
The Journey To The Top (Multiversal fanfic) [Completed]

This is my first fanfic critisism is welcomed Join disc: https://discord.gg/FxBh8eGX Synopsis: A soul drifts away from the cycle of reincarnation and into the void, something that has never happened before. A large amount of time passes with nothing happening, until an entity appears before the soul. Read to find out more. Current world: DxD Finished worlds: Arifureta Cover is not mine Characters and the original story in this fanfic are also not mine all credit goes to their respective creators. I will say this now this novel is pretty cliché, I am not forcing you to read. If you’re dissatisfied about the direction, flow or any other aspect of the novel you are free to leave and if you choose to leave a comment on the way out please make it helpful, and not something you wrote just to be hurtful. Please enjoy. Also mc is strong since chap 4 be warned Also, try to read until the start of Tortus before leaving criticism AU elements

SentToOblivion · Anime et bandes dessinées
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105 Chs

The Underworld

Another three days passed with the Izumi household going about their usual routine.

Now all the household members yet again all sat in the living room waiting for Akio to take them to The Underworld.

It wasn't long before Grayfia appeared in the proximity of the barrier to which Akio teleported everyone to the house.

In a few more minutes everything was set up and the house was left empty as the group suddenly appeared in a new place.

The first thing noticeable about where they were was the purple sky and the lack of a sun and moon.

Underworld is roughly the same size as Earth but instead of being filled with mostly ocean it instead has more landmass.

"Welcome to Lilith the capital of Underworld." Grayfia's voice rang out as she told the group of their destination.

Her voice may seem calm but truthfully on the inside, she was shaking. Akio had only said that he would bring a few members of his family and Grayfia didn't think much of it. However, the last thing she expected was for Ophis and Great Red to both be a part of his family. This revelation made her hope for the success of this event more than ever.

The architecture of Underworld was fairly European-based. Looking around it could be seen various species such as ogres and even giants roamed around. Everything seemed fairly upbeat, something you wouldn't really expect from a place called 'Underworld'.

Soon enough the group arrived in the Gremory territory and immediately made their way to the giant palace that could be seen in the middle.

Maids were lined up upon their arrival, all bowing to the guest.

Akio and his family who were already used to the respectful gestures walked straight following Grayfia.

At the entrance of the palace stood Sirzechs who upon seeing Akio walked down from the stairs, not even thinking of keeping himself at a higher level.

"Sir-Izumi, it is an honor to meet you, I am Sirzechs Lucifer the current leader of the devil race." Sirzechs reached out his hand to which Akio replied similarly.


"I thank you all for spending your valuable time and visiting." Sirzechs addressed the group to which his voice cracked a little when he saw Ophis and Akane.

After a while when the greetings were over Sirzechs guided the group to the large hall that had been decorated and set up for the feast.

Most of the attendees had already arrived as they all stood in respect upon seeing Sirzechs guiding people in.

Almost immediately the gazes of everyone landed on Akio as they were completely awestruck by his appearance. This was the case for the girls as well although none were stupid enough to let their gaze linger.

Still, some were dissatisfied probably sensing a lot of his wives were humans. They kept their mouths shut though as they understood the importance of this feast.

Sirzechs guided the group to their table which was in respect to Akio put right next to the table Sirzechs would sit at.

While Akio was passing he took notice of some people he recognized.

The first person was Sairaorg Bael, who looked like he wanted to jump out of his chair and request a fight with Akio.

The second was Seekvaria Agares who had on a serious expression that Akio could tell was her default.

Diadora Astaroth sat close to that table. The disdainful look he was directing at Akio could not be hidden as well as the evil intent brewing within him. Akio only smirked at the imprudence as he decided to deal with the unworthy trash at a later date.

At the same table, Latia Asaroth also sat her face as stoic as can be.

The Phenex clan sat close by. Everyone made sure to give their proper greetings, except for Riser Phenex who sat disinterestedly while staring off into the distance.

There were a lot more but Akio had little interest in them.

Akio took his seat at the throne-like chair at the head of the table. Naturally, the girls sat down as they usually did with the maids standing behind Akio. Ophis took her spot on his lap, as usual, her current form being that of a child.

With the palace maids handing out refreshments it wasn't long before the rest of the guests started to arrive.

The first one to arrive was Ajuka Beelzebub who immediately had his attention drawn to Akio as he made his way towards him and gave him and his group a greeting.

The next to arrive was Serafall Leviathan who despite expectations was currently wearing an extremely serious face. She too made her way to Akio's group before respectfully introducing herself.

Next was Falbium Asmodeus who kept his lazy personality while greeting them.

The last satan to come was of course Sirzechs, although this time he came with his family and Rias's peerage.

He made his way up to Akio followed by the rest.

"Again, thank you for accepting our invitation, I'd like to introduce you to my family." Sirzechs introduced them to which Akio responded in kind. When it came to Zeoticus however, the man seemingly tried to tighten his grip as hard as he can. Akio only raised his eyebrow as he added a small amount of force in his grip which immediately made Zeoticus back down.

Rias also introduced herself, and completely different from expectations all the haughtiness she had in the original anime was nowhere to be seen. Akio found this change welcomed.

The last to walk in was a girl that Akio immediately sensed was draconic. He had to admit that of all the new people he had seen today she took the cake when it came to making him interested.

The girl also made eye contact with Akio as she made a respectful bow before sitting at a table not so far from his own.

After the introductions of the Gremory's were done they all went to sit down at a table that was separate from Sirzechs.

All except Rias who stood with her peerage ready to formally introduce themselves.

"Izumi-sama I have heard that you currently reside within Kuoh, and as such, I wanted to introduce my peerage as we just so happen to go to school there." With those words, she stepped to the side and allowed Akeno to start.

It "I am Akeno Himejima, the queen of Rias, I must admit it truly is an honor to meet someone as strong as you." Akeno gave a small curtsey before she also stepped aside, although she couldn't help but stare at Akio.

"I am Yuuto Kiba, a knight in the servitude of Rias Gremory, it is a pleasure," Kiba spoke before also stepping aside and allowing the next one to speak.

"Koneko Toujou, I am a rook under Rias Gremory, it's an honor," Koneko spoke quickly and with an emotionless voice.

Koneko also bowed before moving away letting the newest member introduce himself.

"I am Issei Hyoudou, I am- whaaaaaaaaa, Hugh." Issei started off strong but it all went to shit as he turned his attention away for one second and got a look at all the beautiful women who sat along the table. Immediately his face turned into the very definition of perversion as drool dripped from his lips.

Immediately Akio's gaze turned cold as it seemingly impacted the atmosphere.

Akio expected this to happen at some point so he decided to make it clear straight from the start.

"Well, Issei Hyoudou, this is your one warning, do not direct that lust-filled gaze at any of my women understood." Akio's words shook Issei to the core, as he hurriedly nodded.

Rias was quick to apologize and move Issei away as fast as possible.

Still, it seemed that no one else saw the interaction except for the girl Akio saw previously who was paying extra close attention.

That same girl had just looked into the soul of Issei and saw the boosted gear of the Welsh dragon, something that made her want to rage.

'I'll never forgive that bitch for taking my treasure.'

With the feast finally started the cooks started to bring in food while music was starting to be played. Everyone started talking amongst themselves as they enjoyed the good food and music.

A few times Sirzechs would stop by to make sure everything was fine but besides that, no one else really got up to start a conversation with Akio.

Akio guessed it was because of fear, as he could tell a lot of them were sending glances at him with a tense atmosphere.

Still, it died down a little as they started to consume alcohol and let it run through their system.

At some point throughout the feast, Akio had asked Tracy to get a few drinks to which she complied. However, on her return, she encountered a slight annoyance.

"Maid, fetch Riser a drink." Riser Phenex tried to order Tracy to which she promptly ignored him.

"Huh, did you not hear me you lowly maid, I said fetch Riser a drink!" Riser stood up and grabbed at Tracy, but before his hand could even graze her skin he found himself on the floor with her foot being shoved into his skull.

"I am the maid of the Izumi household, and the Izumi household only. I am to not be ordered around by anyone else but my master's." Tracy spoke with clear disinterest while she lifted her heel off his head and continued her walk.

The noise generated from the impact of Riser's head hitting the ground was enough to stop everyone's action and draw attention. Even the musicians stopped playing as now all eyes were on Riser.

Sirzechs face started to pale as he was about to stand up and somehow resolve this.

However, before he could Riser was already up off the ground and glaring at Tracy. "You dare treat Riser like this, I am done giving respect to these mere humans, now DIE YOU WHORE." Riser fired off a fireball toward Tracy.

Tracy didn't even entertain Riser as she just waved her hand and the fireball vanished.

She turned around to face her master as she spoke one word. "Master?"

"Kill him," Akio spoke in a chilling voice.

Akio considered everyone that lived in his household his family, which included the maids. So as expected he wouldn't allow anyone to insult them without suffering fatal consequences.

"As you wish my lord." Tracy smiled happily as the next second Riser could be seen flying through the air.

Just as he was about to land Tracy appeared behind him before sending him flying again. Riser was continuously sent back and forth dragon ball style as his cries of pain rang out throughout the whole room. It could clearly be seen Tracy was enjoying this.

The first one to react was Sirzechs who quickly ran over to try and resolve it but was unable to as Akio stared at him with an eyebrow raised sending the silent message that if he interfered punishment would be in order.

The next people to react were the Phenex leaders who immediately prostrated in front of Akio.

"Please forgive that idiotic child, and at least spare him." All the grace they had as nobles vanished when their kid was faced with death.

Akio raised his hand signifying Tracy to stop which she did, leaving Riser on the ground bloody and unmoving, as for some reason his regeneration wasn't working.

"Oh, and why exactly should I spare him?" Akio asked with anger still on his face.

"Please, he is still a child, it is our fault for raising him that way if we must I am willing to pay for his life." Lord Phenex spoke while still kneeling.

"And what exactly can you offer me?" Akio's question made Lord Phenex silent.

"I will give you as many 'Phenex Tears' as you want," Phenex spoke with confidence that his deal would be accepted.

"I am a being of Infinity I have no use for anything like that." Akio's bored tone felt like cold water.

"Uh, ah, Ravel, she is very beautiful, and she is good at management I'm sure you can find use with her." Phenex openly tried to sell his daughter like some car at a dealership.

Akio took a look at the still shocked Ravel. She may have been cute but Akio wasn't interested. "I have no interest in little girls, and I have no problem with management." When Akio finished speaking he noticed a slightly disappointed expression flash on Ravel's face.

"Please, is there anything you want, anything just as long as you spare him." The Phenex's continued to beg while Akio just stared at them.


"You have nothing of interest to me, but I will have slight mercy, your son will be stripped of all his power and magic. Also, since he disrespected one I consider family Tracy herself will be allowed to do as she pleases for the next 30 seconds." Akio's mercy could be considered worst than death, but that was the only alternative he would allow.

"T-that will just have to do, thank you for your generosity." Both Phenex's kept their heads lowered as they made their way back to their seats avoiding looking at their beat-up son.

With a wave of his hand, Akio used soul magic and metamorphosis magic to completely strip Riser of his power and magic.

After that, he gave a signal to Tracy allowing her to continue her actions, and so she did. For thirty seconds Tracy brutally beat Riser, inflicting her punches with regeneration magic to make sure he didn't die. In the last 5 seconds, she used metamorphosis to rapidly age his face and make him balled.

When she was done she put on a satisfied smile before joyfully walking back to Akio.

Everyone in the room was in shock seeing the current state of Riser. No one could say anything however as they didn't want to suffer the same fate.

Sirzechs made an effort to change the atmosphere back to its previous one, which worked fairly well as everyone ignored the previous event.

Soon Akio seeing people starting to dance took Tracy with him as she seemed extra excited about Akio going so far for her.

The two captured the eyes of everyone with their exchange of movements.

That, unfortunately, included the eyes of the world's biggest pervert, who couldn't help himself but to out loud scream "OPPAI" after Akio tossed her in the air and she landed causing her breast to jiggle a bit.

Akio, of course, heard this as he with a sigh turned around to look at the idiotic face of Issei who even in his last moments before death would still think of only boobs.

With another sigh, Akio waves his hand in the air toward him as Issei was sent flying in the air before landing with his neck in Akio's grasp.

"I already warned you, blame no one but yourself," Akio spoke before he seemingly pierced Issei's chest, although there was no blood. Instead, he pulled out a red gauntlet.

"He is not dead, but I have taken his sacred gear," Akio spoke to Rias who had a shocked and speechless look on her face.

Akio had to admit, that the boosted gear was what he was aiming for from the start.

Akio just threw Issei to the side as he turned to Sirzechs. "We will be taking our leave, I'm not unreasonable enough to let the actions of a few decide how I will treat the whole. I enjoyed the dinner and had for the most part a fun time. I have no intention of going against the devil's unless you yourself initiate it. Lastly, I will meditate a meeting between the leaders of heaven and your leaders the place will be Kuoh Academy, and there I will discuss with you the possibility of me supporting Rias. I will not tolerate any hostility against Heaven, keep that in mind." Akio spoke all of this in one breath not wanting to waste any more unnecessary time as he was already pretty pissed.

He didn't even give Sirzechs a chance to respond as he made his way outside the hall while giving a glance at the girl he saw before telling her all she needed to know.

Miledi who had started to get along with Serafall after she found out about her being a magical girl was reluctant to part, but she promised she would invite her to Arcadio so she could watch some of the magical girl anime that wasn't in Serafall's world.




"So, what's your reason for tracking me?" Akio spoke frankly to the girl who stood next to him.

Akio had already teleported the girls to Arcadio but went back to talk to this girl.

"Yes, well firstly my name is Tiamat and I am known as the 'Chaos Karma Dragon'. I became curious upon feeling your presence a while ago." Tiamat spoke with a surprisingly laid-back tone.

"So you sought me out just for curiosity?" Akio asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not every day a new dragon god shows up, plus I don't really do much else besides ain't in a cave," Tiamat spoke.

"So is that it, is your curiosity satisfied?"

"No, I still have a lot of questions but I will ask this one first, will you take me as a servant.?" Tiamat asked completely out of the blue.

"That's a strange thing to ask a stranger." Akio raised his eyebrow higher trying to find out her motives.

"Well can you blame me, you have both of the dragon gods living with you, and it seems like it would be fun to hang around you, my current life is pretty boring." Tiamat continued to list reasons but to Akio, it sounded like excuses.

"Your hiding something else, what is it?" Akio asked bluntly.

"*Sigh*, that bitch Rose, she took all my treasure, and you now have her soul in your possession. I wanted to ask if you could help me get it back." Tiamat spoke a little anger coming into her voice.

"Rose?" Akio asked confused at the unfamiliar name.

"The Red Dragon Emporer, although I think she goes by Ddraig when she is disguised as a man."

"I'll ask more about that later but, I can indeed do that, however, if you do become my servant I don't intend to let you just outright quit when you become bored," Akio spoke seriously.

"Ah, I see, well then how about a couple of days go get a feel for the job?" Tiamat who probably does not want full commitment thought for a while before making a different request.


"You're persistent...fine."

Akio agreed to Tiamat being a temporary maid as he answered all her questions before taking her to Arcadio and introducing her to his household.


(AN: Here's another chapter, felt kind of rushed ngl sorry about that.)