Satoshi Manjiro, a 16 year old Boy, who currently studies at West High in Saitama. On the surface he is just living an everyday boring mundane existence. But little does he know what fate has in store for him. Join Satoshi on his journey to become the strongest knight of the round.
On one night in the world of donkorie . When the Great Dark was creating his new dark arts. Suddenly the tickle bell started to make loud noises and made one prophecy," The one who is born when all the nine planets will come in a straight line will be the one who will become Dark's mortal enemy, and will be the one to annihilate him and stop his terror regime in donkorie."
After listening to this prophecy, Dark lost his cool and tried to get more information out of tickle bell. But he couldn't get anything else. Dark was petrified. He couldn't believe that someone capable of killing him will be born soon. In fear of his death , Dark ordered all of his generals to kill all the new children born until all the planets come together in a straight line and go back to there normal position. Following his command all the children who were born on the subsequent years were killed until that infamous date of prophecy was passed. But little did Dark and his subordinates knew that the prophesied boy was already born. He was born on earth . In a place called kasukabe in Saitama prefecture, Japan. If the prophecy is correct than this boy shall be the one to kill Dark and stop his regime in donkorie.