
The king's woman (he is ruthles king,she is a sleeping tiger)

Oluba_Elizabeth · Sports, voyage et activités
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30 Chs

A kiss



🌹🌹Woman 🌹🌹

© Empress story land ❣️

Episode 42&43

Leo had been discharged from the hospital,the shame couldn't make him go back and he left for home to meet,Lara ,his father and a stranger Dylan which he didn't obviously know....

They were all sited watching as Enzo was given his award the gold cup shone brightly as the sun lit it up,he had a smile plastered on his face,Lux who had being bailed out,his fist clenched...

" he was supposed to be the one smiling and being awarded,but he knew he was finished and Enzo was coming for him"

Just the thought of Enzo ruthless attack make him trembled with fear,queen Lydia was no different she had dark circles as she didn't slept well,her hard earned reputation she had worked hard for had gone down the drain and it was all Enzo's fault....

King Edward just looked at the screen and smiled sadly;he was really a pathetic person and had fell his duty as a father.....,he knew Enzo would never forgive them especially after what lux did,"

He looked towards the mother and son and for the first time felt a pang of disgust towards them...

<<<<<<^Ceremonial hall~Rita romm^<<<<< p>

As soon as the ceremony was over,Enzo had came up with the excuse of being tired and he was quickly released,he made towards Rita room as soon as he left the hall....

Rita reading a book,as she sat on the bed covered with a blanket,a drip fixed and was nearly finished, queen Maya looked up when she noticed someone opened the door,and smiled towards him.....

" oh Enzo your here"

Rita looked up stunned and asked in confusion....

" aren't you supposed to be in the hall.....

" I was tired "

" oh...

" and I miss you"

Rita blinked twice and blushed furiously and glared at him,queen Maya was grinning happily and left them alone,she also didn't forget to wink at Rita who looked helpless and Enzo pretended not to know....

The room was silence and the two stared at each other awkwardly before suddenly laughing and Enzo took Rita's hand in his... playing with her finger

" am sorry"

" for what"

" For putting you in trouble ,if it wasn't for me you won't have gotten hurt"

He chuckled lightly and a tear slide down his cheek, falling on Rita's finger and he trembled..

" if it wasn't for me,you would be standing and not fixed on a drip,they are probably right I am a jinx and.....I....."

Enzo didn't complete his statement when Rita held his face gently with one of her hand,and wipe his tear,and to his amazement he watched as she kissed his forehead, eyebrow and eyes,then retreating her eyes looked at him gently filled with love.....

" your not jinx,your not ruthless nor are you cold, situation made you like this, everyone has their own pain,I had too you brought me out of my shell,you are my heartbeat"

Rita spoked up with the bottom of her heart, spilling all her concealed emotions both lovers had tears sliding down their cheeks,and sniffing in...

"Your my knight,and more than a brother to me,so Enzo please don't say something bad about yourself,am willing to stay lemme bear the responsibility with you....? through the tough and sweet times we stand together!

Enzo looked at the little girl in his arms who was wise beyond her age, looking down he stared at her lips which were pink and plum,he bend over and kisses her ,and without retreating mumbled softly....

" can I....."

" yes you may"

Rita gave her consent and as soon as she did he threw all his rationality out the window and kissed her plum lips...?their first kiss had been filled with force but this was gentle and sweet that Rita trembled slightly...

" open up little one "

Enzo muttered hoarsely and resumed kissing, Rita parted her lips and he invaded her mouth, sucking and nipping her tongue until it became numb,she placed her hand on his shoulder and caress his chest further igniting his desire.....

Enzo kissed her until she was breathless,his hand also didn't stop idle as he slide it into her gown caressing her thigh and she moaned in his mouth,he knew if he didn't stop he was going to do more than just kissing?with reluctance he moved away from her and watch how her chest moved up and down..

Her clothes was a mess,her lip gotten plumper and red from the kiss,he kissed her forehead and hugged her to himself inhaling her scent,both stood silent but the scene wasn't lonely but filled with warmth...

<<<<<<King Edward palace ~study room< p>


King Edward angrily threw a glass cup at lux with fury and spat out coldly...

" disgrace your a disgrace,how dare you do that your own younger brother"

Lux looked down guilty and ashamed, queen Lydia was enraged and yelled back at king Edward angrily....

" he is your son and is going to jail, won't you find some help and let him go,then we can send him abroad"

" mum"

Lux looked aggrieved,he didn't want to travel abroad,his chances of getting to be the next king would be zero to none...

" why should I help him"

" so that illegitimate child is more important than my son, Edward how dare you"

Queen Lydia yelled furiously and she was soon shuted up by Bella's words..

" what should father,help to clean up your mess"

Bella smirked viciously and signaled to two guards who went towards the direction of her room to get her lauggages but queen Lydia was too corcerned about lux Matter to notice..

Queen Lydia eyes sparkled with hope and when she thought of how she could use Bella's connection to help lux,she diminished her hope without giving her face....

" mum don't even think about using my connection to help a murderer and his accomplice "

" Bella....

" also this will be this last time I call you mother,queen Lydia "

Queen Lydia trembled with rage and pointed her shaky finger at her...

" you unfilial daughter "

Her words were caught off by the gaurds entrance...

" young miss it's ready"

"Ok let's go"

"And where do you think your going "

" am leaving like you said ,so i won't be a hindrance neither your daughter am going to stay with Enzo,this place is polluted with lies and deciet,excuse me"

Bella left just as she came ,not even greeting or sparing her father a look,king Edward looked lost and walked out of his study for his room....

Queen Lydia was still lamenting about her situations when some armies personel cane and took lux away, leaving king Blake and his wife stunned and they could only stared and before they could regain their selves,lux was nowhere to be found and they didn't know tge group of army that took him away....

" where is he"

" in the cell room"

" good ,play with him for sometime I will deal with him later"

" yes boss"

Josh crackled his hand and smirked sinisterly,

" he so much miss his job,

No problem Mr Abel "

" good,am off to the company"

Josh nodded and watched as Mr Abel walked out and he moved towards the cell room,lux heard movements and raised his head,just as he made to start pleading for help,he was thrown a punch and he yelled in pain.....

<<<<<To be continued< p>

Enzo and Rita finally 🥰🥰

One word for lux 😒

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Love you ❣️💗