
The King of Fairies(Discontinued, will reboot with OC protagonist)

Noctis Lucis Caelum, the chosen King was supposed to die, but he awakens in a new world, one not unlike his own filled with magic, demons, and dragons.

XOmni · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Ch 2 Fairy Tail

True to what the Lucy girl said, the 4 of them only had to walk a short way to reach the bustling city that was Magnolia. Many different buildings lined the side of the roads and standing proudly in what looked to be the middle of Magnolia was a large, magnificent castle like building, with a red roof and a red flag sticking out of the top of the tower atop the main building.

Noctis: " Wow, this place is huge."

Lucy: " Yep, Magnolia is a pretty big place."

Noctis: " So, is that the guild hall?" He asks while gesturing towards the castle like building.

Natsu: " Yep! That's the place!"

The 4 make their way towards the guild's large front doors. Natsu slams the doors open.

Natsu: " We made it back alive!"

Everyone in the guild hall suddenly stops what they're doing and look over at the 4 standing in the guild's entry way. And almost as quickly, they all go back to what they were doing.

The guild hall was quite spacious with several tables all around the room, a bar in the back, and even a set of stairs leading up to a balcony that is overlooking the ground floor. There were a few doors leading to side rooms as well.

Natsu rushes up to the bar counter and starts talking to the woman standing behind it. She has snow white hair that goes down to the middle of her back, and blue eyes. She is wearing a sleeveless red dress.

Noctis follows after him and takes a seat at the counter. The woman takes notice of Noctis and smiles at him.

??: " Oh, hello. I haven't seen you around here before. My name's Mirajane, but everyone around here just calls me Mira."

Noctis: " I'm Noctis, but you can just call me Noct."

Mirajane: " It's nice to meet you Noct. What brings you to Magnolia? Are you here to join the guild?"

Noctis: " He brought me here actually." He says gesturing towards Natsu, who was currently stuffing his face with meat.

Natsu: " I thought he could join the guild, considering he doesn't know how to get home."

Mirajane: " Oh my, is that true?"

Noctis: " Unfortunately yeah. And I think I'm a lot farther from home than I initially thought."

Mirajane: " What do you mean by that?"

Noctis: Sigh " Do you believe in the existence of alternate realities?"

Mirajane: " Hmm, it's not impossible. But I've never even heard of a spell that could send someone to another universe."

Noctis: " Well, if I'm right. Then I somehow ended up in an alternate reality, again."

Mirajane: " What do you mean by 'again'?"

Noctis: " This happened to me before, the world was a lot more different than mine though. If I hadn't learnt that this kingdom's name was Fiore, then I probably would've thought I was still back home."

Mirajane: " Well, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for you to stay here as a guest of the guild. I'll have to double check with the guild master when he gets back."

Natsu: " Huh? Where's the old man?"

Mirajane: " He's at a meeting with the other guild masters."

Noctis: " Thanks, I appreciate it. Now I just gotta find a way to make some money so I can eat."

Mirajane: " If you need money, you could always join the guild and take on requests."

Noctis: " I'll give it some thought, but it's probably my best bet if I'm gonna be stuck here for a while."

Noctis: " Do you mind explaining to how this whole guild system works?"

Mirajane: " No problem."

Mirajane spends the next hour or two explaining the inner workings of the mage's guilds. She even gives Noctis some jewels, to help get him started.


About 3 hours later, Mirajane had finished explaining the guilds to Noctis, afterwards Noctis decided to take a nap at the bar counter. Until he was rudely awakened by the sound of arguing.

??: " Say that again, Flame brain!"

Natsu: " I will, ya Ice stripper!"

Noctis opens his eyes and looks over to the commotion. Literally butting heads and arguing with Natsu was a man with short black hair, and black eyes. He is wearing a pair of black trousers, black shoes, a silver necklace hangs from around his neck, and he wears a short sleeved white button up shirt, that he currently has unbuttoned and open.

Noctis: " Hey Mira, who's that guy arguing with Natsu?"

Mirajane: " Oh, that's Gray. They're like that all the time."

Noctis: " Seriously?"

Mirajane: " Yep. Erza usually keeps them in check though. But she's not here right now."

Noctis: " Who's Erza?"

Mirajane: " Oh, I forgot. You haven't met her yet. She's considered the strongest woman in Fairy Tail, and she's a close friend of mine."

At that moment the front doors slam open and standing in the doorway is a red-haired beauty. She is wearing a pair of long black boots, a pair of armored gauntlets, an armor cuirass, and a short blue skirt. In her hands was a large horn or tusk of some sort.

All of a sudden Gray and Natsu begin acting buddy buddy with one another and the whole guild hall falls silent.

Noctis: " Who's that?"

Mirajane: " That's Erza."

Noctis: " Why did everyone get quiet all of a sudden. That would've been nice while I was trying to sleep."

Mirajane: " It's because they all fear Erza."

Noctis: " Why?"

Mirajane: " Because she's beaten both Gray and Natsu to a pulp. And they are both really strong."

Noctis: " So... don't get on her bad side. Got it."

Erza approached Gray and Natsu, who were standing close to the bar counter.

Erza: " Natsu, Gray I need your help on a mission."

Natsu & Gray: " Y-you got it Erza!"

Erza: " Good, then meet me on the train."

She looks over at Noctis, who was watching the whole spectacle.

Erza: " Hello, are you here to join the guild?"

Noctis: " Still giving it some thought. But most likely."

Erza: " Then you should accompany us on this mission. Perhaps it could sway your decision."

Noctis: " Sure, why not. I was just going to sleep anyway."

Erza: " Good. You should come as well." She says pointing to Lucy.

Lucy: " M-me? O-ok."

Erza: " We will all meet at the train in 20 minutes. Do not be late."

Erza then leaves the guild. Presumably to prepare herself for the mission.

Noctis: " Whelp. Looks like I'm going on a mission anyways."

Mirajane: " Good luck. Knowing Erza, if she needs help then it is most likely quite a difficult task."

Noctis: Sigh " Great. Just what I wanted."