

SEP. 15, 2015

(Mathematics Month)



Everyone was cheering as loud as they can to support the school representatives. Almost all of the math teachers were there to watch.




MC: Okay okay, we all know everyone here is excited for the last round of this year's Math competition. But before that let me announce the prices.

Yep. There's that. The one thing that's set on my mind. The price. Ever since I was a kid i've never thought of "reach for the goal", but today the price is all I can think about.

STEVE: Hey, I thought you don't want to join and I quote "stupid contests."

Steve stared at me confused, then suddenly his cheeks turn red when this random person passed by us a moment before I slaped him.

CZARINA: Hey what's going on?

(I whispered.)

He wasn't responding so I tried to make my voice louder.

CZARINA: Hey dude focus! This isn't the time for daydreaming about dudes who doesn't even know you exist.

STEVE: wow. Ok, this is why you don't have a boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes at him.

STEVE: C'mon girl, that's Kaizer Stellan. THE Stellan.

*He points at him*

I covered his mouth before Kaiser saw us. He turns his back and looked at us as if we were calling him. I turned around hoping he didn't hear us. I pulled Steve at the corner.

CZARINA: Didn't I told you to focus?! Stop pointing at people. They might misunderstood. Besides... it's weird.

STEVE: Girl... we both know you're the weird one.

I glared at him.

*A bell which is the signal where the contest will now resume rang*

Everyone was finally quiet, and all of their eyes were right at us. I was kinda feeling pressured at the moment when I saw our classmates held up a huge sign that says "GO CEDLESLIANS!"

STEVE: Remind me again why i'm here and not up there cheering?

Steve asked nervously.

I sighed.

CZARINA: Cause you failed the first quarter exam test and you promised our math teacher you'll make up for it by comepeting with me. Oh and you literally said "we'll beat their nerdy ass."

He slaps himself, I chuckled a little.

STEVE: I can't believe I said that. God take me with you!

CZARINA: You should have thought this through before you asked me to join with you.

As the guy who's announcing the final question finished I took the white board and pen from Steve and wrote my answer as fast as I could. I know Steve's nervous and when he is he writes slower.

MC: Pens up!



Everyone toned down when the announcer was given the card to announce the winner. While the announcer made his way up to the stage I noticed someone from the left side of the stage went down.

I was about to ask Steve who it is, but then the announcer started talking.

ANNOUNCER: And the winner of this year's Mathematics Month Contest is... drumroll please.

Everyone started cheering louder as the drumroll went faster.

ANNOUNCER: Congratulations, Czarina Indigo Marquez Stallin from grade seven section Herchel from Cedleslian College!!

Instead of cheering I can hear them say "That name was f*ck*ng long." Steve's eyes widen and started jumping and pulling my shirt.


Everyone from Cedleslian started cheering, I feel like i'm gonna be deaf soon. I stared at the medal that the chairwoman was giving me, everything went slow. I can hear people saying "It's the first time Stellan lost."

I turned around and couldn't even get a glimpse of this "Stellan" maybe he left? I don't remember his face from earlier.

Everything went back to normal when suddenly...

MC: Everyone I am so sorry to say that Mr. George made a mistake in announcing the winner.

Everyone from Cedleslian looked shocked. I'm not, to be honest. I was really in shock when I found out I win against Amber Peñarada, the girl who never lost a single math contest.

I assumed it was her who won, obviously everyone did. But then again I spoke too soon.

MC: The winner of this month's Mathematical Contest is... Lucifer Foster Ramos from Saint Paul College!!"

Everyone was confused, even Steve. The only person I know who's updated with everything.

STEVE: Ramos? I didn't hear the mc announcing his name earlier before it started, did you?

He turns his head to me, I shook my head.

Obviously I have no idea what's happening. I only cared about is how the heck am I gonna buy new pokemon power cards. I lost, that means I won't have money for it. Everyone was staring at eachother while asking

"Do you know him?"

"who the hell names their children Lucifer and send em to a catholic school?"

his parents. Obviously.

SOMEONE BEHIND ME: Did you hear Ramos earlier?

CZARINA: No, I didn't.

Even I was confused, I didn't even hear any Ramos earlier. I looked at Steve. He just kept on shaking his head on anyone who asks.

STEVE: C'mon don't look at me like that, girl I don't know I swear.

I was looking around and still clueless, I saw Kaiser. He looks shocked. I was starting to think that this dude never lost any of his contests before, or he's just being such a baby about losing. As I study him more he looks more than just shocked,

I can sense a slightly bit of relief in him. I tug Steve's shirt and pointed my finger at him.

CZARINA: what's with him?

STEVE: maybe he knows?

I continued staring at our schoolmates who watched... so this is how devastation feels like.

Suprisingly the other contestants looks more down than I am. I guess they tried harder than I did.

While I was a bit lost Steve whispered to me.

STEVE: girl we're sooo dead.

The guy behind me, Ross whispers back.

ROSS: Atleast you guys tried, besides i'm glad you guys aren't acting like a cry baby like that girl over there.

He points at Amber.

STEVE: we better find somewhere to live.

CZARINA: yeah we should.

Chapitre suivant