
The Infinite System: Legacy of the Evolve Exchange

Auteur: ARD_Writer
Actuel · 325 Affichage
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What is The Infinite System: Legacy of the Evolve Exchange

Lisez le roman The Infinite System: Legacy of the Evolve Exchange écrit par l'auteur ARD_Writer publié sur WebNovel. In a universe governed by ancient artifacts of immense power, Alex Slayer, burdened by the tragic loss of his family, embarks on a quest for redemption. Armed with the Soul Stone's memories and aided ...


In a universe governed by ancient artifacts of immense power, Alex Slayer, burdened by the tragic loss of his family, embarks on a quest for redemption. Armed with the Soul Stone's memories and aided by the Space Stone, he seeks the Time Stone to rewrite his past. But when a mysterious force interrupts his journey, Alex encounters the Evolution and Equant Exchange Artifacts, granting him the ultimate system of limitless evolution and exchange. Now, wielding unparalleled power, he journeys back to his youth, determined to reshape history and reclaim his lost loved ones. But as he navigates the complexities of altering time, Alex discovers that his newfound abilities come with a price, challenging his morality and the very fabric of existence itself.

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