
Bukijutsu Teacher and Medical Jutsu

"Alright, alright I get it! Now spit it out!" Tsunade hurried him.

"I'll be honest then!" Affirmed Shiki prepared to make his requests.

"Two things!" He started. "First, I want Tsuna-ne to find someone to teach me bukijutsu since, as you said before, it's not your specialty.

"That's fine. In fact, I was thinking about that lately. What about the second thing?"

'The easy part is out of the way, since Tsuna-nee has some considerable pull in the village pilfering a jonin good with weapons from the old man should be easy enough. The problem is getting this stingy beauty to fork over her money for a special made shinobi huge metal fan . . .'

"Out with it!" Tsunade demanded.

"Could you please order a special made fan like those used by shinobi from the Land of Wind? Please?" Requested Shiki with a pleading tone and the best puppy eyes in his arsenal.

Tsunade didn't really want to pay for such an expensive custom ninja tool but she had no confidence in weathering Shiki's devious mental assaults. Even in the past he somehow managed to convincer to buy some special clay so he could try something out he never actually specified . . . Well, since the blow to her wallet couldn't be avoided at least she would use it to motivate the boy.

"I'll cut you a deal okay Shiki?" Tsunade started, Shiki merely gazed suspiciously at her but waited for the kunoichi continue.

"I'll buy you your fan when you have learned enough medical ninjutsu from me to be considered a qualified medical ninja." As Tsunade said this, she was expecting a lukewarm response since so far the boy has only shown interest in skills used for fighting.

But just as she was prepared to list the benefits of learning medical ninjutsu even if your not planning to make it your main craft Shiki suddenly said.

"Perfect! That's awesome, I was actually planning on pest-cough-request you to teach me that once I reached a satisfactory level in bukijutsu but this is much better indeed!"

Tsunade was quite surprised at this much excitement from Shiki but positively so but curious as to why the boy, who was far more interested in destroying things rather than fixing them, was actually looking forward to training in medical ninjutsu, she asked him a question.

"To be honest, I thought I'd have to convince you! Why such an interest in medical ninjutsu?"

"Are you joking!? First of all, survival is always the number one priority, although that might not be ideal as a shinobi of the village, if it's between my life or the lives of my loved ones and the mission then screw the mission sideways. Second, a medical ninja has intimate knowledge of the human body and that is extremely useful when you want to cause serious possibly irreversible damage. And final third, the absolute best in the world wants to teach me her craft, why would I do something as stupid as arguing?" Shiki gave a long and enthusiastic response making Tsunade dumbfounded.

'Ignoring that dangerous second reason, the first relieves me so much, I shouldn't think this since this is the village grandfather built but after seeing Nawaki and Dan die for its good I'm relieved by this kid's attitude takes some the load off my mind and though I thought I'd long gotten used to being admired for my skill as a medical ninja, it feels great to hear that from Shiki, now way I'm admitting that to him though.'

"Well thank you for . . . all of that!" Said Tsunade, leaving Shiki a bit confused.

"I'll see whoever is available from the village and get you a teacher, I already have someone in mind, if all goes well you'll meet them tomorrow."

The following day Shiki was standing in the training ground of the Senju compound facing towards two kunoichi. One of them was Tsunade while the other was a young woman with straight, purple hair reaching down to her waist, warm brown eyes and wearing the standard Anbu uniform, consisting of black and grey armour, metal arm guards and a katana strapped to her back, she also had the signature Anbu tattoo on her right shoulder.

'Uzuki Yugao . . . Great choice Tsuna-nee!' Thought Shiki as he appreciated her beauty.

"Well then, introduce yourself!" Tsunade told Yugao.

"Yes Tsunade-sama!" The purple haired kunoichi acknowledged, the turned to Shiki.

"My name is Uzuki Yugao and I'll be training you in bukijutsu with a particular focus on kenjutsu (sword fighting), since it is my specialty."

"Nice to meet you sensei! I'm Uzumaki Shiki! Thanks in advance!" The boy said like a true and honest model student somewhat impressing Yugao. But then he turned toward Tsunade with a totally different attitude.

"I must say Tsuna-nee, what a great choice for a teacher! Having such a beauty in my field of vision will drastically increase my productivity!" Extremely surprised at Shiki's immediate change in attitude and at a loss for words, Yugao turned to Tsunade who merely said with a wry expression while patting the purple haired kunoichi on the shoulder.

"You'll get used to it."

Yugao was feeling worried that this kind of child would be the type not to take her training seriously making it difficult to complete this mission requested by one of legendary Sannin Princess Tsunade herself! But she soon found her worries unfounded as Shiki seriously studied the sword forms she taught him. After a couple of hours of training they stopped.

"Ok Shiki, I can already tell you have some talent. Work on your form by yourself and I'll come by tomorrow to check your progress, that's it for now. Dismissed!" And as she said this Yugao disappeared with a use of the Body Flicker jutsu while thinking to herself.

'I was kind of worried about his attitude but he's actually serious in his training. The gap is quite cute actually!'

The following day Yugao and Shiki stood once again face to face and after a short spar using wooden swords, to test his progress the purple haired kunoichi was utterly dumbfounded.

'No amount of talent would allow him to progress this fast! He's still nothing special and quite amateurish in his moves but considering he was a total beginner yesterday, it still doesn't add up!

"How the hell did you train!?" Yugao couldn't contain herself.

"Hehe!" Shiki laughed with a smug face. Then, not wanting to anger his teacher to much he proceeded to make a two shadow clones.

'Shadow Clone Jutsu'

After that without saying anything he made the clones fight and after one of them lost he released the other saying.

"I trained like that! Except on a bigger scale, of course."

Having been satisfied with dumbfounding his sensei one today they once again dove straight into training.

And so, between Yugao's bukijutsu lessons, Tsunade's medical ninjutsu lessons and his own pursuits two years passed and Shiki was now eight years old and about to enter the Academy.

In the morning before going to the enrollment ceremony Shiki was sparring with Yugao in the training grounds of the Senju compound.

"Yugao-sensei will you marry me when I finally beat you?" Said Shiki while performing an incredibly sharp sword strike despite only having a wooden sword in his hands. Clearly, the boy had gotten good enough to not only speak while sparring but also comfortable enough to hit on his sensei.

"I thought I heard you ask Shizune- san to marry you yesterday? Or was that three days ago?" Asked Yugao while counterattacking. Clearly, she had also gotten some resistance to the redhead's devious tongue.

Shiki merely answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world while dodging the purple haired kunoichi's counter.

"No, no! Three days ago I asked Tsuna-nee to marry me, not Shizu-nee!"

This made Yugao nearly miss a step.

"And you don't find anything wrong with that statement!?" She asked?

"It's not like there's a law against polygamy now is there, besides with the current state of the Uzumaki clan I'm sure we are eligible for the Clan Restoration Act!"

Indeed the CRA was a thing although not nearly as perverse ass in some of the fanfics Shiki had read in his last life. This act is merely meant to encourage a male member of a dying clan to take more than one wife, it is only a suggestion incentivised with benefits though. As for females they are only encouraged to marry early and conceive a male heir.

"So how about it? Yugao-chan!"

Hearing this form of address, the purple haired kunoichi immediately dodged one of Shiki's blows while flawlessly knocking the air out of his lungs with a powerful hit leaving him coughing.

"No addressing your sensei with chan! As for your offer of marriage . . ." Started Yugao with a mischievous smile, making Shiki anticipate the answer.

". . . I'll think about it after you beat me hahaha! Now get going or you'll be late for your first day in the Academy." She said victoriously. Meanwhile, in Shiki's mind.

'Hehehe, don't regret those words later sen-se-i!'

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