
Inner beast..?

Veronica👧:Do you mean…... that there is no shower 😨😣

Ashley 👩: of course it's not there....


Amara👩‍🦱: Veronica ...of course it will be provided for us..don't worry..!😊

Ashley👩: Just kidding… it's in the next room😅...

*then the girls fresh up and sleep😴 as it is already late at night and they were tired😪*

The next day

First day after the girls came to SK university-

The sun was just rising🌞… the birds chirping in the morning🐦

Ashley woke up( at around 5 in the morning…)

*Ashley wakes up*

Ashley 👩:What time is it…?🤔

*talking to herself...*

Oh..! these kids are still sleeping 😏

Ashley freshes up and goes to jog while Amara and veronica were still sleeping

After a while...( at around 7 in the morning...)

Amara and Veronica wake up and get ready as they have to go to the director's office...😄

They noticed that Ashley was not in the room since they woke up…. 😐

They wondered where she was and what she was doing...😒😬

Then they go to the director's room...

Amara👩‍🦱:Good morning sir!!😁

Veronica👧: Very good morning sir😄

Director🤵:Good morning girls!!...hope you guys are comfortable with your room and roommates😊

veronica raised an eyebrow🤨

Amara 👩‍🦱:Yeahh..so good room.*fake smile*..(sarcastingly)🙂🤭😒

Veronica👧: Hehe… 🤭

Amara👩‍🦱: So would like to take us to the research base…?🤔

By the way where it is….?Does it have a good view?

And how far is it from here…?😜🤔

Director🤵:*In mind*- Oh my... so many questions….(chuckles)😅

Yess please follow me...😃

Amara 👩‍🦱: sir do you know …. where Ashley is ?😌😑

Veronica 👧: who cares about that arrogant girl*scoffs*😏😶

Director🤵: Veronica ….. Mind your language…*said in a serious tone*😠

Amara👩‍🦱:Sir.....we have no idea where she went...she didn't even inform us..😟*worried*🥺

Veronica👧: phhh...I don't even wanna see her face…😒

Amara👩‍🦱: But we should not leave her like this right..?🙄😐

Veronica👧: okayy ….fine😏

Director🤵: Girls don't worry…!She came in the morning as she wanted to take a permission letter earlier than the time allotted with you guys… she said you guys were resting… so I gave her the letter in advance...

…So shall we go?😅


*They follow the director to the research base*

(They arrive at the research base..)

Then the director leaves….

Amara and Veronica see that Ashley was sincerely working on the project…!!

Then amara say's…

Amara👩‍🦱: Good morning Ashley!!🌞

Ashley👩: Good morning to you too kiddo….😊

Veronica👧:ugh...you never change…😒

Amara👩‍🦱:So what are you doing ashley?🤔

Ashley 👩: just translating the scripts for you guys to understand...😃

Amara👩‍🦱:Woww..so good of you🙃

Veronica👧:ohh ….well that's great change in you🙄...helping us ...wahhhh😉

Ashley 👩: oh.. Well i'm always like this… kiddo

the change is in the people who see it…😜😏

Veronica👧 :ohh okay..*says softly*...hmm I think she is kind hearted but acts cold outside😶😐..*whispers to Amara*

Amara👩‍🦱: Yeahh it takes time to adjust..all cannot be easily attached right?😊....Be patient!😉

Veronica👧: okay if you say so...*winks at her…😉*


Veronica👧:May I help you if you are okay with it….*smiles sweetly to ashley*😊

Ashley 👩:Nah… that's fine…!

And you wouldn't understand this language which you are unaware of…

If you want you can read the translated Papers…😌

there is this yellow file on the table that's the part one...

Veronica👧: laughs * you're telling me that I can't understand😒…*flips her hair dramatically*I Am an expert in it…..huh I know 6 languages as such..😁

Amara👩‍🦱: Veronica..it's okay leave...come let's check the scripts😑

Veronica👧:hmm ok...😏

Ashley👩 : kiddo...you may be expert in 6 languages

but this is mid-dynasty slang and Fount

you won't be able to learn it anywhere…🤨

Unless you learn it yourself…!

Veronica👧:but still i am a fast learner..🤭(said proudly)

Ashley 👩: oh…then why don't you translate it by yourself...🙄

Amara👩‍🦱: It's her job..let her do it..! 😶(says to veronica...) *In a slow voice*

Veronica👧: Nahh I don't care…. 😒

Ashley 👩: you don't care or you don't understand..?😑

Veronica👧: Trust me i can do it maybe it is old but i can learn it right🙃

Ashley 👩: oh… then please help yourself…🤷🏻‍♀️

Veronica👧:uff can't you talk properly for at least once in your lifetime…🤦🏻‍♀️

Ashley👩 : ofooo.. Kiddo.. You don't understand….🥴

This is a language which is known to a

Very few people in this world…

Including myself…

there are only 7 people who can understand it…🤕

Veronica 👧: oh...😏

Amara👩‍🦱: can we check out the translated once…!!

500 pages….? How much time did it take…?🤔

Ashley 👩: it's… three hours i guess...😪

Veronica👧: what!!!!! You just completed it in just freaking 3 hours...😱😱

(Amara and Veronica were shocked knowing that Ashley is really talented and super intelligent…)😵

(so they started researching... )

After 5 and a half hours...

Veronica👧: hey... shall we take a break…...😩 huh ...what do you say amara????😢

"Stretches out Amara👩‍🦱:okay we will after all we did a lot of work right...😒

Veronica👧:Ashley are you not coming ?

(Ashley was deeply focused on the research paper )

Veronica👧: .....hey you miss arrogant😠 can't you hear i'm calling from the past few minutes..*irritated*

Ashley👩 : what… 😤*comes to senses*

Amara👩‍🦱: do you wanna come with us to take a break and just go out for a walk…*asked politely*😊

Ashley👩:em- i'm a bit busy ,you guys could take a break …😌😑

Oh.. by the way have you completed reading… if you did.. l have completed the second part you could read it...

And please write notes or reports…

It's very important for any research..😄

*deadly silence*

(Amara and Veronica were startled by her action and thought to not wake up her inner beast ...so they just hummed and left..)

Veronica👧: we just asked her for a break right…*sadly pout* 😒🙄

Amara👩‍🦱:we know her right, it's ok don't feel upset…(pats her back)🙃

credits : _mettle_moon_

copyright owner : _mettle_moon_

Amusho_ooocreators' thoughts