
The land called Jambudvipa

In the beginning we called the land Jambudvipa also the land of rose apples. The land with plenty of soft brown farming soil, large land with plenty of trees and full of gold, Having the snow capped mountains, the dry Thar desert , the tumultuous water of the Indian Ocean , the everflowing rivers just like Ganga and Kaveri which are pure and cool which doesn't have time to stop but wants to flow all time which can be known as everflowing. This beautiful is India which was name by one of its river which is Indus but before that it has been ruled by tribes such as Aryans from which the country came to be known as bharatas first it was bharatvarsha. However the earliest name of India was Jambudvipa which is originated of two words they are Jambu and dvipa . The word 'Jambu' means rose apple or jamun. The word 'dvipa' means island. Hence the meaning of Jambudvipa is land of rose apple.