
How it transpired (3)

 After Blair fled from the scene. She didn't go back to her place instantly but went to the Queen's quarters. She still hadn't recovered from what was possessing her. She felt the need to drain more blood, of people that were close to Zephyr. 

She knew the entrance would be heavily guarded and she wouldn't be able to penetrate looking like this so she took another route where there were few guards around the place. 

 she successfully entered the Queen's chamber. Pushed aside the curtain that separated her sleeping space from the other side. Blair saw the queen, but no one was beside her. She was humming and happily combing her hair. And she was facing the mirror.

She stealthily walked to meet the Queen, where the latter was still oblivious to her surrounding and became aware only after she saw a black robe behind her in the mirror.

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