
The king's woman (he is ruthles king,she is a sleeping tiger)

Oluba_Elizabeth · Sports, voyage et activités
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30 Chs




🌹🌹 Woman 🌹🌹

© Empress story land ❣️

Episode 15&16

The car parked in the yard,and a guard quickly rushed to open the door....

James and kelvin were carrying Rita's stuff and we're laughing hard at something she wrote in her tablet....

" Rita that's so silly"

Rita gave him a side glance scoffed and walked towards the door, the brothers smiled helplessly and followed behind her.....

They were walking in the hallway and Rita happened to sight Leo and wanted to call him,but what she heard next made her froze in shock...

James and kelvin were still talking when,she turned around and put her hand to stopped them from talking and push them in a corner..

They looked at her and she signaled for them to keep quite,they peeked from the corner and Leo and lux could be heard....

"Let's talked business,you hate Enzo,so do I "

Lux hatred voice rang out....

Leo scoffed..

" And why should I do with you a weakling"

" You.....

Lux gritted his teeth, swallowing back his anger and looked at him.

" I know his weakness,we can use it to take him down,and disqualified him during the competition "

"Ok you have a deal,but I want more than that "

Lux looked at him confused....

" What else do you want "

" I want him to feel pain over and over, and I want him to watch as I have Rita to myself,she only belongs to me"

His voice laced with malice and hatred...

"No worries I have no usefulness for her anyway"

" Fine then ,I will keep in touch "

They both exchange contact and walked towards the direction of the siblings,who hid tightly in the corner? holding in there breath still they were gone ....

The brothers breath a sign of relief but soon stopped when they noticed Rita's unstable emotions....

" Rita....

James called out gently

" Are you okay "

Kelvin asked cautiously

Rita emotions were on thin ice...,

" What has she just heard,he was planning to ruin Enzo,not only that she was a game to him all along"

Rita inhale sharply her legs walking on it own towards the king's room,the brothers quickly followed their mood gloomy..

_______KING BLAKE ROOM _______

Rita sudden intrusion startled the couple who looked up with a frown...

" Who dares to.....oh Rita dear what is it"

Queen Maya looked up confused..

Rita walked unsteady towards them,the brothers had entered the room when her legs gave way,king Blake was faster as he caught her shaking her slightly...

" Rita what is it"

He asked with worry.....

Rita held her hand pointing,towards the door and her voice trying to communicate and voice her..... thought

Tears slide down her cheeks, looking at her struggling to speak,and for the first time Rita felt useless..

Why couldn't she talk and voice out her anger,due to her straining herself,she choked and queen Maya hurriedly patted her back...


" Rita dear don't scare me.... what is it"

King Blake gaze towards the brothers were cold.....

" Tell me exactly what happened to Rita and how she became like this ...in details"..

James couldn't stand his father's aura and blurted out quickly, and immediately he finished there was pin drop silence.....

Queen Maya looked horrified...

" What did you say....

" Is it true Rita "

King Blake asked to see Rita nodded and his gaze became chilling....

" He even said Rita was his,as if she was a property "

James added and king Blake chuckled darkly...

" He always knew Leo was bad but didn't expect this from him,to be so sinister and even lux"

He smirked mischievously and the brothers knew those two were really going to have a hard time....

"Nobody messes with his family and get away with it"....

________VILLA GARDEN ______

Lux and Leo took their seats as if nothing happened,but Enzo had his cold eyes trained on them...

Even bella was suspicious at lux disappearance and looked at him away.....with the look on his face,she was sure he wasn't up to anything good....

Soon there was murmurs as Toni entered,Angela didn't look up and continue to drink her juice, and Vincent who was accompanying her just raised his eyebrows in displeasure....

A shadow soon loomed over their table,and Angela looked at him once then continue to drink her juice...

Toni gaze was unsightly and he sat down in front of Angela trying to strike a conversation .

" Angela how have you been"

" Silence.....

" You looked more beautiful since...the last time we parted..

He looked hesitant as he spoke and Angela choked badly, Vincent quickly patted her back and fetch her a cup of water.

Toni's hand frozed in mid air as he stared at the scene in front of him in fury....his gaze towards Vincent was filled with jealousy..

Vincent glared at him and rebuked him angrily,now everyone was looking at them.

" Dude are you stupid or what,the lady doesn't seems interested in talking to a cheap bag like you"

" It's none of your business"


Toni glared at him through gritted teeth.....

" Oh it's my business because she is my partner,fool your really brainless.....and who goes about wearing shades in the middle of noon....duh!guy get a grip ,you look like the monkey in the zoo in those glasses"

Vincent spat out ruthlessly,that Toni was lost for words....

" Did you just call me a monkey"

He removed his glass,his black eyes staring angrily at him,

" This is called fashion unlike you who looks cheap"

Vincent looked at him in distain...

" Fashion,cheap.....it's looks like it's not only your brain that is affected but the glass has demage your eyesight...

" Bro "

Vincent patted his shoulder gently but the grip on his shoulder was strong that made Toni grimace in pain.....

" Listen up,she doesn't want anything to do with you,so do behave yourself or don't blame me.for being impolite "

He spoked up whispering in his ear,and cleaned of the invisible dust from his chest, helping him zip up his jacket properly and patted his cheek...

" Do you understand....hmmmm

He smiled while Toni glared at him and watched as he walked back towards Angela and held out his hand..

" My lady.... shall we"

" Of course"

Angela held his hand and didn't even spare him a glance as they went to another seat,Toni was extremely humiliated that he vowed to make Vincent pay back double...

Lara stared at the scene before her and smiled....

" Change of plan maybe she should sleep with Vincent instead before Enzo"

She thought excited, feeling herself heat up,and her gaze towards Vincent was filled with lust.....

Enzo and Bella didn't failed to notice her expression and looked at her with disgust...

________4 HOURS LATER _______

Everyone stared at Rita with curiousity even Toni attention had shifted to her,she looked pure and innocent,she could be among his collection of women he would have?but she was king Blake's daughter and he didn't want to die just yet.....

" Rita dear"

She looked at the council men who called out her name and nodded at them

She had been thinking for the past few hours,if she was weak she would always be easy to bully so she made a decision to be a judge still the competition would be over....

King Blake knew her reason and was more than glad.....

She really was vengeful..

The competitors had been asked to cooked and we're nervous when Rita was asked to taste and grade them...


Rita spat out the rice she put in her mouth almost immediately and looked at the set of competitors in disbelief....

" This was a disaster,how could they waste food like this"

Her expression was so funny that the council members couldn't help but laughed and the once tensed atmosphere became lively....


Rita wrote on a paper and raised it up


They signed in relief

" 16



Toni looked at Vincent smugly and winked at Angela who rolled her eyes in disgust.

" 32"

Toni clenched his fist and glared at Vincent when he heard there score and Vincent just gave him a side glance...


Rita gave lux team the score and he smiled but which soon turned to a frown...

" 38"

" Bro james quickly come help me taste it"

She wrote and pointed at Leo's food,james couldn't believe she would throw him under the bus....he swallowed his grievances and ate from it....

" It's good"

He mumbled and looked at Rita who was secretly laughing at him,he pouted his lips and walked back to stand beside kelvin who gave him a glance....

He looked flabbergasted.

" What did he do again....

" 45"

Leo smiled frozed so does everyone...

Bella smiled happily and thanked Rita....lux who was more than annoyed suddenly blurted out before he could stop himself....

" Why does he get to have full scores, isn't this cheating"

Leo even found it reasonable and looked at Rita's direction to see her writing seriously and raised it up high for everyone to see..

Kelvin quickly rushed towards her and took the book helping her read it loud,and her perfect answer silenced any compliant left...

" They got full marks , because they deserve it,it was a simple dish that was asked to be prepared but some of you went out of the line by preparing what you weren't told to ...

" So...

King Blake's cold voice rang out....

" Is this reason good enough"

" Yes.... your..highness"

Lux sluttered embarrassed and king Blake just looked at him as if he wanted to strangle him to death, which he really wanted to but controlled himself...

Enzo looked at Rita with a complicated gaze..

"This girl ,why was she defending him so much"

" Since they wanted to play ,she would play them hard, anyways this was her territory and they were nothing but chess pieces,if helping Enzo win to the end help smooth her mind and take her vengeance?so be it "

She thought and looked up her gaze accidentally meeting that of Enzo and she smiled making him looked at her in daze.

Of course this actions didn't go unnoticed by Leo who glared at Enzo with hatred and envy.

James and kelvin looked at them then each other.

"First Leo ,now Enzo is also eyeing her"

" Impossible,I wouldn't allow it"

" True,how dare they try to steal her from us"

" Am seriously suspecting Enzo"

" Me too"

" Keep an eye on him"

They turned their gaze go to look at Enzo who in returned their gaze with coldness and confused manner...

" Why were they staring at him like that "

" Why did he feel that their eyes were filled with hostility,this was strange?

He thought...

" He hadn't offended them in anyway right!!!!

<<<<<<<<<To be continued< p>

" Your a cheap bag"😂😂 Vincent later wan turn Toni to hand bag....

Who likes Rita counteract 😏😏

The game is on😌🫡

Encourage with likes and comments ❣️🌹

Love you ❣️💗