark. They would fight for the son of the Stark family and for the one that King Robb approves of. The young wolf is still beloved in the North because he led many victories in battles with the Southerners before being cowardly attacked.

"What should we do, Father?" she asked her father in a private room guarded by those most loyal to them, because it seemed like all of his plans had been thrown from the wall. Who cares about Lord Ryswell or Lady Dustin? When's a Stark in front?

"The original plan remains. Everyone knows that people can die in war. No matter who wins, they will lose greatly. In the coming war, Ryswell might become king," her father said, smiling.

"We're playing a dangerous game, Dad," she said nervously. Because they know that now they have a choice: to go down beautifully or to have their necks ripped apart.

"We have come too far to back down. We sent fewer soldiers to help Robb than we should have, and we even cooperated with Bolton. It wouldn't end well if Stark returned to power," her father said.

"Fine, I hope we can still have our heads after this," she admitted. Once her father had made up his mind, it would be difficult to change his mind. And all of their actions are difficult to forgive. Unless they find the lost Stark and give it to the self-proclaimed king, So she walks out of the room. Before she left, she saw a crow perched on the window. She swore its eyes were white for a moment. It tilted its head and flew away. Strange…
