
The Jinn Chronicles

Imagine, if you will, a world beyond reason, where the laws of reality no longer apply. A world shrouded in mystery, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, and the supernatural holds sway. A realm of legends, where the impossible becomes possible, and the familiar becomes unknown. A place where dreams and nightmares intermingle, and truth is often stranger than fiction.

Daoist7bXcoJ · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Creation

Imagine, if you will, a world beyond reason, where the laws of reality no longer apply. A world shrouded in mystery, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, and the supernatural holds sway. A realm of legends, where the impossible becomes possible, and the familiar becomes unknown. A place where dreams and nightmares intermingle, and truth is often stranger than fiction.

Long before the dawn of humanity, the great Celestial Maker crafted the universe. After the creation of the universe, the Creator decided to create powerful guardians known as the Jinn to watch over the vast expanse of the cosmos. The Jinn were ethereal beings of immense power, crafted from smokeless fire, and gifted with abilities beyond mortal comprehension. They were bestowed with the power to manipulate elements, control time, shape-shift, and harness the raw energies of the cosmos. They were also given free will, capable of choosing their own paths, and entrusted with great responsibilities to protect and judge all beings in the galaxy.

However, as eons passed, the Jinn grew restless and began to misuse their powers. They became corrupted by their own desires, their arrogance and disobedience leading them to commit heinous acts that defied the Creator's will. They caused chaos and destruction across the galaxy, forcing other beings to worship them and forming their own beliefs. Some of them even started killing and destroying the universe, thinking they were above all.

Enraged by their actions, the Creator condemned the Jinn to a fate worse than death. As punishment for their transgressions, they were stripped of their physical forms and transformed into radiant orbs of energy known as Starshards. These Starshards, also known as Ethereal Gems, contained a fraction of the Jinn's powers, locked within them. The Creator scattered them across the galaxy.

Over time, beings from various races and civilizations discovered the existence of the Starshards and learned how to harness their power. Those who found these Soulshards could gain access to the Jinn's immense abilities, becoming imbued with supernatural powers ranging from immense strength and agility to manipulation of elements, time, or space.