

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Oriental
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1002 Chs


Young Master Wayne wasn't convinced. He asked, "Then what is the relationship between you and your story? What this story has anything to do with you?"

In fact, this question was bugging everyone as well. They also want to know how exactly Arjun knows all this? And how could he control that artefact?

Arjun smiled and said, "The original owner of this Holy Vase was actually Zofra's master. But over the pass of time, on some special occasion, his master has given this vase to his disciple. And that disciple was none other than Zofra himself!"

Arjun continued, "But this Holy Vase has a special property. It's priority has always been to listen to it's master who bound it with their essence blood. If that master dies, then it will automatically set it's priority to any of the descendants. That's why, it is heeding my commands!"

"What kind of rubbish is this?" ,Young Master Wayne shouted, "And what this has anythi..."

Before he could complete his sentence, Young Master Wayne stopped abruptly. He was shivering at this moment. He looked at Arjun and pointed his finger which was shaking non stop at him and said, "Wait a minute. Could it be.... you are actually... you are saying that you are the descendant of that master?"

Arjun slowly nodded his head. And this head node was more than enough to stir a commotion for everyone who are watching this. Nobody has ever imagined that Arjun and others who were actually the barbarians will actually end up as the descendants of that Zofra's powerful master! This is crazy and a sensational news.

"Then.... could it be.... you people are also from that Upper Celestial Realm?" ,Young Master Wayne asked.

This was the doubt everyone had. They wanted to know the true origins of these bunch of barbarians who were not only strong, but also possessed unusual combat techniques.

"No." ,But Arjun shook his head and said, "I am not from the Celestial Realm. The incident with Zofra and my ancestor was something that happened in the distant past. We don't know what happened later. But over the pass of time, too many things happened with our ancestors. And by the time our generation came, we ended up in the lower realm. As for what happened for our decline, we don't have any clue. But the cultivation manuals, the history of our ancestors and combat techniques from our ancestors were passed down to us. And that is how we possessed such a combat abilities."

As soon as Arjun said this, it caused another level of commotion in the crowd. All this time, they had seen Arjun killing people by narrowing his eyes. He trapped people within the gravitational field. He had the movement technique that is impossible to trace out. And then he did something which damaged the internal organs of all his enemies.

All this time they were wondering how could a barbarian have all these powerful things in his possession. But now they have understood everything.

When these people were thinking like this, the major powers of the entire Eagle Province felt as if their mouth was watering. The grid has taken over their head and now they wanted to blender all these priceless treasures for themselves. After all, these things all came from the legendary upper world. And what is even more insane is that, they were the belongings from the strongest person in the entire upper world!

How could the quality of the manuals and combat techniques be anything trash? Even if it was the trash in the eyes of the people from the upper world, it was still priceless treasures for the people from the God Realm. And as the major powers, they were coveting everything for themselves.

The leaders of the three major powers passed their orders, "Contact the headquarters and tell them everything that has happened here. Don't delay it anymore!"

Julian shook his head and said with his mental connection, "What have you done master? You don't have enough strength to protect yourself and you caused trouble for yourselves."

Arjun who was sitting on the spectators chair with Jimmy's disguise shook his head and said, "You don't understand kid! It's solely because I don't have enough strength that I did this. The people around me were having good time with no worries at all. They have to face the dangers and overcome all the tribulations. Without putting themselves in danger, they will never understand the gap between a powerful expert and their own strength."

Arjun continued, "Now since I attracted the greed of major powers from this world, they will all pursue us. And what is there to worry for me. If things really goes wrong, I hope that you will come and protect us from shadows."

"Come on master! What are you saying? There is no need for you to ask me. Even if you didn't ask me, I was already planning to protect all of you in shadows if things really went wrong." ,Julian smiled and said.

"That's good to hear." ,Arjun smiled as well.

Arjun sighed. There is one thing he didn't tell Julian. The true reason why he did all this is not just for some battle experience. Of course, battle experience is one of the reasons. But his true intention was to get stronger quickly.

Arjun know that the more powerful cultivator he kills, more quickly stronger he will become. After all, this is all thanks to the Essence Gathering System which he received from his Old Geezer!

In order to get stronger quickly, Arjun knew that he had to kill too many people. And this is the reason why he attracted the greed from all the major powers by saying all this and decided to kill all of them in order to get stronger quickly.

Arjun knew that this is a risky thing. But in order to get strong, risks were necessary. And if things really goes wrong, Arjun knew that Julian would definitely not sit idly and let anyone kill him. This is the reason why he did all that.

Julian sighed. He knew that whatever Arjun said about Zofra was true. That master had four disciples. And they had a final clash in the God Realm. And two of them indeed perished in Zofra's hands.

As for the third one, his conscience was damaged. And his vitality was absorbed by Zofra.

At that time, his master came and rescued him. But it was already too late. That last person aged and became the old man.

Here the fourth person who was saved too lately was none other than Julian himself! And as for the master, that master was none other than Arjun!