
The Journey of Rulers

The three people are said to be the most powerful people with their extraordinary strength. They could conquer a continent at such a young age. They have the most dangerous powers in the world, some can control mountains, some can control the air around them, making people suffocate to death. But the most dangerous is the youngest among them. lThe one with the rarest power in this world. Modify natural disasters. But not only that, they also have abilities that ordinary people don't have. They were too extraordinary for a young child.

Eshaa_ · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


"You said earlier that every obelisk has a guard, right? Then who is the obelisk guard in the forest of Timeo Village? I've never met him," Leo asked curiously while busy playing with the snakes around him. Seeing that Steve couldn't help but chuckle, Leo had never been this close to a snake before.

"Yes, his name is Croco. He's also a humanimals like me. Half-crocodile. He lives in a swamp not far from the obelisk. But I don't think he intends to fight you. He sees you as harmless children. He once told me that to me," answered Cobra, "But he also did not expect that you would grow up to be strong and brave young people. Some of the crocodile troops that were sent against you were overthrown easily,"

Leo rubbed his chin while nodding in understanding, "Ah I knocked over some crocodiles yesterday. Was that a crocodile sent by Croco? Why has he never met us? Is he a shy person?"

"You really think so?" Steve raised an eyebrow in surprise "He obviously doesn't want to see us. It's good he didn't kill us long ago"

"Yeah you're right" Leo nodded "Hmm you're right. After this where should we go?"

"Each obelisk has a clue to the next place. You can look for clues here," Cobra replied, "Where did you get the clues to get to this place?"

"Oh? We got it from grandpa. Grandpa always said to always go North to start an adventure" Zeo shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe grandpa knows something about this but doesn't want to say it clearly. Now we better look for clues,"

Steve nodded in agreement, glancing at the surrounding forest as well as the obelisk. Stared at that thing for quite a while. But he never got the answer to what he was looking for now.

"I think it's heading west," Leo said suddenly, looking around. Among the snakes were a number of fireflies flying in a pattern, heading towards the west, "What does that symbol mean?"

"You're right we have to go west. But that symbol, I don't know. I'm seeing it for the first time. I'd better draw it soon because I'm sure someday I'll find that symbol somewhere," Steve said, quickly picking up his notebook. He keeps it in his own time dimension.

"Cobra, have you been here very long? You never feel lonely?" Leo asked while waiting for Steve to try to copy the symbol the fireflies had made in his notebook.

Cobra shook his head slowly, "The snakes in this forest are my friends. I never feel lonely as long as they are around me. They are very good friends and also friends who are always there for me. I have been here for a thousand years and in the end I can find someone who comes to see this obelisk,"

"That means there aren't many people in this world who find out about obelisks right? It must be because of that bastard government. They are hunting down anyone who tries to study and break every obelisk in this world," Leo chuckled, "I will become the strongest person in this world and create a new world full of justice. I hate injustice,"

Zeo grinned at his best friend's answer, "Yes he will be the strongest person. Me and Steve will stand behind him and support him to fulfill his ambition,"

"You guys have a strong bond," Cobra chuckled, looking at the two youths in front of him, "If that's your intention, I might support you. In the future you can ask me for help if you need help. Me and the snakes in this forest will be here to help as much as we can."

"Thank you for your offer. We are very happy because you have the intention to help us in the future. We will make good use of the opportunity," said Steve, glancing at Leo, "But it seems Leo is not a person who likes asking others for help. He prefers to do many things with his own strength even though he will die one day because of it. But if with that he does not rely on other people and instead relies on his own strength, Leo will surely die proud,"

"I'm not going to die. I'm immortal. But Steve was right, I prefer to rely on my own strength against enemies. I really appreciate your offer it's Cobra. Thank you" Leo laughed "You've copied Steve? Should we continue our journey now? We have to get to a town soon to buy some meat and go to the inn,"

"I know your goal is just to go to the inn to sleep for a long time," Zeo rolled his eyes lazily, "Hey Cobra, do you know the town that is near this forest to the west? I'm not sure we can continue our journey at night because Leo will be like a person passing out in his sleep and he will lose his focus on the fire. That won't be good of course,"

'"Ah there is a town near this forest to the west. Maybe only a few miles from this place. You can go there. It is a City full of crime and there are no laws that apply there. Make sure if you don't lose control and rampage there. Even though that place is a lawless area but still there is a big ruler who controls that place. So I hope you guys be careful," replied Cobra.

Steve nodded "I seem to be in control of you as well as my emotions. It's just that Zeo and Leo aren't people who can hold back on them. This isn't going to go well I'm sure. So you two, don't make any fuss understand?"

"Ah, of course I'm not a rash person who can do anything without thinking first," Leo replied casually.

"Leo's right. We're not fools like that,"

Steve rolled his eyes lazily, "I'm not going to believe what you guys say. You can't be trusted of course,"