
The king's fall

 Neo's eyebrows went up in question, and he was taken aback that Zephyr had already discovered it. They stared at each other without knowing what to say, leading to an awkward silence.

After a while, zephyr sighed, with a tilt of his head. "I must say, you're bad at handling family issues" 

"What else do you know?" 

"Everything... Everything about you and mother, tell me why none of you opened up. All my life, I thought his majesty was my father. I did everything to please him but was always cast aside while my younger brother gets all the freaking attention, he didn't even deserve. And now I just figured out he wasn't even my father to begin with, my father was even one of my men, right under my nose, all these years" 

"Why didn't I ever question our appearance? So stupid of me to think it's only a coincidence" He said.

"Am I that evil, you don't want anything to do with me. Is why you hid all these years and didn't say anything?"

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