
The Journey To The Top (Multiversal fanfic) [Completed]

This is my first fanfic critisism is welcomed Join disc: https://discord.gg/FxBh8eGX Synopsis: A soul drifts away from the cycle of reincarnation and into the void, something that has never happened before. A large amount of time passes with nothing happening, until an entity appears before the soul. Read to find out more. Current world: DxD Finished worlds: Arifureta Cover is not mine Characters and the original story in this fanfic are also not mine all credit goes to their respective creators. I will say this now this novel is pretty cliché, I am not forcing you to read. If you’re dissatisfied about the direction, flow or any other aspect of the novel you are free to leave and if you choose to leave a comment on the way out please make it helpful, and not something you wrote just to be hurtful. Please enjoy. Also mc is strong since chap 4 be warned Also, try to read until the start of Tortus before leaving criticism AU elements

SentToOblivion · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
105 Chs


Some of you are disappointed in what happened with Ava so I think I should clear some things up.

Akio's lovers were never in any danger even with Ava herself saying so.

I perhaps haven't shown this enough but she doesn't even know her own feelings.

She cares deeply for her family (which includes her fellow wives and Akio's lovers) so make no mistake if her intention didn't play out the way she thought Eden would have disappeared immediately.

I should also make this clear. Akio is inevitable. There is not a single thing anyone can do that would stop him from reaching his desired outcome.

Still, perhaps I made a mistake without how her character is presented. I'm going to edit the chap a bit so that Ava is prepared to step in if necessary.